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13 hours ago, yung_flynn said:

The description of that Moto pair makes them sound like the TCB-made 90s style cut (which Moto specifically calls out) that some people (can’t remember who exactly) were hoping for in the TCB Contest thread with the addition of suspender rivets on these. They look great 

i dont think the no.2 will be a country mile off those tho: i predict there will be balloooning, saggy back rise: maybe more subtle twist than such a phat str8 leg… imma telling myself to trust the pattern cutters and the process… (plus i came to repro vintage cuts from the late 90s, specifically into lvc 1870s models and it was a natural transition)

@super-thermite: very nice fit indeed! nice with loafers! suspender buttons aren’t that intrusive in practice in my experience…

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Thank you @bartlebyyphonics! So far they're not so bad at all. I guess after decades of trial and error, they've figured out where to place them without creating comfort issues.

Agreed about the current fascination with balloon butt. I see a lot of the 1890s on the TCB insta. I don't hate it. Kind of an architectural wonder really

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59 minutes ago, super-thermite said:

Agreed about the current fascination with balloon butt. I see a lot of the 1890s on the TCB insta. I don't hate it. Kind of an architectural wonder really

My initial reaction to the butt sag of the No. 2 was a big hmmm. The more that I see people wearing them though on TCB's instagram, the more that the sag has really grown on me. It feels like a return to my high school pants preferences circa 2008-2010. It's actually hard to find a pair that isn't relatively tight on my butt, even my 50s paired sized up one is a bit more fitted than saggy.

I'm looking forward to trying on my pair once they arrive and seeing how they fade even if the nature of the details limits their usage a bit. 

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@super-thermite nice! Your patch is nicer than mine. Mine is blank. I removed the suspender buttons after two years of struggle and never looked back. They’re really nice jeans. They evolve really good imo. I think it’s about time someone opened a Moto thread. 

side note - I don’t think freewheelers carry anything remotely similar in width. 

wearing said jeans, yesterday



Edited by Hopethisoneisnttaken
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On 6/24/2024 at 9:30 PM, super-thermite said:

@Hopethisoneisnttaken those look so good! How did you remove the buttons? Just snip and darn?

Thank you! 
Yes, I used my wire cutters. I cut it from the inside of the jeans and then darned it with a plain needle and thread. Looks very DIY but I wear them with a belt all the time since they’re 1 waist size above my waist size, so doesn’t matter as much. 


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