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volvo240thebest last won the day on January 13

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About volvo240thebest

  • Birthday 09/07/1980

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  • location:
    bunga bunga land
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    bunga bunga land
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    piss artist
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  • denim
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    us 10.5 uk 10 eu 44 jp 28

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  1. I'm not anymore as anal as I used to be with these sort of things. Day one here. I'ts a beautiful windy day and I work from home so the jeans are already dry from a lukewarm soak and this is how they fit. The waist stretched back easily, the rest of it shrunk to perfection. I'm only tempted to toss them in the machine for peace of mind later on and to take another couple cms off the inseam length. I'm delighted with the jeans, love the fit! great denim, light but crunchy, I feel it'll fade great. I can totally see me being loyal to these jeans for the most of the next 18 months, easily.
  2. underneat the sticker Simo cooked a red small pizza marinara that you'll all love haha
  3. While you kids play with names, THE EAGLE HAS LANDED! [edit] just tried on. Exactly as I expected, the pre soak fit is already good, meaning that I will just soak them, as suggested but the man himself. Beautiful pair of jeans, great everyday cut, not too loose not too slim, just right.
  4. I don't. I really hope though! meanwhile I've gave up smoking (for good I hope! it's two months + now) and gained some more weight. I will have to rely on the fact that 38 will actually stretch back to 38, either that or loose weight fast, or a combination of both.. I do hope that Simone will ship today or tomorrow and probably I will be the first to receive them, being in Italy as well... ; )
  5. Top shelf. Loving the palette of colours!
  6. Patch is hilarious I love it! And thank goodness for no pizza arcs
  7. Ok peeps! I'll play Model 411 size 38 Can't pass a contest involving a fellow Italian craftsman!
  8. that's very nice of you. I'm still lurking about once a day. My life is a mess at the moment with way too much work and stress. I'm so fat that none of my old tcb jeans fit and the idea of surrender and realize I need a 38 makes me sad. I'm going to leave my job at the end of the year, move on something else more simple and get my life back. I thought I could resist with this job until I was 50, make some more good money and call it a day then. But I'm 43 now and I've been dead close to burnout for the last couple years. I may as well decide to join for the fun, as long as I like the cut. I have no time at the moment to work out details with Hajime and Ryo. Let's hope they cook up something that most will like, a Levi's based 5P model with a regular to loose fit. A copy of a specific Levi's pair they haven't covered yet from either 40s or 50s would be probably the most attractive project to stir interest in the contest. A 60's pair with a more friendly cut would be nice too. I loved it back in 2012 or whenever it was, but now I know more what I like, and that cut leaves much to be desired in terms of comfort and proportions (low rise, tight hip, tight thigh).
  9. here we go! we could use this thread to compare different kind of 66 style inspired jeans cuts by various makers, geeking out on details and differences in cut, fabric etc etc. 1966 jeans details are widely known by just to sum it up: silhouette: clean silhouette with mid rise, a regular top block and a slight taper from knee to hem denim: the denim used for 60's jeans has usually a pale blue hue and should fade to a nice royal blue details: - bartacks in lieu of rivets on backpockets - square coinpocket - no selvedge hidden in the coinpocket, which is usualy chaintitched - double chainstitch waistband construction - paper patch instead of leather patch - absence of the V-stitch at the top button 66 models in the market nowadays: LVC 1966 http://levisvintageclothing.com/product/1966-501-jeans/ Denime 66 http://www.denime.jp/realbasic/archive/?category=4 TCB 60's https://tcbjeans.stores.jp/#!/items/54a65f9c552f2f097d0020d8 Sugarcane66 http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/frisbee/item/10004578/ Porky's http://www.porkys-jeans.com/original.html Studio d'Artisan http://www.dartisan.co.jp/web_shop_detail.php?item_cd=16&cate_cd=2 Resolute 710 http://www.resolute.jp/710.html Warehouse 1100 http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/ot-emens/item/mwa99-1100/ Pherrow's 466sw http://global.rakute...lo/item/962623/ Fob Factory F161 (possibly discontinued) http://www.fob-facto...ucts_zoom&pk=11 Boncoura 66type (http://maidens.shop-...p/?pid=47371645) Fullcount 1800 (http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/very/item/fullcount-1800/) i will update the list when time permits and add photos of details too. there seems to be a fair bit of variation between all the different takes by different brands on this classic cut. let's compare them.
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