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erk last won the day on August 18 2018

erk had the most liked content!


839127 if only we could all be as popular as this person

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  1. I recently found that the Cone denim blog is now up and after reading the Amoskeag Mills thread I realized that there is no dedicated thread for cone mills. this is a thread for all things Cone. website : www.conedenim.com blog : http://conedenim.blogspot.com/ brands using cone denim (please feel free to add more to this list) : Levi's Vintage Clothing : http://www.levisvintageclothing.com Ande Whall : http://andewhall.bigcartel.com/ Left Field : http://www.leftfieldnyc.net Raleigh Denim : http://raleighdenim.com/ Post O' Alls : http://www.postovera...09ss/pants.html Tellason : http://www.tellason.com/ Rising Sun : http://risingsunjeans.com/ Roy Denim : http://www.roydenim.com/ Hartford Denim Company : http://www.hartforddenimcompany.com/ Railcar Fine Goods : http://www.railcarfinegoods.com/ Noble Denim : www.nobledenim.com paul T's cone denim story : http://www.trynka.net/Site/Cone.html since I'm so close to Greensboro I would eventually like to update this thread with some pictures of the factory and showroom (if they would let me) and maybe some pictures of the people who run the mill. but for now, check out the blog. its pretty interesting.
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