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Geeman last won the day on February 1

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  • denim
    size 32
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  1. @themott I second The Wildbunch. I've had a few pairs and still have a pair of their Wallys and 2 pairs of the seam shoe.
  2. Geeman

    UES Denim

    UES is a nice denim
  3. Clarks may not be the greatest and not on par with JLB, but that's why they are 140 quid vs 700 quid. As a long time Clarks wearer I've got crepe soled desert boots still going after 10 years.
  4. Wearing my just arrived SD100 today. A little wider below the knee than I expected/am used to but my love of the SDA denim will convince me to give them a go!
  5. I haven't but will look it up!
  6. Me and my eldest went to a noodle master class this week, learnt to make Dandanmain and Tonkatsu Ramen. Started off prepping the broth and a black garlic oil. Then onto braising the pork belly. Onto making the noodles from scratch. The chef leading us demo'd a mix at 50% hydration and said 40% were harder to make but resulted in much better noodles.... both of us are OCD/detail fixated so challenge accepted. (Featuring Bronson, Resolute & Birks on me) While the Tonkatsu broth was finishing off (smell was amazing) we made the Dandanmain (spicy beef Chinese noodles) and shared amongst the class. No photos of it finished because we wolfed it down with a couple Asahi. Pork was ready to go. And the finished product with seasoned egg, drizzled with the aforementioned garlic oil
  7. FYI https://www.blackandblue1871.com/outdoor-heritage-rugby-shirts/
  8. Bonus rep for bringing a new WAYWT pose!
  9. Cons sold. Nobody snapping up some UES flannels?
  10. More items incoming. Better pics and measurements if needed just msg me. UES Denim shirt. Worn and washed a few times, great condition. 60GBP. SDA Hickory Stripe Heavy Work Shirt. Daikanyama SDA store exclusive size 40. Perfect condition 70GBP. Open to offers on all sale items.
  11. Having a bit of a clear out. Posting here before I can be bothered to deal with Marrkt or the bay.... PP F&F , free shipping in UK. Ask if outside of UK and we'll sort something out. UES Heavy Flannel, both size 3. Worn and washed only a few times, in great condition. Black & Wine or Blue & White. Loads of measurements charts out there but msg me if you want me to confirm any. Looking @ 70 GBP each or 120GBP for both Also a pair of Converse Made in Japan. Little bit of wear and just noticed a bit of mottling due to being left unworn in the shoe rack for about a year! Marked 7.5, fit me and I'm 8 on a brannock 35GBP ?
  12. Bad experience with Marrkt today. Pair of Real Mccoys jeans popped up on the site this week, I know their jeans get slated here but it's an itch from years back so I thought why not. Marrkt had them listed as very good condition and one product image showed a heavy crease and bit of fading to the rear of one leg. I reached out via live chat to see how bad the fading was (the jeans are still really dark, with no visible wear). They were helpful and actually went to physically check the pair for me. Came back and said crease will iron out and there's was a bit of fading that would be unnoticeable with a bit of wear..... They arrived today and basically the jeans are f**ked. The crease on the back of the leg is @ 8 inches long and has significant fading the entire length of the crease. Both legs, inseam and outseam have sharp creasing and pretty heavy fading running from waistband/crotch to hem. Looks like they have been soaked and then folded wet and left like that. Pretty pissed off with their product description and having to pay shipping and returns!
  13. Did the mods delete it without discussing with anyone....?😉
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