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  1. Thanks yeah I couldn’t identify them. The fly/rise looks incredibly high so I wasn’t sure if they do actually have a very high rise and very wide leg or if the wearers stature is swaying how wide/loose they look but either way it’s not a pair I recognise.
  2. This just popped up on my Pinterest, can anyone ID the jeans? I clicked through to the link but there was no info.
  3. Thanks man! Yeah it’s the indigo flannel.
  4. How often do UES typically release new flannels? I’d slept on the brand for too long and picked up the indigo heavy selvedge last year and it’s become my favourite shirt. Seems the other available styles are mostly sold out in my size so wondering if new ones tend to come out each year?
  5. Heimat / UES on Warehouse / Full Count
  6. Yeah they’re truly great glasses. Quality on a par with anything I’ve seen. My pair of FDR sunglasses are a few years old now and still look new. I inadvertently got mine through a proxy. The site didn’t explicitly advertise themselves as such but the glasses arrived via FedEx from Private Eyes and Trackers who are a Tokyo retailer of Tart. They occasionally have them at Clutch Cafe too but most popular models/colours seem to be out of stock.
  7. Famous last words… went ahead and did the Tart pair. Came out nice, really pleased with the results. Thanks again for the help!
  8. Had a go at the cheaper glasses today. Thanks for the tips! It didn’t go terribly and the acetate is super easy to work with. Only issue was I broke a lens putting it back in. No big deal as it was the ‘test’ pair. I’m confident I could probably get the ‘proper’ ones looking nice but I’m not comfortable with the risk. As well as being quite expensive, it’s not always easy to get hold of the Japanese Tart AR so it would be a big risk to mess with them. Here’s the ones I sanded: And a photo of the original Tart Arnel with a photo of my ‘repro’ ones where you can see the difference. Subtle, but a difference nonetheless. Originals: Mine:
  9. Thanks @Double 0 Soul hugely helpful! I’ll get stuck into it over the weekend and post some pics of how I get on.
  10. Thanks both! Sounds risky, especially on nice frames. I’m only really looking to take the sharp(ish) edge off, they fit perfectly so would need to do so without affecting the overall shape at all. I’ve got an old inexpensive pair lying around which I may attempt it on. I’ve got a few polishing wheels for the Dremel I could try. It’s really such a minor detail it’s almost not worth it but as with most of the topics here, those minor details can make all the difference!
  11. Happy new year all! Kicking off ‘25 with a slightly bizarre/stupid question. Has anyone ever tried ‘shaping’ acetate glasses? I’ve got a pair of the Japan made Tart Arnel glasses which I wear as my daily RX. It’s a bit nerdy but one detail I admire on vintage spectacles is that they often have a very soft bevel around the edges of the frame. These days most glasses have a sharper angle around the edge. Before I get the Dremel out and ruin a great pair of glasses I wondered if anyone’s actually tried anything similar?
  12. Thanks, yeah it’s the first pair of Effector I’ve seen in person and the quality is brilliant as expected. On a par with Tart, even slightly thicker acetate. It was a bit of a risk as my usual glasses are 46 x 22. They’re too wide for both my bridge and face. According to the product page they’re 47mm lens x 24mm bridge which seems accurate. Overall width is 149mm although tricky to measure exactly due to the curve. Arm length is about 145mm measuring with the ruler flat on the top.
  13. Speaking of glasses, I just put a brand new pair of Effector Tone up on eBay. Ordered from Japan and forgot to check their return policy… they’re too big for me so hopefully they’ll go to a good home! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276751804209?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=s1tcXJG_Q7W&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=s1tcXJG_Q7W&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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