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Alec Leamas

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Alec Leamas last won the day on April 23

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    Yorkshire, U.K.

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  1. @yung_flynn or @cheapmuthafukr, either of you care to share the wealth? This ebay seller sounds like they're worth a look!
  2. Soooo yeah. I ordered some of these, direct from Warehouse along with a couple of other items. Looking forward to their arrival!
  3. Thank you! Yeah that's right, snuff suede LHS, still getting used to the low-flying loafer type fit but they're great
  4. Yes - it's all part of the song and dance of this whole thing! I would say for the most part that the manufacturers measurements (e.g. the warehouse ones here for 1001XX's: https://www.ware-house.co.jp/?pid=132358411) are usually the most reliable, you could cross check that (and account for shrinkage given those are raw) with Full Count's chart for 1101's here: https://fullcount.co/collections/core-denim-pants/products/1101-straight-denim-13-7oz I believe they both measure the same way, at the same points on the garment etc. I am certain though that someone will have contradictory information on manufacturers / brands having the best measurements through first hand experience, again, part of the whole ritual of this hobby!
  5. Just went to Celluloid to pull both sets of measurements to try and help out but their measurements on the 1001XX are bonkers, they've got the waist for a raw 34 as 97cm! Take with a massive pinch of salt - Warehouse themselves have the 34 listed with a waist size of 88cm!
  6. This is solid advice thank you, some stuff to think on!
  7. Warm day face Double Buzz Asahi
  8. Helpful thank you, also a good reminder that if it comes and is on the smaller side of where I would want it, a cold wash would work - I always lean towards hot wash and dry but I suppose that doesn't always have to be the case! One thing I did wonder, was, being very new to the denim jacket game (i.e. I have none presently, save from a vintage storm rider, but washing / shrinkage never was an issue there) - which way does the fabric tend to shrink up the most? Is it the vertical length like jeans? I was assuming so, but then would any width shrinkage be more reluctant to stretch back out? (like thighs in jeans e.g.)
  9. Following a cursory trawl through all of Superdenim all I can find on the 2001XX DSB blanket lined is from the how many denim jackets thread with a post from @THUNDERBALL, so…. I wondered if you could advise on how much yours shrank when washed etc? any measurements would be very welcome. I’ve found one online that may be too small with shrinkage but given it’s lined already kinda negates any need for big layers underneath, plus I’m for some reason drawn to blanket lined denim jackets more than unlined, not fully sure why that is.
  10. Cheers dude that's great to see - the top washed pair pretty much look how my ideal jeans look so that bodes well. 👀 are they the Canal loafers too? Look super nice with the jeans! I seem to have landed well with my normal aim of starting with a small cuff and moving to no cuff over the course of 6 months or so!
  11. Ordered a Buzz M43 jacket a little while back and pretty sure was all good
  12. Absolutely are! Like I said it's just nice to not have to go intense on the size chart calculations, and have the leeway to wash and dry as hot as I want or need. Although not the most economically efficient way to buy a pair, getting them direct from FC was a good experience too which was nice.
  13. Received my 0105's today, direct from their online store and with their own hem, looks great. They emailed me after ordering to confirm the inseam length and also to send me specific measurements of the pair they were going to ship - which I really appreciated, it didn't change anything but they did note the waist size to be smaller than that on the size chart (this W32 pair being 82cm waist rather than the advertised 83.5cm). This probably falls in line with others' experiences but I'm always W34 in Warehouse but easily 32 in these, and it's great being able to size for the waist only - so simple! All in all a great process and having looked at the import slip on the package that's also great. Pretty pleased. I'll get round to fit pics at some point - gave them another wash today, did try on prior to that and was instantly happy with the fit and cut - easy to see why it's praised so highly.
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