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Shoes that look better with age...


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I’m seeing lots of white socks these days with loafers, paraboots, etc. I like the footwear but in my opinion the socks ruin the look. How about some other colours or patterns - stripes, Argyle, etc?

White socks are arguably one of the aspects of the 80s that should be left behind permanently.

EDIT: unless you’re all wearing them ironically of course and then the joke is well and truly on me!

Edited by Maynard Friedman
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Well, to be fair, the white socks pic does actually include shoes that [will presumably] look better with age…

edit: Not that I haven’t been enjoying your posts, personally—I just haven’t really figured out how to interpret them

Edited by julian-wolf
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I think the white socks help the shoes and jeans stand out more... so provided both are good, it works well... as above

All 80s imagery does need deleting from memory to appreciate them fully though

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white socks for the win IMO, with loafers, gunboats, paraboots and a lot of other different shoes too.
still have to get some good quality ones but they're definitely on the list.

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Lofgren Moc Toes came in; went for a walk up the creek and took a bunch of photos of my feet to celebrate

I always feel like an asshole walking around in clean new boots, but damn they're comfortable




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