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Everything posted by MJF9

  1. Got these three recently... can't beat a bit of Freewheelers... especially the newer stuff... lovely Blystone mechanic shirt #2433005, USAF trousers #2432004, Derrickman in denim #2412004 (a marmite of a pair of jeans... I like 'em)
  2. @Maynard Friedman Happy Birthday old chap... bet you've got a fking huge birthday cake to fit all those candles on 😁
  3. Ciao... a few pics from the week... been doing a bit of walking in them... settling down very nicely... I can feel the Italian influence in the jeans, as you'll detect from my greeting Got this Mystery Ranch backpack recently which I really like - I'm no expert but it's comfy with loads of little handy pockets for stuff and seems pretty robust Went into the city with my lad, picked up a Panasonic TZ99 which I had on order... into House of Fu for a nice California bowl of Japanese inspired goodness... ... then went to see my mate Mavis who didn't have a scoobies about the Sufu #WoMCon... wtf... it'll go viral at some point folks... it's just a matter of time
  4. @Double 0 Soul thanks... alas can't do it.... the option to 'save as audio' is disabled
  5. @Double 0 Soul interesting gold dust there! Nice one Is there an artist list? OO challenge is how to turn into a shareable file...
  6. Did they have even have them in your day? 😉 'Maynard has been absent from morning lecturers since the start of term' 'Don't worry, he'll be joining them soon as his maintenance grant is running out'
  7. Nowt more than the usual stuff that's discussed - cuff or no cuff, double cuff, single cuff, Tender cuff, cinch or no cinch (sounds like a gameshow)... yadda yadda yadda for all other fit components. So yeah the basic tennets of top, bottom and footwear are common, but it's all different right. All part of the fun in deciding what to wear with what and how imo. Long live WAYWT and all other sources of inspo!
  8. I wear what I wear because I like it. That's always been the case… from being a young lad with a very keen interest in clothes and how they fit and feel.... and there's no sign of that stopping. I couldn't give a shit who likes it or doesn't, nor where I get fit ideas from – they all come from somewhere. There's been some great (and less great) stuff on Sufu over the years and notably on the internet (looking at you Instagram) – I’m grateful for it all. But let’s face it, the jeans and jackets I (we) wear might have been made by FW, SC, Denime or (select one from many many brands) within the last 20 years or so, but they’re repros of jeans from c80 years ago i.e. not exactly new ideas anyone can claim rights to. It’s all borrowed, unless you were primo, which non of us are old enough to be! On Sufu, we’re a cast of 25 or so regular posters, up to maybe a crowd of maybe 50 on a very good week – brand or fit popularity in this micro-world is an irrelevant ‘so-what’ in everyday life. In northern Enger-land, in real life, I can recollect hardly anyone (maybe a few people) wearing the gear I wear. Mavis on checkout 9 hasn’t got a scoobies. If you're confident enough to carry off your clothes - and I apply this to anyone of any clothing genre and any age as I don't see barriers - then that shines through and good on yer. I certainly don't like all choices but I don't have to and, vice-versa, neither does anyone else... now that would be odd. Ahhhh so this is why it’s called the General Nonsense thread! Long live Sufu!
  9. @vIGGiou riou posted some pre and post wash measurements on page 16 on the At Last thread
  10. MJF9


    Is that tea core @Duke Mantee? 😉
  11. @Superstar remembered I'd seen it before and found your post here... looks great
  12. @okimoto I like big cuffs (on the 147s) and I cannot lie... bravo @Superstar and bravo on the Sassafras jacket... funky brand... looks like some good wear there
  13. So I did a load of steps yesterday... which really helped loosen them up. I ironed my jeans inside out when nearly dry to take out the crinkles... no hairy-ness as yet. This roping is going to be very tasty!
  14. TCB / FW / @Duke Mantee / Word of Mouth Jeans 5150 / Viberg
  15. So the first 5150s I posted were a little less than chart, so Simo wanted to replace them... hence take 2 The new pair arrived last Friday - given the anticipation, I forgot the date stamp pic... so here's the delivery confirmation date and time instead 😉 Top job by Simo who's a top bloke... lovely denim, really well sewn... much slimmer than my usual which will take some adjusting... I do lots of leg weights to protect my knees... so the reasonably svelt top block and waist are snug for me... hindsight being a wonderful thing, I should have gone 1-2 sizes bigger (anyone wants a swap, hit me up ) Raw fit pics 1st wash was cold machine, hang dry; wore for a few hours. Then I rolled the dice... 30C wash, stretched the waistband while wet (which gave me 1cm) then hung dry... Meanwhile we went for pizza... alas, featuring FW WW2 denim Final pics are after a 3 mile walk earlier... pleased to hear there's more stretch to come too as I'm going to need it
  16. @Maynard Friedman no... but good Q Martin... I can say whatever it is, it's hanging together nicely ... the blurb in italics above was a quick cut and paste direct from IG translation of Sunny Garden's post here to add some words to the pics... but it's a good Q Martin so let's open the Q up to the Sufu massive... any insights folks?
  17. This lovely Ooe x Sunny Garden pre-war chore jacket landed yesterday (along with a few other items, it was a nice and busy day for post down my way 😉... a few more to come soon and then the intent is no denim buy for many years... honest gov) Same pattern as the Railroad jackets Ooe did a few years ago i.e. "design is based on an old pre-war Chore Jacket; from the front, the sleeves are set-in sleeves; from the back, the raglan sleeves are split sleeves; A-line silhouette pattern with narrow shoulders and seamless hem, a fitting specific to a vintage jacket". It's in the Amoskeag repro denim, the same as the vest, I mean Sleeveless Outing Coat. Great jacket... I can see me wearing this a lot...
  18. @bartlebyyphonics you can call 0344 800 4466 to pay the customs charge... been there before sadly!! That should speed up delivery...
  19. ... and to fill the void I'm pretty sure that's why squats, Bulgarian split squats and deadlift were invented
  20. A few thoughts from Simone on the point that @Jared_Lee raised for your consideration... these may (or may not) help with it!! i think that some of the fit problem Jared was addressing can be also caused by pulling the waist to much higher, if you let’em sit naturally i’m pretty confident that the extra fabric in the yoke/pocket butt area will release'
  21. @tooth how are your '43s looking now? I've been wearing mine recently... really like 'em... get the impression they'd fade reasonably quickly...interested in hearing your experience
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