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  1. Im tempted to pick up a pair. What are the differences between the 66 models? I see there's 221 and possibly two different 224s. They have different backpockets, other than that?
  2. These questions will probably never stop being asked. Waist: Will shrink to the marked size in circumference. Take a tape measure and wrap it around your waist and see how that fits. Compare with how other jeans fit. Should be slightly tight. DO NOT MEASURE FLAT. Length: Inseam shrinks to exactly what the tag says. This goes for all JP repro brands.
  3. Levi's communicated explicit differences between cuts with their numbered models. But I'm not sure that their iterative changes of the 501 was communicated and known. So awareness of the minor difference between 63 and 75 was probably low.
  4. oh i definitely have them but im not sure if they're in Europe or Shanghai. I will see if they're in SH when im back. btw, is anyone interested in an Unknown Chinese Brands thread?
  5. alright, good catch. the JP repro scene started in the 90s or late 80s sit makes sense that the vintage scene would have been going for at least a decade by then. my main point is i feel its unlikely that in 1975 they would consider whether 1963 levis looked discernably different.
  6. I would guess that in 1975 the knowledge that 501s changed subtly over the years probably did not yet exist as the vintage craze wouldnt begin until another few decades, and the idea probably didnt enter anybodys mind. its probably off the rack regular 501s or at most a thrifted worn pair from roughly the same year.
  7. Finally got my ass out of the wagon to post about Ooe. I've been way to lazy to take a wearing pic, so im glad they did it for me. My post about Ooe Yofukuten http://repeattofade.blogspot.com/2008/11/ooe-yofukuten-co.html My favourite brand. Definitely up there with Warehouse, LVC.
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