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Denim Blunders, Reflections and General Nonsense.


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With all the crazy storms at the weekend our cellar flooded, my wellies were in the back of the car so i had to go for a double turn up... the horrors! I couldn't see where the water was coming in but there was a good 2-3" of water down there, over a 2 hour period i bailed out 150litres of water using a jug and bucket but the water level never moved an inch.

I got up on Monday morning fearing the worse but all the water had gone??  It's an old Victorian house with no damp course so maybe it was just a rising water table and the cellar is there to account for it.. anyway after that once in a lifetime storm we had in 2020.. the streets look like Venice again.

Edited by Double 0 Soul
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Quick fun story. 

Went to get an MRI a few days ago and was told to take off all metal, but I could keep my pants on (TCB 50s). When I was put into the machine, the fly of the pants visibly went up. The technician pulled me out and was like, are your pants magnetic? I didn't know what to say, so I just said, They're old-fashioned jeans. He shrugged and was like, well as long as the buttons don't fly off, you're fine. Later, when he pulled me out of the machine, he said he was talking to the other technician and in 10 years of doing MRIs, they'd never seen pants that reacted to the machine before. 

All of which leads me to conclude that not enough denim heads are going to get their heads checked. 

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Astonished they didn’t check your jeans at the very least, never mind asking you to take them off … apart from the strength of the magnet (and the fact the force is exponential with the distance), the image would suffer artefacts.

Good story though

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wow, that's wild. I think I would've asked to just take my pants off to avoid any potential issues...I just imagine the buttons flying through the MRI machine like this scene: https://youtu.be/zbTyTyizz1s?t=24

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My 20 yr-old stepdaughter was looking for TV recommendations after watching The Mighty Boosh for the third time! I suggested Nathan Barley - if you’ve never seen it, seek it out and give it a view, it’s one of my favourite comedy shows.

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  On 3/15/2022 at 3:02 PM, mpukas said:

Why does the left leg always twist more than the right? 


I don’t know… and left hand twill is the opposite. I’m sure ringxring made a post explaining it back in 2005 sometime, but I’m old and can’t remember.

Edited by cheapmuthafukr
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I’ve been going back and forth on whether that’s a real thing. It def. always looks like the left leg twists more, but it seems like that could maybe just be a factor of how the panels are cut? The front leg panel is usually way smaller than the back, so the outseams start off a bit forward—the left leg twisting moves the outseam even more forward, and it looks even more out of place, while the right leg twisting moves the outseam towards the true outer side of the leg, which is maybe more visually balanced?

I guess it would be pretty easy for someone with a few pairs of the same jeans to do a test…

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Thought I would mention this; Your card provider has (in almost all cases) much better exchange rates than Paypal. In most instances, Paypal is exchanging at a 10-15% premium to real-time exchange rates! USD/JPY and GBP/JPY are the strongest they've been since 2016, and this trend is likely to continue. EUR/JPY is also strong, but not having the breakout both USD/JPY and (to a lesser extent) GBP/JPY are seeing. All this to say, now is a good time to buy direct from Japan and enjoy a 20% discount to JPY list, just make sure to avoid Paypal when possible. Happy buying! :ph34r:

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  On 3/22/2022 at 1:38 AM, Jared_Lee said:

Hey y'all, I am excited to announce that beginning tomorrow I'll be working with the Standard & Strange team out of the NYC location. I'll be in-store five days a week handling a variety of responsibilities in a management capacity alongside a former J Crew colleague of mine that I also call my friend. I could not be more stoked to work with this great bunch of humans and look forward to getting to know all of them, the company and their wonderful clients better in the coming months.

I'll still be posting here from a purely personal perspective. I will also update from the perspective of an S&S employee from time to time. If ever I'm posting with that hat on, I'll sign off with an S&S for the sake of full transparency. I believe many of you know me well enough to trust my integrity, but I also want it to be clear to everyone when I am representing the store and its affiliated brands in my posts.

If at any point something makes you unhappy, shoot me a message. I'm happy to talk to you about anything you may perceive in me or my participation here and I don't want you to be shy about talking directly with me about it. 

Looking forward to the future!

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I've recently been getting into fancy coffee and it's inspired me to come up with a "new" way to describe this weird hobby of ours: "Specialty denim." It's both more intuitive and approachable than telling our True Religion-clad normie friends we're fans of "raw denim" or "selvedge."

Though I'm not exactly sure how this translates to describing the general style around here beyond denim. I'm still inclined toward calling it "Japanese Americana."

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Yea, and if we're being particular, which we are because that's what this forum is - Japanese Americana doesn't really fit me or my interests so much, it would be a smaller overlap in the venn diagram of aesthetic predilections - but I'm still in to denim.  That said I don't see a need to try to verbally elevate it or explain it to anyone in my life that doesn't care to appreciate the difference - just like with the espresso shots I pull every morning. It's fine to just enjoy it for what it is no?

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  On 3/23/2022 at 2:26 PM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

Why not call it "Third Wave Denim" then ;) (or is it the fourth wave already?)


I thought I'd seen "Third Wave Denim" referring to brands like Flat Head, Samurai, Pure Blue Japan, others that emerged in the late 90s-early 2000s in Japan after the Osaka Five, but this may just be my personal reckoning of history.

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