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ATWM last won the day on February 12

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3877 making progress

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    not telling
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    ann arbor
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    A flow state
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    us 8 uk 7.5 eu 41 jp 26

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  1. ATWM


    Hahah I had been eyeing that pair, but did not do so with the aggression as you did- staying true to not buying (so far!) with wmj contest. But when it’s done I am going to revisit. I love the balmacan I was gifted and generally really like what I see from them. Glad to see you got them! Now…how are you gonna beat them up with all your other obligations?
  2. Sounds unfortunately familiar. My wife usually escapes it because her immune system is almost bulletproof. This last round tho, influenza A followed 2 or days later by influenza B - had all three of us laid out for the same time - so that was a first - third round of viruses since the new year - madness!! Preschool is hardcore.
  3. ^ not sure I’ve ever agreed with anything more than the above statement.
  4. Inis Meain/Kapital/Ooe Yofukuten/WMJ 611’s, Red Wing
  5. Layers season here, for sure. Inis Meain/Kapital/Ooe Yofukuten/WMJ 611’s, Red Wing Slow start for me, been laid up with all the winter viruses lately!
  6. ^ you got a separate care routine for your hems? 😃
  7. I’m not on instagram and so can’t really see anything. have they announced a preorder? Wish they would not use it as their only communication…oh well.
  8. Sold my (motor) bike long ago but can’t bring myself to part with my Perfecto. Only other downside I would say is that these jackets are in danger of wearing the person. As opposed to the person wearing the jacket. They’re a bit of a statement. Though I think that’s been lessened over the years with how ubiquitous they’ve become. Much as I love mine I can’t pull it off every day, but some days hell yeah.
  9. I sized mine not much expecting to use the cinch, and now they’re cinched all the way. Ha. At least til the next wash.
  10. Most good tailors/alterations shops can replace a zipper, it’s not that uncommon.
  11. Never! This is just a question of layering strategies, really.
  12. Variations on the same ol’ Inis Meain / Peregrine / Kapital / WMJ / Oak St.
  13. ^ not as far along as you but definitely feeling like they'll be fast fasters, especially compared to the Ooe's I was just used to! Maybe reaching 18 months in a good state will require some well chosen breaks along the way.
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