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ATWM last won the day on October 17 2024

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  1. Happily my pair landed, even much earlier in than the day than I'd have thought. Got a quick try on - I think these will be good. I'm too lazy for measurements - I tend to just try em on and if I feel I've sized well enough I just leave it alone and trust that whatever math I did upon ordering had some coherence to it. I have some room in the waist, it will likely be a little snug up there post wash but I think will stretch back out nicely - I don't need it to stretch back out to raw. The rest of the pants seem to have room to shrink all over, but nothing crazy. The length is the wildcard - room to cuff or not? Probably a little... I'd agree on the TCB/Ooe spectrum - my pair seems quite nicely made, pocket bags seem about just right sized - stitching isn't Ooe level tidiness but with some snips I think it would be pretty close, and I also think that's not so much the intent anyways. Really pretty much just as I'd hoped for a raw 30's pair. Simone did a nice job and knowing it's going to a one man operation I think these are worth every penny. Shame I can't get into it until the weekend!
  2. Magically, mine is now slated for delivery today. However - the snow is coming down at the moment and my local isn't always spot on with the delivery day. Since I'll be out of town tomorrow I'm realistically thinking I get to start over the weekend, possibly Monday. I'm slightly fluffier than I when I ordered, but hoping I allowed for enough room (maybe not!) and would prefer to shrink the piss out of them on the first go, but I won't be machine drying - I don't tend to do that until I'm like 4-5 washes in, if at all. Still on the fence about how I'll go with this pair, it depends on the fit, really.
  3. Last update for me “ International Transit Processed Through Facility MALPENSA LONATEPOZZOLO, ITALY January 10, 2025, 8:38 am “ Have to head out of town on Thursday, so may miss delivery by a few days!
  4. ^ same here - or last scan 3 days ago was Italy. I’d bet they’ll pop up in customs tomorrow or so. 18 months though, I can start a few days behind.
  5. The addition of “crust” into the contest lexicon seems a good AI contribution. Not sure how to work it in but I bet it will be appropriate for at least a pair or two out there…
  6. Opposite - A bit fuller in the lower leg. If you want slimmer you want the 02 cut. But again, the difference is mostly in the lower leg.
  7. A Collective Word of Mouth Pants Wearing Experience I always wanted to be in a lightly serious cult.
  8. That sunlight in the back is almost too much for my old phone's relatively shitty sensor, but anyways. The Warehouse jacket shrunk up pretty nicely, still a little roomy but knowing Warehouse there's a bit more shrink to be had.. Ooe jeans/ Oak Street boots.
  9. It’s quite possible the tracking email arrived in my mailbox right before I made that post, haha - so yes I’ve got tracking too. Whenever they arrive I’m grateful to Simone for cranking out a batch of handmade jeans for a bunch of us. Hoping I can do them justice!
  10. ^ are these the xx4 denim? They look a good bit more crinkly/puckered than mine, which have been washed a solid 10-15 times now, but not tumble dried. Any tumbles on yours?
  11. I’ll wear mine for between one day and 546 days - whether they fit or not! My real hope is to get at least something like 3-400 days of wear, but summer, fit and other factors might come into play. Like the fact that my Ooe 01’s are just starting to be an actual broken in pair (after almost a year, and I’m enjoying them. If history is any guide, 546 days is probably not enough for me to thrash a pair (though I never did tally the wear on…anything), but the crotch may need reinforcing and darning by day 100ish, if I get there.
  12. I love espresso, and have gotten my basic breville barista express - (with the stock grinder even!) down to the point that I usually pull better shots than most cafes I go to, or anywhere, for that matter. It brings me a lot of happiness to get up each morning and make my wife and my drinks, and sit down and write for awhile. I know a few local or Chicago area roasters that make wonderful espresso blends - medium roast, and consistently get nice creamy shots with very little bitterness or sourness. I know it gets deeper than that, but no need for us to do that. When I travel I’ll use a picopresso with a st Anthony millwright grinder and it’s more finicky for sure, but I get good results more often than not. I’ve gotten a few really good shots from it but the average is probably a little below what I get from a cafe. Still, for a travel set up, fantastic. I initially switched to espresso because I just can’t drink a lot of coffee without getting too anxious and feeling my heart pounding - usually a doppio a day and that’s it - on occasion a doppio or a moka pot of half caf (neither ever as good of course) before noon - and it was easiest to consistently dose my caffeine by pulling shots as opposed to Chemex or drip as I used to do. Every few months or so, I try to take 4-8 weeks off from caffeine as well. Tapering down helps minimize with the headaches. It’s a great way to understand how much of a psychoactive stimulant this thing really is and even though I tend to sleep well anyways, after a week or two of no coffee I get some of the best sleep ever, usually just about until I start drinking it again.
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