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An open ended question for my European / UK friends: if you were to spend 2-3 weeks traveling around the region where would you go?
Trying to make some travel plans for next summer, my wife has never traveled internationally and now that we're married we're looking to celebrate with a longer trip.
We'll fly into Heathrow since there are direct flights available and spend a couple of days exploring London (maybe we can grab a pint if anyone is interested!), but after that I'm open to any ideas.
I've personally visited quite a few larger cities in Europe, so I'm open to some more under the radar locations.

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Northern Ireland has lots to see , the North Coast is beautiful and you've got the giants causeway,  if your a game ot thrones fan there is a studio tour in Banbridge  and in Belfast there is lots of tours and whatnot connected to the troubles ... and its probably the cheapest city in the UK to visit 

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I've still so much of Europe to explore, but here are some of my favourites. In general I think trains are a great way to travel in Europe. 

In the UK (where I'm from) I love the Lake District and the Scottish Highlands. The west coast of Scotland is amazing. Hire a car in Glasgow and take the A82 to Fort William and then the A830 to Mallaig. Endless great hiking options if that appeals to you but the drive alone is worth the trip.

Further north the Scandinavian Arctic is beautiful if you like walking.

Some lesser-known but lovely cities: Plovdiv in Bulgaria, Split in Croatia, Krakow in Poland.

If you like beaches but want somewhere a bit less obvious, I recommend the islands off the Dalmatian coast of Croatia.

Bernina Express through the Alps. (It was pissing with rain when my wife and I took this unfortunately, but it's a fabulous journey.)

All the obvious destinations in Italy are worth seeing even they are obvious, but Sicily is a less heralded option. Taormina, Siracusa and Catania all worth a visit (and the western part as well I'm sure, but I haven't seen it).

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39 minutes ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

what exactly are your plans? Cities or landscapes?

Good point to consider, I would say a bit of both where possible. Typically we’re more city people but we do enjoy a light hike or the beach when we can. Been thinking about Porto or Lisbon as I’ve heard great things. 

Really appreciate all of the suggestions so far, keep ‘em coming! Also for some reason I’m interested in Copenhagen, never been to that part of Europe. I really enjoyed visiting Karkow and Prague when I was younger.

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If you liked Krakow you may enjoy Lviv in Ukraine. Or Kyiv, or Odessa, which are different, but even more fun. It might be an exciting trip to see a country just after a victory — next summer, maybe? :rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

New Year's Denim Resolution 2023 anyone?!

Originally, I had planned to just buy the Denime Big E model when it's released (funny, I know). But I got some information about a special release and I will probably get that one as well if it is different enough.

At least things are still peaking your interest, Denime-wise at least :)

For me, l'm a bit like some on here where l have pretty much all l need. What l do need though is to wear it more and think about it less, which is what l'm doing. Like Maynard l have a few bits l'd like to part with but as nothing much is shifting atm for various reasons, I'll just hang on to it for now.

In the last 2 years l've only purchased 2 pieces, my WH 20's tux to be exact, and all l have my sights on now in the future is possibly another shirt and a couple of sweats (single V preferably) where the neck is not as tight as my old Cushman's.


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Only thing i have planned as far as purchases go is a lockhood sweat from freewheelers ( should be released in the next month or so ?? ) 

Were heading to Tokyo in July and the only thing "planned" is maybe a warehouse 507xx repro but I'm sure ill pick up a few other bits 

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4 hours ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

New Year's Denim Resolution 2023 anyone?!

...But I got some information about a special release and I will probably get that one as well if it is different enough.

Echoing others here but buying less, enjoying what I own more and selling a few odds and ends are all on the list.
I've sold most of what I'm not wearing anymore, now it's getting more difficult to sell more. I'm overdue for an update to the "how many jeans do you own" thread.
b_F, what's the special release? Can't leave us hanging!

20 minutes ago, Maynard Friedman said:

With this itinerary the Broarks are going to love their year in Europe!

It does feel overwhelming! It's really tough to only pick 2-3 places because I want to go everywhere...
If anyone knows companies hiring Americans for overseas stints let me know, I've got a strong business analyst background. :D

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4 hours ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

New Year's Denim Resolution 2023 anyone?!

Originally, I had planned to just buy the Denime Big E model when it's released (funny, I know). But I got some information about a special release and I will probably get that one as well if it is different enough.

I usually have a bit of fun with this sort of thing, but my family has been in the hospital since before Christmas as we found out our 2 yo son had a large brain tumor. He is recovering from surgery to have it removed and we are awaiting results as to whether or not it was cancerous. Truly an insane holiday season for us. Checking in here is a good distraction. If any internet strangers have a positive thought/prayer/whatever your method to send towards an unknown 2 yo in Michigan please send it. No kid deserves to go through anything like this. 

Before this all happened I was thinking of trying to just go one pair a whole year - something I’ve not done yet, but that might have to wait. As usual the most consistent thing will probably be I’ll have something from Tender on most if not all days. As far as purchases, I try to keep it to one pair a year (for blue jeans) and one jacket. Last year was a pair of Ooe’s still yet to be soaked as I want more wear in my current rotation…but I did buy some black indigofera’s as well…so I think that qualifies as failure to keep the resolution - and then a FW flannel lined jacket.

This year, not sure…looking at a pair of wider jeans…have a few models in mind but we’ll see. I’ll try one jean one jacket again I think. I think pretty soon here my resolution should be to buy nothing denim related for a good 3-5 years or more. 

Non denim related I’m sure this past week should shape my New Years resolutions for years to come…I can’t quite figure out how yet. Thanks for the distraction. 

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50 minutes ago, Double 0 Soul said:

Don't forget Lincolnshire (the jewel of the east midlands) you can stop in a caravan if you can find one


@Broark and if you're looking for that Club Tropicana (Lincolnshire) steez... this will more than cut it mate...



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