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Sugar Cane Denim


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  On 5/22/2020 at 10:30 PM, Duke Mantee said:



which translates to 'rice bag' this is 'salt pouch' ? it might not be anything to do with tradition it could relate to a Begin song..

..i found an old Ameba blog post where he goes on to explain some of the details but 'forgets' what the clerk in the store told him about the salt, which makes me think it's Begin related..

Any Begin fans in the house?

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Thanks Mike, nailing this down is like the good old days most of the blog posts state 'I don't care for BEGIN, i only care for the rainbow fabric' B)

They also reference 'Hotei salt' which would support what you're saying

"Hotei, in Japanese mythology, one of the Shichi-fuku-jin (“Seven Gods of Luck”). This popular figure is depicted frequently in contemporary crafts as a cheerful, contented Buddhist monk with a large exposed belly, often accompanied by children. Tradition relates him to a Chinese monk called Pu-tai, who because of his benevolent nature came to be regarded as an incarnation of the bodhisattva (the future Buddha) Maitreya (Miroku in Japanese) but whose large protruding stomach led to his being caricatured as the “Laughing Buddha.”

...and the Shamisen loop translates to 'hanging keep' so it probably is for carrying the instrument, i assume the neck would be down by the leg and the body would sit at the waist.

..any Shamisen players in the house?

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Aye, usually a bit of chat and some combined knowledge can shake out the answer or whatever.

Salt is used to chase off evil spirits - and it wouldn’t be unusual to put salt in the bag as a gift for protection or something along that idea

Do Begin use traditional references in the lyrics/music?


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Haven't bought jeans in a while but saw these two pairs and figured i had to for it. Cant remember anything about the left pair. maybe the natural indigo version of the Hawaii model?

hopefully they fit


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  On 5/25/2020 at 6:02 PM, MileHighEvertonian said:

^Nice! Great pockets on those leepros...looks a lot like oki denim. 


i believe both are 50/50. left pair is more worn than the right. right feels stiff almost deadstock.

currently soaking them both. hoping for no shrinking from the right and more shrinking from the left... fingers crossed.

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Good finds! The lot 200 (on the left) are a really neat pair. The warp yarns are hand-dyed using polygonum tinctorium—classic Japanese plant indigo—as referenced by the stamp on the pocket bag. As far as I can tell, that makes these the most similar, out of Sugar Cane's natural-dyed line, to the Ai lines from other companies like PBJ and Samurai. For whatever reason, though—as you can already tell on that pair—they do seem to fade significantly with wear, to a really nice lighter greenish blue. They're not related to the Hawaii. I should wear my pair more; the fabric's nice and the cut's one of my favorites.

@MileHighEvertonian, that's no coincidence: the pair on the right are the natural-dyed version of the Okinawa (lot 300 vs. lot 301 for the synthetic-dyed pair). Both are woven left-handed, and the dyeing seems to be pretty similar besides the source of the indigo.

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  On 5/25/2020 at 6:41 PM, julian-wolf said:

Good finds! The lot 200 (on the left) are a really neat pair. The warp yarns are hand-dyed using polygonum tinctorium—classic Japanese plant indigo—as referenced by the stamp on the pocket bag. As far as I can tell, that makes these the most similar, out of Sugar Cane's natural-dyed line, to the Ai lines from other companies like PBJ and Samurai. For whatever reason, though—as you can already tell on that pair—they do seem to fade significantly with wear, to a really nice lighter greenish blue. They're not related to the Hawaii. I should wear my pair more; the fabric's nice and the cut's one of my favorites.

@MileHighEvertonian, that's no coincidence: the pair on the right are the natural-dyed version of the Okinawa (lot 300 vs. lot 301 for the synthetic-dyed pair). Both are woven left-handed, and the dyeing seems to be pretty similar besides the source of the indigo.


Yea the color reminded me of the natural indigo Edo Ai i use to have but sold mainly because they were almost too aqua in color. these are less green and personally more likly to be worn. the denim is also not as streaky and uneven as the Edo Ai. I remember both patches from years ago so knew they were both the Natural Indigo versions but couldnt remember what model each were variations of.

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  On 8/26/2014 at 8:57 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

Sugar Cane SC40200


'47 cut with natural indigo denim and Kakishibu dyed pocket bags and back pocket lining. With red tab and the Sugar cane broken arcs.

I bought them off from someone here ;)




Indigo dyed leather patch






Flasher made of some paper (handmade?!)



The broken arcs



Lined back pockets







Heavily corroded rivets



Pocket bags (anyone knows what's written there?)



‘Thought I took note of that model, long time ago @beautiful_FrEaK

At the time, I was interested/obsessed on their natural indigo dye offerings:  xposting from @MyNudies

40100 = Natural "Hawaiian" indigo dyed :: "Circles" arc version
40105C "Okinawa" Chambray + exposed backpocket rivets :: Red “Circles" arc version
40200 = Natural Shikoku Tokushima Masa [AWA Dyeing Technique] :: Broken "V" arcs 
40300 = Natural Okinawa "Ryukyuai" indigo dyed :: Leepro w/"S" arcs 
40400= Natural "Hawaiian" indigo dyed:: Broken "V" arcs 
40500 = Natural "Edo Ai" indigo dyed
40510 = "SC x BeginNatural "Rainbowindigo dyed :: "Circles" arc version

40301 = mixed/synthetic, aka SC Okinawa 
40401 = mixed/synthetic, aka SC Hawaii

N= raw/no wash
A= O/W
H= hard wash

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^ Are you sure the lot 100 Hawaii were dyed with natural indigo? I remember seeing a price tag, at some point, that led me to believe that they were more like the precursor to the modern lot 401…but it’s not something I’ve ever looked into further

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^It’s been awhile, so I can’t be absolutely sure.

I seem to remember they were a bit lghter, maybe 13oz ...  right back pocket arcs were similar to the Begin, but in red [broken] circles ... or maybe I’m thinking of the 40105.

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The 105 was the one with red stitching, and I think it was an indigo / white chambray rather than a double indigo denim…in my memory, neither it nor the 100 used natural indigo, but it's been a while for me too…

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  On 5/26/2020 at 1:24 AM, julian-wolf said:

The 105 was the one with red stitching, and I think it was an indigo / white chambray rather than a double indigo denim…in my memory, neither it nor the 100 used natural indigo, but it's been a while for me too…


Found this: 40105 was chambray. Okinawa arcs = red circles

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@FlashI thought these were limited to 100 pairs for some event at the Junky store, so assumed we’d never see any new pairs.  Do you know if this is a restock or leftover from the initial run? 

These are a bargain compared to the 1971 LVC :D

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