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Happy jeans: TCBxSufu S40s WW2 contest thread

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Got a tractor shot in before the end of the year. Couldn't make it thru the year without a pile of white shit.






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14 hours ago, mandel9000 said:

Same. If I could change one thing, I would make mine 1-2 inches shorter. But alas, no good hemming service to be found here in Norway. I once took another pair to a store that makes and sells Japanese selvage denim, but they just looked at me weirdly when I asked about the machine and the stitching, and in the end they did it exactly the way I would on my own sewing machine, no better or worse.

Come to think of it, I should’ve asked for a 32” hem on the rigid, instead of 34 . . . I still haven’t washed, though. They’re @32.25” right now & if I can get another inch shrinkage post [couple of] washes, then I’d be ecstatic.

Dependable BiG is a hop, skip & jump away, so I’m not worried  ;)

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@mandel9000 Your jeans are fading beautifully.


Regarding the washer discussion(came in a bit late)I think the main difference lies in the water itself in the US are heavier with more salts/minerals etc. I may be wrong though.

The progress on my pair is very slow due to quarantine and a very mild winter this year. washed three times so far, I will post some pictures further on.


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11 hours ago, Hopethisoneisnttaken said:

the water itself in the US are heavier with more salts/minerals etc. I may be wrong though.

Completely depends where you are in the US. Here in Seattle our water is mostly rain water and it's completely soft. Where people use ground water its very hard.

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11 hours ago, JDelage said:

Completely depends where you are in the US. Here in Seattle our water is mostly rain water and it's completely soft. Where people use ground water its very hard.

That’s good to know! Thanks for the info.  I never considered it. Sometimes I forget how vast the US is. Only experienced New York State in my travels so far. 

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Happy New Year everyone.

my fading progress after a lot of wear and 3 washes is negligible (which contrary to the contest, I see as a win tbh). I rotate with my tcb20s contest which are heavily worn and washed and are about as faded as uncle's 40s.

im certainly enjoying the cut and the denim. The jacket is slim and the "missing" button means my 49yr old paunch fights to be contained!

thank you to everyone who is a more frequent contributor. I will get more pictures up this year. 

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3 hours ago, bartlebyyphonics said:

particularly do like suede engineers, not sure I'd tuck tho...

Agreed. Good for showing off your nicely worn boots in a photo, but might look like a plonker in a real world setting. 

On 1/5/2021 at 6:13 PM, chambo2008 said:

175, how do you manage to get honeycombs with such a loose pair of jeans.

Crazy aren’t they. Perhaps it’s that special Japanese starch / liquid glue stuff 

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