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Happy jeans: TCBxSufu S40s WW2 contest thread

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be not afeared to wash wash wash!

I've been pushed off the jawns with a return of humid shorts weather and such... [so lagging behind you top posting blaggards, and a long way from getting near water...]

but to repeat... tcb fabric and washing are good friends, partners, even... 

[+ @diggers - enjoying very much the black vans with no hem: have been thinking that option through: great to see it in action!]

Edited by bartlebyyphonics
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Best quilt ever, @chicote! Great fits and progress, everyone. I've worn the jeans every day except for last Sunday, when I never managed to get out of my sweatpants. I see some more fadez come in now, which is nice. I rarely carry anything in the pockets for long, but I can just about make out the contours of the dog clicker (!) in the coin pocket. The story of this summer/autumn, I guess. 

Previously promised photos still to come, hopefully this weekend. 

Edited by mandel9000
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11 hours ago, mondo said:



was trying to look cool and intrepid, but realised if I didn't watch my feet I'd probably end up doing my ankle in

italian navy sneakers well done cumpà

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