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Conners Sewing Factory


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I can only imagine that CSF is concerned about people knowing which items he used to base his patterns off? Perhaps also worried that he is opening himself up to litigation from Levis? Still seems like a complete dick move. Doing things like that is the reason that the vintage customer base is small. Why wouldn't he want to share the knowledge? Looking at the wait-time on his items it seems that he is already pretty much at capacity, so is he that worried about competition? 

The whole thing reminds me of Supreme suing some other brand for ripping off their type font when they in turn had just lifted it from Barbara Kruger. 

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  On 8/25/2021 at 9:43 AM, Dr_Heech said:

I've been in constant contact with Denimseeker over this, trying to be supportive but also trying to figure a way round this problem. Despite alot of positive feedback and support, he has gone off-line now, probably fed up with the whole thing. I mean, you put 2 years of passion into writing a book and one of the so-called main dudes of our small denim world shafts you good and proper, it's hard to get over the shock. He's just one man, and has a family to think about; he's not part of some denim-bully boy mafia.

Although l promised to keep the details confidential, what l can say is that several pages of historically important (to the book, and to DS) photos and information have to be removed or blurred out due to the photos (belonging to an auction house originally) being now in the ownership of Konaka Yoshiaki. Not only the photos but the info/details gleaned from them have to be removed! (so that no one else can gain knowledge) I mean what a right wanker! It's not as though DS was making any financial profit from it, despite a PayPal donation option.

So I suggested to do as asked (to shut up any further litigations) but to replace said photos of similar jackets with similar details (if poss.) and then rewrite the text to accompany them. He said he'd been asked not do that because then the (roughly 170..) people who downloaded the original copy would know which jackets/info 'belonged' to Konaka. I mean .. Jesus H, what an absolute bell-end.

Anyway, although l absolutely love my conners jacket and jeans, l won't be buying another piece again.  I know the jeans aren't the man and they dont have that shitty attitude of his, but l cannot support a company or individual who treats people in this way,.




1. Looking for a solution

2. Supporting the actual injured party

3. Determination



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Didnt burn anything but i did try to boil the patch on my unworn ww2 pair ( harder that it looks , thing was tough ) 


I toyed with the idea of selling my conners stuff because im disgusted by the way Yoshiaki has reacted but then I realised that there just jeans and just because they were made by an arsehole doesn't mean i still can't enjoy them for what they are ... a pair of jeans . Ill definitely not be buying anything else from him and but I'm still going to enjoy the stuff I have 

Really hope denimseeker can figure something out to release the ebook in some form because from what I've read so far you can see he has put a lot of work into it 

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  On 8/25/2021 at 1:41 PM, Flash said:

just because they were made by an arsehole doesn't mean i still can't enjoy them for what they are ... a pair of jeans . Ill definitely not be buying anything else from him and but I'm still going to enjoy the stuff I have 


Definitely agree with this line of thinking.
The boiled patch looks good!

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  On 8/25/2021 at 1:41 PM, Flash said:

Really hope denimseeker can figure something out to release the ebook in some form because from what I've read so far you can see he has put a lot of work into it 


^ this... I remember seeing that shared on denimbro and was most excited to download ... 'tis a sad tale all round...  

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  On 8/25/2021 at 7:31 AM, kicks79 said:

I can only imagine that CSF is concerned about people knowing which items he used to base his patterns off? Perhaps also worried that he is opening himself up to litigation from Levis? Still seems like a complete dick move. Doing things like that is the reason that the vintage customer base is small. Why wouldn't he want to share the knowledge? Looking at the wait-time on his items it seems that he is already pretty much at capacity, so is he that worried about competition? 

The whole thing reminds me of Supreme suing some other brand for ripping off their type font when they in turn had just lifted it from Barbara Kruger. 


I mean, okay - I can stretch myself to understand why he might be (childishly) upset, but I cannot see how this has any legal standing. What I'm trying to understand is what Denimseeker is actually afraid of - is it just getting flamed on the internet? If so, okay, I get that. But it sounded like there were some other concern. 

An art collector - perhaps someone who owns a significant painting, for instance, cannot just go after some art history textbook publisher that has a photograph of said painting in situ in a museum. The only person that would have any possible recourse to get that picture taken down would be the person who photographed the painting in situ. It may (may) be different if it's being used directly to sell something - property releases are a thing - but I don't see how that applies here - even if the ebook were for sale that likely wouldn't count because of the type of book it is - and especially if the items in question of the photographs are actually just old Levi's...

Can someone tell me what I'm getting wrong? 

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My guess is (and it really is a guess) that when CSF bought those vintage Levi’s items at auction, somehow they also acquired the rights to the photos displaying those acquired lots. Subsequently they weren’t happy with someone publishing them (albeit for free) without their consent, not that they would have given it anyway.

It seems reasonable that the auction house would have taken the lot photos and therefore the buyer could agree to receive them as IP along with the purchased lot. This may even be an automatic agreement,

In this case, it appears that it’s only those specific photos of the garments that were published unauthorised. If someone published alternative photos of the same garments, it would be OK.

Edited by Maynard Friedman
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I really don't get it either , I think its all just an empty threat from Yoshiaki.  I'm guessing he thought he had something ( the items bought at auction ) that not many knew about and when he seen them being published in the ebook he panicked and started babbling about lawers and whatnot to scare denimseeker off , in any case he acted like a dickhead 

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I think it's all just empty threats, don't think that he truly has much of a leg to stand on legally.
Sounds like he's been making these claims to others as well, which is indicative of just being a dick.
Or he's threatened that he'll be dethroned. :D

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  On 8/25/2021 at 3:08 PM, Thanks_M8 said:

All this talk of Konaka being an arsehole and all makes me want to get a pair of Bridge of Times or even a tux by them/him, just out of spite :D 


If you manage to find a way to get a pair let me know, I've been trying to get him to sell internationally for months now.

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  On 8/25/2021 at 1:41 PM, Flash said:

Didnt burn anything but i did try to boil the patch on my unworn ww2 pair ( harder that it looks , thing was tough ) 


I toyed with the idea of selling my conners stuff because im disgusted by the way Yoshiaki has reacted but then I realised that there just jeans and just because they were made by an arsehole doesn't mean i still can't enjoy them for what they are ... a pair of jeans . Ill definitely not be buying anything else from him and but I'm still going to enjoy the stuff I have 

Really hope denimseeker can figure something out to release the ebook in some form because from what I've read so far you can see he has put a lot of work into it 


I had went through the DS ebook 480pages, it is a really good levis guide book with all the information DS put together. Including all the detail ....very detial...if the denim tailor use this book as a guide no doubt that it can made csf style jeans or jacket. And althrough the pictures are download from internet.  DS did mentioned all the picture source. DS did a hardwork on this and the most important is it is a free ebook.

Edited by silencejoe
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  On 8/25/2021 at 2:44 PM, Flash said:

I really don't get it either , I think its all just an empty threat from Yoshiaki.  I'm guessing he thought he had something ( the items bought at auction ) that not many knew about and when he seen them being published in the ebook he panicked and started babbling about lawers and whatnot to scare denimseeker off , in any case he acted like a dickhead 


Gosh, it sort of sounds like he's not familiar with how the internet works. 

In any case - it seems most niche communities have these sorts of petty folks and in my experience it has a silver lining in that it reveals people's true motives - which often isn't quite aligned with what brings most of the people together. In that sense it's informative.

If Denimseeker wants to put together a pair now I'd probably buy them. 

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Not much to add, but I agree a very dick move. I don’t know how/if someone in Japan could sue someone in China. Is that even possible? Isn’t some inverse of that what has protected those Japanese denim makers using tabs and arcs from the litigious arms of Levi’s?

I used to work in the wine world, and auctions are a big part of sales in the rare/older/big name side of things. Auction houses publish catalogs, photographed by their people. You can have a catalog, and buy the wine, but you don’t own the photos, which are often also published online.

Sounds like this is a bit of a different situation than Christie’s or whoever, but not sure how buying the item for sale gives you ownership of all past images taken of said item, especially if they’re just floating around on the internet. Or why someone would even think that was true in the first place.

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  On 8/25/2021 at 8:32 PM, Dr_Heech said:

This shit is spreading ....

Apparently, the baby from Nirvana's Nevermind album cover is sueing the band for misuse of an image without permission (:wink:) and child pornography  :ohmy:. After 30 plus years.

So think yourself lucky @Denimseeker



Ha...well publishing a personal likeness for commercial purposes (cover art for an album or a magazine generally counts - as the image functions as the advertisement for the work) without a release is an entirely different situation. Lawsuits for that stuff happen all the time. I can see how that person might have legal standing. I still cannot fathom legal standing with CSF. 

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  On 8/26/2021 at 1:22 AM, roomtemplacroix said:

Has anyone thought about making a Bridge of The Times thread? I also cannot get him to sell me a pair of jeans.


I’d be happy to do that, I made a few posts awhile ago in the unknown jeans thread. Give me some time.
I also might have a way to get a pair, but I’ve got to work on it. :ph34r:

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I'm thinking about selling mine still... can't decide right now. Will probably not wear them for a little bit until I make the decision. Some of me is thinking that they're just jeans, but part of me also knows this will be in the back of my head when I wear them. At this point, I think I've won the bad timing awards having waited this long just for this to happen... and for my tab to be missing. Even if he was legally in the right (and I don't think he is) it would still be a dick move and to me, that's the worst part. It's just so incredibly selfish. 

Anyway. Here are some fit photos of the size 34 46 pair while I make my decision. 





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