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dudewuttheheck last won the day on August 3 2021

dudewuttheheck had the most liked content!


3727 making progress

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  • denim
    size 31

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  1. Mine are here in California and should be delivered today. Can't wait for Friday!
  2. I might be in Mexico during the start of the contest and I've never even seen a newspaper in the town I stay in. I hope the online newspaper will suffice.
  3. My apologies for being slow. I hadn't been checking the thread lately and I didn't get an email from him, but I did just send the required email to him. Once he gets back to me with the invoice I'll pay immediately!
  4. I used to be unable to stick to one pair of jeans for any extended period of time. However, I've worn my LB40s 5-6 days per week since I received them in January. The timing is actually pretty nice as I'll be putting them to the side at the one year mark for the contest. I'm feeling confident that I can be just as disciplined for the contest pair which I'm excited about because I've never faded a pair for 18 months straight.
  5. Going with the 5150. I need the extra rise and have too many wwii pairs without a single decent 47-50s model. This should fit that bill nicely. That 42 model was extremely tempting, but the lower rise of the 411 cut sadly made the decision for me.
  6. Glad to have snagged the last spot on the contest. Should be fun.
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