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febreeze is fine, just don't drench your jeans in em.

For your rescues: cold soak=minimal shrinkage and indigo loss, hot soak=more shrinkage and a little more indigo loss (more agitation=more indigo loss). Unless you are trying to keep them really dark, you might as well just throw em in the wash, either warm or cold depending on how much darkness you want to keep. Hope that's helpful.

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I would like to make it so honeycombs / whiskers are more defined but prefer to not lose too much allaround indigo.

How do I go about washing? I was reading through wash threads in the encyclopedia and it seems many people use machine wash something I'm scared of doing.

Inside out, cold wash, 'handwash' setting?

I read cheep had soaked his jeans in Bronners soap and water and squeezed the water out. This seems appropriate for me since my jeans aren't totally gross.

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  GiZMO said:
I would like to make it so honeycombs / whiskers are more defined but prefer to not lose too much allaround indigo.

How do I go about washing? I was reading through wash threads in the encyclopedia and it seems many people use machine wash something I'm scared of doing.

Inside out, cold wash, 'handwash' setting?

I read cheep had soaked his jeans in Bronners soap and water and squeezed the water out. This seems appropriate for me since my jeans aren't totally gross.

When i feel my jeans are grody and in need of reaffirmation i do as cheep once did. simply fill your tub with enough cold water to cover jeans, pour a little bronners, submerge jeans. then drain water, refill with cold water, submerge jeans and hang dry.

no indigo loss and your jeanz come out smelling pepperminty and shiny clean.

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  Clench Million said:
I know some people on here recommend simple detergents like Dr. Bronners and others say it doesn't matter, use Tide or whatever. What is the difference in terms of resault though? Does one tend to give more contrast or overall color loss?

eh, i'd say that the results are about the same. dr bronners is more natural pure soap, whereas a detergent like tide probably has more chemicals.

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looking for some black jeans.. slim and long. two ?s:

1) what weight denim is the imperial duke raw black? at the denimbar they list it as 13.75oz, but at selfedge its 14.25oz? http://www.denimbaronline.com/store/item.asp?ITEM_ID=217&DEPARTMENT_ID=38#


2) is there anything slim, black and long for under $200? i need at least 36" inseam.

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  edmond said:
  edmond said:

someone buy these before anyone else... for q's get a proxy to get these for you..


seriously, why do you insist on posting just fucking random jeans that no one is going to go through the trouble of getting in here? who the fuck wears a size 50?

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Damn, told at the post above.

Anyway, noob wash/fade question. I normally don't care for nudies that much but i just bought a pair of the Ultra Coated indigos. I know you should not wash for a while to get fading in certain areas etc etc, but what if you wash it before any of that? Will the denim just stay uniformly coloured?

I'm just worried about how light the fades on this blue will get.

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^^ That is pretty much what happens. I'd suggest not washing them for a while. If you wash them new they will lose indigo so that the contrast between fades and the rest will not be as distinct.

  braidkid said:
When i feel my jeans are grody and in need of reaffirmation i do as cheep once did. simply fill your tub with enough cold water to cover jeans, pour a little bronners, submerge jeans. then drain water, refill with cold water, submerge jeans and hang dry.

no indigo loss and your jeanz come out smelling pepperminty and shiny clean.

braidkid and Cameland thank you for the advice. A cold soak will relieve the jeans of some indigo will it not? I want the whiskers to have more contrast... I read somewhere that the indigo will rise from worn places like whiskers but the rest of the darker areas will pretty much remain intact like you say shiny and clean.

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  pompadork said:
Damn, told at the post above.

Anyway, noob wash/fade question. I normally don't care for nudies that much but i just bought a pair of the Ultra Coated indigos. I know you should not wash for a while to get fading in certain areas etc etc, but what if you wash it before any of that? Will the denim just stay uniformly coloured?

I'm just worried about how light the fades on this blue will get.

If you wash it, the waxy look will go away and never come back, they would look just like dark blue jeans, maybe like nandoxnandos but with a white weft.


Yes, your right about the abraided parts (whiskers, combs) losing indigo in the soak, but I think its worth it to not soak because you will definitely lose starch. You really have to try to get most of your fading done while its still starchy and rigid, if they are already soft, then maybe a soak is a good option for you.

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So I checked out the H&M in Las Vegas today and I bought some raw jeans. They aren't the sliq's everyone talks about. These are an organic cotton relaxed fit. They fit like 501's and they ahve the sticker that says they'll stain and shrink. I really like them for $40. Does anyone have any experience with these or are they new?

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I'm looking for a very tapered - but NOT skinny - quality jean.

I want the top and the thighs to be comfortably loose fitting, and the hem to be as small as possible, preferably around or less than 7" in a size 30 (kind of like Julian Red Detroit, but not quite).

It doesn't have to be selvedge, but it has to be raw.

I've been searching this forum and the online stores (Self Edge, Context, Blue in Green), but can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for.

Now, does that jean exist, or should I just buy a regular cut and have them tapered at the tailor? Help is much appreciated.

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Thanks for your help, Cameland. I guess it's hard to find something with a leg opening that's less than 7, so it doesn't have to be. Anyways, it depends on how loose the thighs are, even 8-9" would give the impression of a real taper if the jeans are wider on top.

I "stole" two photos from Whyred and Wester/Tresbien Shop just to give an idea.



(Rolling is apparently very big among Swedish fashionistas.)

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  hamburga said:
So I checked out the H&M in Las Vegas today and I bought some raw jeans. They aren't the sliq's everyone talks about. These are an organic cotton relaxed fit. They fit like 501's and they ahve the sticker that says they'll stain and shrink. I really like them for $40. Does anyone have any experience with these or are they new?

Those have been out for awhile, but I haven't seen many people wearing them or talking about them here. I bough a pair of Sliq's last year and wore them for a long long time before washing them. In the end the denim ripped in several places and the fading was minimal at best. I'm afraid they'd have even less impressive results if they are looser fitting (although they might not tear as easily).

I'd just try to save up your money for something else. If you take a trip to NYC or know someone there who can act as a proxy for you, UNIQLO has selvage denim that is below $100. I think that'd be a better bet if you're willing to spend al ittle more.

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  Reignman said:
Quick question: In case I have my jeans hemmed, should I ask them to save the extra denim in case of future repairs, or would the denim strips be too small to work with?

I think if the strips are thick enough, like maybe 2 inches or more it could be worth it, I don't think theres any reason not to ask though...

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I think eternal did a 23oz once if your interested in that. Personally, if I was going to get 21oz, I'd be more inclined towards samurai since its more of a "true" 21oz, instead of what IH and SDA did with beefing up the weft. Also, IH selvage 21oz compared to their non selvage is quite different in look and feel, just keep that in mind.

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did a couple searches but couldnt find what i was looking for. sorry if i missed it... anyhow, i just got blood all over my black mij 19cms and was wondering what kind of treatment these need and/or what i should use to wash with. is there anyway to get blood out?

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I saw the link for the eternals as a PM on another forum but I accidently deleted it, anyway that was quite some time ago by now I'm sure its sold out.

As far as I know both IH and SDA 21oz jeans are constructed with a thinner warp thread and thicker weft threads.

IH claims they use size 4 thread for their warp (which is actually already quite thick) and for the weft they spin two size 5.4 threads together.

I mean, in theory its still "true 21oz" but spinning two 5.4 threads together to make a thicker weft seems a bit strange but what also happens is the jeans don't appear as dark with more weft showing (grin)

Samurai for their 21oz didnt double wrap their wefts so its more of a "true 21oz" Thats why they say they were pushing their looms to the limit.

I might be completely wrong on this btw, this is just from what I've read.

Just to clarify some lingo, the size of the thread is represented in numbers with the lower the number the thicker the thread. Thats why the skull 6x6 is heavier than the skull 7x6.


I once had to wash some blood out of my gfs nudies...anyway you can imagine what type of blood im referring to here. The trick is to get it before it dries and to use hot water to flush it out. I just used some normal hand soap and rubbed the denim on itself, rinsed it out and it turned out fine. No trace or blood (or smell) :D

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