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Denim Blunders, Reflections and General Nonsense.


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35 minutes ago, Dr_Heech said:

Also remember a trend where everything had an anchor on it, from watch caps to jackets, although could've dreamt that last one (?)

Might have been a Mister Freedom thing Doc.. or MF imitators, there was even a guy who had a massive Mister Freedom tattoo down his forearm.. i've just dug it out on pg273 but the images have gone .. what a shame

But then again too few to mention... :rolleyes:

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53 minutes ago, Maynard Friedman said:


I’ll add buying via a proxy or using Google translate to write an email in Japanese to a shop

Yes.. this was the instructions i printed out from sufu back in 17/06/2008 on how to fill out the old Rakuten order form before they started to accept PP and it was still written in Japanese B)



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A few of these I didn't get.


Size down craze.. ?

Slept in jeans.. 

Diors.. No

Fancy wallet.. Yes. Coupla times. Stopped carryiing them because I often have to transition from jeans to dress pants where the pockets are too small.

Engineer boots.. Yes. But back in the rockabilly days rather than the more recent craze.

Ocean wash.. Yes. Wanted to try it because my dad had done it as a sailor in WW2. 

Resolute washing / fit having previously not.. ?

Never washing.. No (Until WOM now).

Coffee wash.. No

Slubby or streaky.. No

Heavy oz denimz.. Think my custom Companions are 19oz

Joined a contest.. Yes

Joined a tour.. No

APC.. No

Fancy washing detergent.. No

Worn denim while raw.. Yes

Paid for an expensive repair.. Yes

Wallet jewelry.. No

Numerous pairs of very expensive boots.. No. Depending on where one considers the lower range of expensive to begin.

Numerous pairs of identical jeans.. Yes. I suppose so.

Numerous fancy leather belts.. Yes

Native American Japanese jewelry.. No

Jacket suitable for the Arctic.. Yes

Unreadable Japanese language magazines.. No

Dressed like a sailor.. Yes

Dressed like a miner.. Yes

Dressed like an urban lumberjack.. Yes

Mill repro.. ?

Dressed like a railway worker.. Yes

Stacked.. ?


Freezer.. No

Fancy socks.. Yes

Handmade English shoes.. No

Whites Semi Dress.. Yes. Used pair.

Discharge print.. Yes

Own less than 10% of the clothing you bought since joining.. No.

Photo of jeans in bathtub.. No

Wore jeans wet..Yes

£2000 leather jacket.. No

Numerous repro denim jackets all from same era.. Yes

Bought jeans nobody else owned.. Yes

Barf / Man stain / Shit oneself in jeans.. No.

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I’ll play

Size down craze: No
Slept in jeans: Yes, out of sheer laziness not for the fades
Diors: No
Fancy wallet: Yes 
Engineer boots: No - love the look, but not my style
Ocean wash: No
Resolute washing / fit having previously not: No
Never washing: No
Coffee wash: No
Slubby or streaky: No
Heavy oz denimz: No
Joined a contest: Yes - WoM is my first
Joined a tour: No
Fancy washing detergent: No
Worn denim while raw: No
Paid for an expensive repair: No
Wallet jewelry: No
Numerous pairs of very expensive boots: Yes
Numerous pairs of identical jeans: Yes, different sizes
Numerous fancy leather belts: Yes
Native American Japanese jewelry: Nope
Jacket suitable for the Arctic: just a puffy
Unreadable Japanese language magazines: Yes
Dressed like a sailor: once as a child for photos
Dressed like a miner: No
Dressed like an urban lumberjack: Yes, and even split wood while doing so. Flannels, boots somewhat broad shoulders sometimes hard to avoid this look. 
Mill repro: No
Dressed like a railway worker: No
Stacked: No
Starch: No
Freezer: No
Fancy socks: Yes it’s probably a 50/50 ratio of awesome to suck
Handmade English shoes: No
Whites Semi Dress: No
Discharge print: Yes, but not wabash
Own less than 10% of the clothing you bought since joining: No - usually wear out my clothes until they are rags
Photo of jeans in bathtub: Just for the personal collection
Wore jeans wet: once, never again
£2000 leather jacket: Nah, wouldn’t look right on me
Numerous repro denim jackets all from same era: Not yet
Bought jeans nobody else owned: Yes
Barf / Man stain / Shit oneself in jeans: No
Colored weft denim: No
Attended a meet up?: No 

Has at least a decade's worth of denim in the closet, unworn? Yes. Need to frequently remind myself that I don’t need to have every shiny new thing. 

I browsed sufu a bit over the years, but didn’t join until recently. Was involved in the skate community for so long and only recently ventured away clothing-wise. So that makes sense why I haven’t hit all these micro trends. However, I’ve worn Levi's as long as I can remember and always preferred them rigid and without stretch. 

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On 2/19/2025 at 1:41 PM, Double 0 Soul said:

Listen up people.. I'm making a list of past sufu trends

Did you jump onboard or not../ how fking sufu actually are you?

Size down craze.. No

Slept in jeans.. Yes but not intentionally

Diors.. No

Fancy wallet.. Yes

Engineer boots.. Yes

Ocean wash.. No

Resolute washing / fit having previously not.. No

Never washing.. Yes

Coffee wash.. No

Slubby or streaky.. None

Heavy oz denimz.. Only once

Joined a contest.. No

Joined a tour.. No

APC.. No

Fancy washing detergent.. Yes

Worn denim while raw.. No

Paid for an expensive repair.. No

Wallet jewelry.. No

Numerous pairs of very expensive boots.. Boy Howdy!

Numerous pairs of identical jeans.. Again yes

Numerous fancy leather belts.. Yes

Native American Japanese jewelry.. Hell no

Jacket suitable for the Arctic.. Yes

Unreadable Japanese language magazines.. Yes

Dressed like a sailor.. No

Dressed like a miner.. No

Dressed like an urban lumberjack.. No

Mill repro.. Yes

Dressed like a railway worker.. No

Stacked.. No


Freezer.. No

Fancy socks.. No

Handmade English shoes.. No

Whites Semi Dress.. No

Discharge print.. Yes

Own less than 10% of the clothing you bought since joining.. Yes

Photo of jeans in bathtub.. Yes

Wore jeans wet..Yes

£2000 leather jacket.. Yes

Numerous repro denim jackets all from same era.. Yes

Bought jeans nobody else owned.. Yes

Barf / Man stain / Shit oneself in jeans.. Not that i would mention here :D

Please contribute..

My turn,  although boring and predictable as usual:

Size down craze - No but have participated in vanity sizing once or twice.

Slept in jeans - Yes in my youth, at festivals, camping etc

Diors- No but remember the 19cm thread

Fancy wallet - No

Fancy engineer boots - No but wish l had

Ocean wash - No

Resolute thingy - No

Never washing - No but will give it a go at some point

Coffee wash - No

Slubby or streaky - No

Heavy ounce denimz - No

Joined a contest - Yes RoyxCone 

Joined a tour - Twice

APC - No

Fancy washing detergent - No

Worn denim while raw - see ^Never washing

Paid for an expensive repair - Never ever paid for any repair thanks to the skills of Mrs_Heech

Wallet jewelry  - No

Numerous pairs of very expensive boots - No

Numerous pairs of identical jeans- Yes in the distant past but not recently 

Numerous fancy leather belts - No

Native (American) Japanese jewelry - Lol

Jacket suitable for the artic - Yes, once owned a C.H Masland N-3a

Unreadable Japanese language magazines  - Hell yeah

Dressed like a sailor - No

Dressed like a miner - No

Dressed like a lumberjack - ..ish

Mil repro - Yes

Dressed like a railroad worker - No

Dressed like an ice cream vendor - No

Dressed like a P.o.W - No

Stacked - No

Starch - (and iron) but only the selvedge/train tracks when jeans are raw

Freezer - No

Fancy socks - No

Handmade English shoes - No

Whites Semi dress - No

Discharge print - No

Own less than 10% of the clothing you bought before joining - No

Photo of jeans in bathtub - No

Wore jeans wet - Yes

£2000 leather jacket - No but did own a £650 Goodwear M422a

Numerous repro denim jackets all from the same era - Hell yes

Bought jeans nobody else owns - Yes

Barf/Man stain/shit oneself in jeans - Can't remember 

Denim meet up - Never been to a meet up as such but have met several members here over the years for a pint or two (Paul T, Maynard and Flash) and one member when l was horrendously hungover (sorry Smoothsailor) ☺️


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"Worn denim while raw"

I remember folks buying raw denim, wearing them to set very crisp combs, washing them after 3 or 4 months and the combs would be half way up the back of the thighs.. "aw! bollocks" :D

This^ was the trend i was alluding to.. did anyone do this and regret it?

I'm not much of a washer at the best of times..  i've had jeans which i've never washed but i've always got the shrinkage out first, I've never worn them raw.

I had a pair of SC47s which i didn't wash for nearly a decade but they did have a few agitated soaks in the bath tub.. i didn't want them to show machine marks.. marbling, fade lines and such..

The caveat here is, if my jeans were stinky, i would wash them for sure but i don't tend to produce body odor.. (like prince andrew) i don't even need to use a deodorant I just spray a bit of tree huger citrus essence..  i can wear socks for days, even my shoes which i wear all day at work have zero smell..

The fancy detergent trend for me was the Sugarcane sachets which are quite good but very expensive (i was given a box from Hirofumi at Vari) the other washing trend for me was Dr Bronners pure soap.. but my jeans always felt a bit greasy to the touch as though the soap hadn't been fully rinsed out in the machine, i would often run them through a second rinse before bagging it off and going back to Fairy Non Bio...

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30 minutes ago, Double 0 Soul said:

In hindsight Charlie.. i should have explained the 'trends' with a bit more clarity.. rather than some half-remembered, cobbled together post.

I wasn't expecting such a great response, thanks for humouring me everyone B)

People here want entertainment as much as more denim, and you started this conga so feel free to update and tweak and so on. It's all good fun 😁 

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5 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

The caveat here is, if my jeans were stinky, i would wash them for sure but i don't tend to produce body odor.. (like prince andrew) i don't even need to use a deodorant I just spray a bit of tree huger citrus essence..  i can wear socks for days, even my shoes which i wear all day at work have zero smell..

This is my experience as well, I bathe every day and my lower body doesn't tend to produce much in the way of odor, thankfully. If I went for a run, or mowed my yard on a scorching summer day, my T-shirt will stink by the time I'm done, but I don't do that kind of highly strenuous, sweaty activity in jeans anyway. If my jeans actually smelled or were gross my wife would complain and insist I wash them for sure, but she never minds at all.

When it comes to jeans getting gross, there's a big difference between internal and external dirtiness. External you can spot clean, like if you get some mud or mustard or whatever on your jeans, depending on the situation. But there's not much you can do about internal, if you just sweat nonstop. The latter category really varies a lot from person to person based on biological factors more than anything else, probably.

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I treat my ride to work and back like a time trial.. so when i arrive, i'm usually perspiring.. i'm wearing a snug fitting cycle jersey which is 82% recycled polyester.. i can't wash it in the evening and get it dry for morning.. especially not at this time of year so it only gets washed on a Sunday.. even though it's man made fibre, it still smells fresh at the end of the week. :)

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