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smoothsailor last won the day on January 11

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  1. Thank you Neal, since I kind of know what I’m actually doing made it controllable
  2. On a different note I painted some designs for John Papa Nui. Its for John to show them but can’t resist to show a teaser
  3. Made a stem. Always liked and was amazed when I saw a custom made stem from steel. Now I made one, still on the learning curve.
  4. Obey, Lee, buzz rickson, fullcount, vans
  5. Surplus, cressent down, jameson, Fullcount, padmore&barnes
  6. Pretty cool @cultpop 0217, I noticed those shoes wayback to. I like that it’s still a classy shoe. my wedding suit was from them, if I remember correctly. The buttons on sleeve where little skulls
  7. Surplus, anatomical, Carhartt, Fullcount, vans
  8. That would be a cool excercition. @81FXR I would give an old or cheap pair a try first
  9. Visited a forest today surplus, manifattura ceccarelli ( damn dyslexia), non vis cresent down, Jameson , fullcount, redwings
  10. Congratulations @Broark and for mother @Broark. And welcome to the world daughter @Broark
  11. Being not good with words and somewhat of dyslect, the rep button helps me to be part of the conversation. most emojis I don’t understand, hardly use them for your reasoning @exaptavist. but they come in handy on instagram, specifically with people I don’t really know. It’s a easy way to make first contact
  12. I guess we normalize it. And for the next generation it becomes normal to. good that you changed it
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