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Everything posted by smoothsailor

  1. thank you all She might be a lurker around here for inspiration
  2. In my new birtday gifts, hat, vest, sweater. My wife is the best papa nui, crescent down, lee, carhartt, fullcount, vans
  3. My boy has a magical house hold, where I see him about 10 min. A day. life
  4. smoothsailor


    No politics here by the way
  5. smoothsailor


    Yes it came like that, but it came from a shop in Seattle I think, forgot the name now. They might have sorted it like that. i thought we were slowly steering towards a world where it would be ancient history and you can wear it again as a cool looking symbol. I have a book from a guy who is tattooed fully with all kinds of swastikas in all different styles and shapes, it was his way of making it not a nazi symbol. unfortunatly we are not there yet
  6. smoothsailor


    Yes it came like that, but it came from a shop in Seattle I think, forgot the name now. They might have sorted it like that. i thought we were slowly steering towards a world where it would be ancient history and you can wear it again as a cool looking symbol. I have a book from a guy who is tattooed fully with all kinds of swastikas in all different styles and shapes, it was his way of making it not a nazi symbol. unfortunatly we are not there yet
  7. smoothsailor


    I searched on their website. I think I know what you mean. did see it like mine but also with the whirling log. i don’t know what I would have done when it arrived with them
  8. ^no , no regime here. Take it of, uncuff the cuffs, throw it in the basket, and wait till it reappears again
  9. smoothsailor


    Looked at again, it’s all there
  10. smoothsailor


    Wow I never noticed it. You mean the diamond shape on the left?
  11. My boy stumbled upon the rah band, thru algorithm ways, this time a good thing. never heard the name of the band, but did know the music. Nice and mellow, funky but not to smooth
  12. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rBoj9akHINo&pp=ygUMVGhlIHJhaCBiYW5k
  13. Action shot in beige FTW para hat, carhartt X2, buzz, vans, easpak helmet bag
  14. 0105 about 14 months of wear, regular wash
  15. smoothsailor


    My ace Wester belt after about 10 yrs of wear. It started out black
  16. Being one of the judges is in the pizza pants contest, I took on a side hustle as a pizza baker. My friends made a pizza oven on a bike and go around to party’s and events. I sometimes help them
  17. It’s good to be young, and naive. I missed all the fuzz on db, I was always intimidated by sufu somehow. Thought it was a big, opinionated , crowd. its good to be here now, still young and naive
  18. I like the look of the unbuttoned bodem and buttoned top. But I doubt those fellas where going for a “look” could it be that it didn’t serve anything, to button up the bottom. Since they wore bibs or at least high rise pants. They wouldn’t get any warmer with the button buttoned. But on the the top you can gain something
  19. Stacey Solomen can fk off with her scatter cushions.. i've missed my vocation in life as a bathroom designer! or vlogger, blogger, influencer good to see back here
  20. My new user name is @bribeyourselftothetop.
  21. ^ We sure are. But we find comfort here
  22. Still feel uncomfortable making a picture of my outfit. But found a way a bit better than my dirty mirror. papa nui, buzz, fullcount, gh bass
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