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What are your jeans doing today?


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It has it's benefits but i wouldn't swap it.. when my kid was little we were out in the Peaks every weekend, camping, hiking, fishing, bike riding and such, it was exhausting but incredibly rewarding.. our tent got trampled by cows so i bought a swanky replacement Snow Peak tent.. lockdown happened and he turned into a teenager thereafter, the tent never got used so i sold it.. he now goes camping with his mates.. he's got a Pure e-scooter so he doesn't even rely on me for transport..

His hands were cold last week so i suggested we went to Decathlon today to buy gloves but he was too busy with his mates.. we're supposed to be doing some father / son clothes shopping in Manchester during October half term.. i can pretty much guarantee this ain't going to happen due to his busy schedule.. so make the most of it while you can.

Peeps who i used to ride with are either too busy with young families or too out of shape to keep up so you end up doing a lot of shit by yourself.. which might sound heavanly now.. but trust me, it gets old fast.

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Yesterday my girlfriend and I went to a vintage market and I snagged some great pieces. Everything but the baseball tee and the Jeff Gordon tee were from the same vendor and he cut me a deal that made my day. Been wanting a varsity jacket for a while now so that was a good find. 

Then back at her apartment I cooked some lions mane mushrooms to make tacos. Never cooked these before but had them once or twice. It's impressive how well you can make them taste and feel like meat (at least from what I can remember). They were fun to cook too. 

Today she and I went for a bike ride along the Ohio Erie canal towpath. It's nearing the end of September and it's still mid 80s here in Ohio, and I'm over it. I want to wear jackets already. 







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My Iron Hearts and I went to the apple orchard/pumpkin farm with my grandsons. Had a great day. At the end of the day number 1 was a bit worn out and number 2 was still ready to go.










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When i used to take my kid, and the neighbours kid hiking up Kinder, we would stop at the Cheshire on the way home, i'd get a pint of their own stout and sit in front of the fire and the kids would get a massive slice of chocolate cake from the dessert menu which would come with 1 jug of hot chocolate sause and 1 jug of cream.. awesome!

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Enjoyed what's remaining of the fall foliage in Ohio this weekend. Brother and I went for a mountain bike ride Saturday morning. Some dude was posted up taking pictures on the trail and got these pictures of me and him. 


Then my girlfriend and I went to Holden Arboretum in the afternoon. 


There's a canopy walk at the arb that I'd never had a chance to check out cos it's always been closed when I've been there, so we were excited to find out that she could take her wheelchair along it. 


Then on Sunday my band opened for Earth Crisis which was pretty wild. Never thought I'd get to say that. 

All in all it was a great weekend. 

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