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Apparently if these were Dior jeans, the price wouldn't be a problem. To me you get way more character and quality from this pair, even for $485.

Raw diors are around $300 retail. almost $200 cheaper... :confused:

I remember when these came out and thought they were pricey


the good old days.

$485 is like socialite cocktail dress status- not jeans that you buy to beat the shit out of.

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Raw diors are around $300 retail. almost $200 cheaper... :confused:

I remember when these came out and thought they were pricey


the good old days.

$485 is like socialite cocktail dress status- not jeans that you buy to beat the shit out of.

If the SEXFH05 jean was released today they would have cost $448 because that's how much the Yen has gone up in 2.5 years.

The ONLY reason any of the products we sell are more pricey than they were a year or two ago is because of the valuation of the Yen.

Chew on this: When we opened four years ago the same exact jeans we are stocking today cost us 35% less in Yen. We are now paying between 35% to 40% MORE per jean due to the Yen but our prices have only gone up between 5% and 20% making our already terrible margins even worse.

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Sure, they are a lot of money. But I'd bet the profit margin on these is smaller than on mall jeans.

Just my two cents, but if you're here on the forum, odds are "expensive" isn't a word that has meaning in your vocabulary. You can either afford a pair of particular jeans, or you cannot.

I think what you are really trying to say by saying they are "retardedly expensive" is that you do not like them. Otherwise, you are saying Self Edge is attempting to fleece their customers, the implication being they aren't worth the money they are charging. Sure, the collabs used to be cheaper, but demand was perhaps lower, and the features certainly less unique (not a dig on previous collabs, just a nod to the additional one off character of these jeans). As demand increased and the features became more and more refined/difficult to achieve, it's logical price would increase too.

As far as "socialite cocktail dress" territory, well that's not really an apt comparison either. They are a lot of money but one of the nice things about jeans is that they can be worn in far more varied circumstances, and unlike formal wear, they can be treated far more roughly.

Eh, to each their own I guess.

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If the SEXFH05 jean was released today they would have cost $448 because that's how much the Yen has gone up in 2.5 years.

The ONLY reason any of the products we sell are more pricey than they were a year or two ago is because of the valuation of the Yen.

Chew on this: When we opened four years ago the same exact jeans we are stocking today cost us 35% less in Yen. We are now paying between 35% to 40% MORE per jean due to the Yen but our prices have only gone up between 5% and 20% making our already terrible margins even worse.

Along these lines, the first flight jacket I ever bought from Real McCoys NZ was an M-422a, at the time, it was $585, plus shipping (this was March 2001). Last I checked, the price was now around a grand, just due to currency exchange rates.

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To each his own I guess. I paid $450 for my IH-634S-B and I only wear em when I skate (they getting fucked up).

Yeah, but they aren't 14oz denim. My flathead BSPs were fucked within 5months because the crotch wore through. And they're relatively loose fit on me.

If the SEXFH05 jean was released today they would have cost $448 because that's how much the Yen has gone up in 2.5 years.

The ONLY reason any of the products we sell are more pricey than they were a year or two ago is because of the valuation of the Yen.

Chew on this: When we opened four years ago the same exact jeans we are stocking today cost us 35% less in Yen. We are now paying between 35% to 40% MORE per jean due to the Yen but our prices have only gone up between 5% and 20% making our already terrible margins even worse.

Understandable. I'm just saying $485 is undeniably a lot of money. I guess if you are really into jeans you just have to roll with the punches and bite the bullet.

I've got other hobbies I'd like to support at the same time though, besides just elite consumerism.

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I've got other hobbies I'd like to support at the same time though, besides just elite consumerism.

No disrespect, but then why are you here? If that's really what you think this is, and nothing else, then why visit the superdenim thread at all?

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Yeah, but they aren't 14oz denim. My flathead BSPs were fucked within 5months because the crotch wore through. And they're relatively loose fit on me.

Understandable. I'm just saying $485 is undeniably a lot of money. I guess if you are really into jeans you just have to roll with the punches and bite the bullet.

I've got other hobbies I'd like to support at the same time though, besides just elite consumerism.

Cool story bro...

Instead of complaining and bitching about a product you are NOT buying, you could have used the time and energy towards those "hobbies" you speak of.

Seriously, weight of denim does not wholly and solely directly influence the longevity of a garment. The way you wear them is the biggest factor. A pair of 21oz will not stand a chance when the crotch is below your jeans and you skate in them everyday.

Just sayin'...

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Thank you everyone for the comments.

Personally, I think the denim is something special in these jeans. After hassling Kiya to come up with a 14.5oz, pure indigo, lefty, he came up with the most beautiful selection of fabrics and this one was the prettiest of the lot.

One of the curious things about left handers is the way the vertical ring pattern is more accentuated. It's fascinating.

I'm also sorry to see the high price, and have wondered why Kiya has taken this on. The design was a challenge, and sewing these must be pain or love, or I suspect a bit of both.

As you can imagine, jeans making is set up in an automated way. There's a set pattern, and this over the years has become highly efficient.

These jeans deviate from that. A lot more than they look. So they come off the regular sewing line. Handmade. Small mistakes will be amplified on these. Things need to be taken slow. The result costs a lot, lot more.

Thanks to anyone who goes to see these and especially anyone who invests in a pair. Flat Head and Kiya made the difficult look simple. And that, is an art.


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Congratulations to both of you, they're a wonderful item.

It's ridiculous to compare pricing on a 140-run pair of jeans to that on a regular model. There's a fixed cost to develop any model - design time and set0up cost - ever before you get all the beautiful detailing as on these jeans. The fabric looks terrific, on my laptop I thought for the first few minutes it was a broken twill. it's especially rare to see non-Sanforized LHT so I can't wait to see these in a few years' time.

Oh, and this might just be me, but I think the equation that heavier denim=fewer crotch blowouts=BS. There are infinite numbers of other variables.

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Black details look really good. Rear pocket shape is top notch.

Simply put, if I had the cash I would invest in them.

But, I have no cash!!!! So whichever lucky fuckers get them please post plenty of pics for me.

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Kiya, ringring,

Beautiful pair of jeans. These are for the uber denim geek that gets a kick out of construction details. I am sure you can find 140 of them who are willing to spend the extra money to admire these and of course wear them.

One question: In the write up you said that LHT is different from RHT because the cotton is spun in the opposite direction. I was under the impression that the only difference was the direction of the twill weave. Is the twill weave left instead of right, because the yarns are spun in a different direction? What if you wove regular warp yarns that would be used for RHT fabric into a left hand twill? Would they unravel over time much easier?

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I thought the soft hand of LHT is due to a deliberate change in tension in the spinning of the yarn to imitate the old Lee/Wrangler fabrics - if the mills wanted to they could equally make LHT have the same stiffness as a similar RHT fabric?

Oh, awesome jeans by the way! Really interesting denim and details :)

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I thought the soft hand of LHT is due to a deliberate change in tension in the spinning of the yarn to imitate the old Lee/Wrangler fabrics - if the mills wanted to they could equally make LHT have the same stiffness as a similar RHT fabric?

Long story, but there is an inherent difference regardless of tension. ringring is the man who will explain.

Edit: while we're waiting, the most obvious difference of LHT is that the twill line rises to the left, rather than to right, as on most jeans - like Levi's. It's traditional to loom single-yarn warps right hand; the difference in feel comes from the relationship between the direction of the twill, and the twist of the yarn. With a Z twist, the standard cotton yarn, the right hand twill will lock the yarn in more tightly and gives a more prominent 'twill' line. The left hand twill will lock the yarn in less tight and therefore gives a softer hand feel - all things (loom settings, yarn, washing, sizeing etc etc etc) being equal. THis will have knock-on effects throughout the jeans, in subtle ways,as they're worn because many of the internal tensions are different, the most obvious is that the leg twist is in the other direction. Then you get a less obvious diagonal twill and, instead, ringring's vertical emphasis.

Left Hand Twill is commonly seen in Lee jeans, but they are Sanforized - it's relatively rare as a shrink to fit fabric.

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These latest collabs have certainly delivered on the premise that they will be 'different' than most other 5 pocket jeans. I was anticipating a different kind of cut but I suppose there's only so much you can do with that. It's a nice clean cut that will suit the athletic build.

I'm sure the jeans will sell, though it's easy to see why the price scares some of you off. though, we're already paying 300+ so why not!

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