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WAYWT 2021 [denim edition]


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This will brighten up your day Edwin!!! i read some time ago in GQ... research suggests, Wrangler customers have swung towards the republican party in large numbers whereas Levi's customers are solid democrats.. The shift being the result of socio-geographic changes, mostly found in the midwest where peeps tend to favor Wrangler’s cowboy image :laugh:

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1 hour ago, Double 0 Soul said:

This will brighten up your day Edwin!!! i read some time ago in GQ... research suggests, Wrangler customers have swung towards the republican party in large numbers whereas Levi's customers are solid democrats.. The shift being the result of socio-geographic changes, mostly found in the midwest where peeps tend to favor Wrangler’s cowboy image :laugh:

Are you saying Wrangler trumps Levi’s?

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3 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

This will brighten up your day Edwin!!! i read some time ago in GQ... research suggests, Wrangler customers have swung towards the republican party in large numbers whereas Levi's customers are solid democrats.. The shift being the result of socio-geographic changes, mostly found in the midwest where peeps tend to favor Wrangler’s cowboy image :laugh:

Being from the Midwest (and shortly relocating back) I believe this has been common knowledge for a some time. Though I surmise say it's equal parts cost as "cowboy image" ...I've known some quite financially comfortable individuals who are quick to gripe about overpriced Levi's (while using Wrangler as the point of comparison), all while complaining they can't find anything good MiUSA anymore. Ha!

I'm actually more surprised if there is a swing as opposed to a more firm brand dedication now...

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12 hours ago, Duke Mantee said:



Let's go a step further --- 


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@Double 0 Soul I’ve always just found the 13MWZ to be extremely durable. 
I remember watching my grandpa starch his wranglers each morning before going out on the farm/orchards. 
He never liked Levi’s and said they were for wannabe cowboys..
he told me to look for the ridgid jeans and W on the back pocket and I’d be in the right cowboy jeans. 

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3 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

Well i did say i read the article "some time ago"

..and it's not entirely down to the factors noted above, other factors include Levi's support for gun control ect..

Bartles links are not working for me but the article will be easily found via GQ or WSJ ect...

Yes sorry I missed that. But I got curious:


The history and cultural alignment of American denim brands always seemed to me a mess if trying to patronize ones that specifically align to ones specific political/cultural persuasions - even to this day. Wrangler was started in/based not far from where I am now, where the old White Oak facility used to be (RIP). Not cowboy territory. Afaik they simply marketed themselves more cowboy about 80 years ago, but Levi's were the actual brand from the "West." Then again, the cowboy image in America has always been more more durable and widespread than the real thing - even in its heyday. 


Growing up I always much preferred the designs of Levi's much more than Wrangler or Lee, and that hasn't changed...my fondness for some MF designs notwithstanding. That's held true during all of my own movements along the spectrum of beliefs and political persuasions, which has been substantial. From where I stand the current versions of both Levi's and Wrangler are essentially the same thing though (not the jeans - the companies). 

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9 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

Bartles links are not working for me but the article will be easily found via GQ or WSJ ect...


from the linked journal article by Elke Gaugele [the article is coming less on wrangler/denim and more from a European perspective on companies like Thor Steiner, 'identitarian hipsters' and neo-nazi street style... but the wrangler related bit cut out for you... ]






the common source for this, the ny times piece and the gq article is the Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie (previously working for Steve Bannon)... BoF talk by him here 

main sources cited from this fragment: this and this and this

as you can see, a lot of this from 2018/2019...

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10 hours ago, shredwin_206 said:

@Double 0 Soul I’ve always just found the 13MWZ to be extremely durable. 
I remember watching my grandpa starch his wranglers each morning before going out on the farm/orchards. 
He never liked Levi’s and said they were for wannabe cowboys..
he told me to look for the ridgid jeans and W on the back pocket and I’d be in the right cowboy jeans. 

Don't worry Edwin, you don't need to justify your Wrangler allegencies here.

Knowing your leanings... i thought you would be amused/mildly horrified by your choice in denim being politicised/interpreted by some of those out of our denim loop.

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I found this extract very interesting:

“The swing to Wrangler from Trump supporters became most acute when Levi’s switched production of their premium LVC denim range from the US to Bulgaria and Turkey shortly after the closure of the White Oak plant.”

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17 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

Wrangler customers have swung towards the republican party in large numbers whereas Levi's customers are solid democrats.. The shift being the result of socio-geographic changes, mostly found in the midwest where peeps tend to favor Wrangler’s cowboy image :laugh:

Republicans switching to wrangler was maybe initially a way of expressing allegiance during Bush Jr's presidency 

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24 minutes ago, roomtemplacroix said:

not technically denim but today we have a classic case of the size chart not panning out. 

whitesville tee

mister freedom pique pants

john lofgren sneakers


Looks fine to me 

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On 4/18/2021 at 5:11 AM, Maynard Friedman said:

I found this extract very interesting:

“The swing to Wrangler from Trump supporters became most acute when Levi’s switched production of their premium LVC denim range from the US to Bulgaria and Turkey shortly after the closure of the White Oak plant.”

interesting... I've usually observed the "America First"  crowd with the 5 star wranglers


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