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1 hour ago, bartlebyyphonics said:


heck, the 60s never did batwing sleeves like the 80s...


I think the mega-batwing (my wings are like a shield of steel) was more early to mid 80's rather than late 80's

..at least the fashion had filtered down to 'knit your own' by 1985 or so the date on the knitting patterns would suggest.



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9 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

Beads, shoulder length hair, tie dye, LSD, floral shirts, flared hems (gotta be a loose fit)... Second summer of love in 88/89, when was the first summer of love? :)

100% yes...

same as it ever was...

as evidenced in the thought of George Simmel well before collective lsd use ...

"Fashion occupies the dividing line between the past and the future, and consequently conveys a stronger feeling of the present, at least while it is at its height, than most phenomena. What we call the present is usually no more than a combination of a fragment of the past with a fragment of the future”


... and then later by Walter Benjamin in the late 1930s... [fashion as tigers leap to the past... but elsewhere also criticises the notion of progress as taking place in an empty and homogenous time... time is instead full of repetitions [as tragedy and farce as Marx notes]]



and then more recently, Caroline Evans...






... [and a bit later...]


she has also argued elsewhere on the deathliness / undead aspect of fashion: a perpetual remixing of dead trends made to walk again as revenant forms...


edit: & and just for jollies; a zoom out with Fredric Jameson, writing at the beginning of the 90s: we are stuck in a situation of experiencing a perpetual present that undergoes perpetual transition...


"I believe that the emergence of postmodernism is closely related to the emergence of this new moment of late, consumer or multinational capitalism. I believe also that its formal features in many ways express the deeper logic of that particular social system. I will only be able, however, to show this for one major theme: namely the disappearance of a sense of history, the way in which our entire contemporary social system has little by little begun to lose its capacity to retain its own past, has begun to live in a perpetual present and in a perpetual change that obliterates traditions of the kind which all earlier social formations have had in one way or another to preserve."


and of course, to go with @Double 0 Soul's observation of the 90s replaying the 60s... Jameson's 1991 notion of the perpetual present is a replay of Guy Debord from 1967...


"Properly historical movement, although still hidden, begins in the slow and intangible formation of the “real nature of man,” this “nature born within human history–within the generating action of human society,” but even though that society developed a technology and a language and is already a product of its own history, it is conscious only of a perpetual present. There, all knowledge, confined within the memory of the oldest, is always carried by the living. Neither death nor procreation is grasped as a law of time. Time remains immobile, like an enclosed space. A more complex society which finally becomes conscious of time devotes itself to negating it because it sees in time not what passes, but only what returns. A static society organizes time in terms of its immediate experience of nature, on the model of cyclical time." 

Edited by bartlebyyphonics
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Absolutely love that Jameson quote bartleby, his analysis of the neoliberal / postmodern end of history is among the few theories I learned in university that i still regularly apply and reference in my life today. I really think he, silvia federici, fromm and marcuse, et al should be required reading for students today, all of whom have authored work that I believe is among the most readily taken up by the self-referential young mind. For me they were so effective at demystifying the root causes of the anxiety, confusion, anger and apathy that I see afflicting the vast majority of my generation and, I’m sure, all generations of young people from here on... not to mention providing a ready answer to the question “why is everyone wearing low-rise flares again?” that I got from a tattoo client yesterday :P

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On 4/21/2021 at 10:14 AM, chicote said:

Absolutely love that Jameson quote bartleby, his analysis of the neoliberal / postmodern end of history is among the few theories I learned in university that i still regularly apply and reference in my life today. I really think he, silvia federici, fromm and marcuse, et al should be required reading for students today, all of whom have authored work that I believe is among the most readily taken up by the self-referential young mind. For me they were so effective at demystifying the root causes of the anxiety, confusion, anger and apathy that I see afflicting the vast majority of my generation and, I’m sure, all generations of young people from here on... not to mention providing a ready answer to the question “why is everyone wearing low-rise flares again?” that I got from a tattoo client yesterday :P

Hmm - where/when were you at university? Because this stuff is required reading in a lot of R-1 or adjacent humanities programs. I love getting into the weeds with some of this stuff, but I'm skeptical as to how some of this stuff ages or will age. Arguably a lot of this postmodernist theory has played a fundamental role in the extreme polarization that we're seeing in the U.S. and a lot of "western" countries. I see people cling to their explanations of how things are just as zealously as any other mystical belief system. That is not a good thing in a pluralistic society. Marcuse in particular leaves little to the imagination - and while I don't disagree with the premise of a lot of the post-modernists (at least, the ones that I am familiar with) - and I do think a lot of them have been interpreted far beyond their actual words - I'm almost to the point to where I think they need to back and start requiring some political philosophy from...um...other points of origin. Stay skeptical of anything or anyone that purports to explain how things work in neat and concise way. 

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I somehow managed to get a critical theory graduate degree without reading much critical theory outside Foucault and Deleuze but I want to correct that. Any suggestions on where to start with Jameson, Fromm, Marcuse or Federici? No worries if not - I'll probably just dive in somewhere. I've been a long time lurker on this forum and of course it's theory that has me posting for the first time.

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On 4/20/2021 at 10:24 AM, Duke Mantee said:

My junk folder has all the same crap -

Just had this email from Reverb.. maybe its coincidental that my spam has recently increased from 5/month to 250/day or maybe...

Dear Reverber,

We take our users’ privacy and security very seriously. Out of an abundance of caution, we wanted to inform you that Reverb recently became aware of an issue relating to user contact information.

At this time, we believe that contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email, was publicly accessible for a short period of time. We do not have reason to believe that any of this information has been misused, nor do we believe that password or payment information were involved.

As soon as we learned of this issue, we immediately worked to resolve it. We conducted an investigation of the situation to determine what happened and are taking steps to prevent something like this from happening again.

Your trust is important to us, and we are committed to improving our safety procedures to keep your information secure. Thank you for being a part of the Reverb community.

The Reverb Team

Odd that the word 'sorry' is never mentioned :rolleyes:

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I'm usually a strong proponent for demolishing anything associated with Elton John but i would make an exception here...


I wonder if our future urban landscape will be just serieses of rusting shipping containers with quirky names stacked one on top of the other and opaque glass rectangles, nobody can see in or out because the caretaker fees don't stretch to getting the windows cleaned...

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out of sheer boredom and luv of tinsel televisually experienced the recent rocketman rock opera biopic on the john: directed by dexter fletcher [whom I still remember from press gang as my teeth fall out and I dribble into my whiskey]... 'twas funnier than it shudda been...

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After the first lockdown.. when barbers/hairdressers briefly opened, my mrs dropped the boy off at the hairdressers (no barbers nr us) for a much needed haircut, the hairdresser is usually wearing a 'The Limit' t-shirt so we though he was in safe hands... she walked up to the chemist and when she go back the guy said 'Ooo, that's much better, he looks just like the boy Elton from Rocketman' (which he'd seen the previous night)... Ive never been so offended!!! thought my mrs and instantly ruffled it back up :D

7 hours ago, bartlebyyphonics said:

out of sheer boredom...

If you want to counter the boredom i suggest Little Alchemy (1 is more playable than 2) the boy and I started it on Monday by the time he went to bed, we'd collected 172 elements, we've even got that well known element 'Darth Vader' :unsure:

It's ace!

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Damn 308! B)

You've got some nice stuff there, part of the puzzle is figureing out what's even available..

My kid started it on his phone some time ago, showed it to me at the weekend (we was bored, it was raining) soon got sucked in and we started a'fresh on the laptop.

It's much more playable on a laptop, or at least it is for this dinosaur...spaeking of which, we have dinosaur and godzilla

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I got into a groove of thinking combinations and I’m quite methodical so it became what goes with human, what goes with fire, etc.

I’ve no idea what’s available but it’s cool trying the combos - although it’s annoying sometimes because what I think might be a ‘logical’ combo simply doesn’t work :mad: ... :tongue:

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My'god gen_guy, that's an absolute beauty! my S&M was already beat when i got it.

Last time i was on a BMX was when i was teaching my kid how to bunny hop on his tiny 16" Sunday (pg 260 of the What are Your Jeans Doing thread) a few years back :)

Our local BMX track where i used to hang out in the 80's has had something of a revival during lockdown, so that's brilliant news..




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When the sun is out i see groups of lads dressed almost identically..

Environment - Outside Wetherspoons (other soulless highsteet bars are available)

Age- 20something

Physique- Toned and fake tanned (they haven't been to Magaluf recently)

Attire- Polo shirts are essential to achieve the look (popped collars are encouraged) + snug fitting shorts, some are denim, non are selvedge

Footwear- Low cut pumps and trainer socks, maybe Fred Perry

Hair- Turkish barber £5 special

Beard- Turkish barber £2 spesh

Sunglasses- Mirrored

Accessories- Pint of Estrella (Peroni is also an option)

Who the fuck are these guys, is this a tribe or just a generic warm weather look for the young non-hipster male?


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