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I love the APC denim jacket💪💪

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19 hours ago, Maynard Friedman said:

I’d take the APC over that Full Count one any day.

I agree. The FC is out of my comfort zone, but I've been wearing it for the last few days. I enjoy the way the soft denim drapes, which makes riding the motorcycle easier. I'm also enjoying the cropped look more than I thought.

The APC is pretty rigid compared to the FC, but it is overall a more "stylish" piece.

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Similar happened to me a few years back in a motorbike accident. I had to have a few good bits chopped me including a barbour international I'd just rewaxed, a valencia st type 2 that was barely worn in, warehouse sweatshirt and a momotaro chambray.

I was most upset about the type 2, and shattered collarbone of course.

Hope you have a quick and straightforward recovery.


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Wow looking like a serious accident

i wish you a speedy recovery

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oh shit. that's really scary. glad you came out mostly ok. fucking up the jacket on day 2 of wear is rough. with a hole like that, it could look cool with a more ornate sashiko repair? an aesthetically pleasing souvenir of surviving. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone know who makes the most faithful reproduction Type 1 or 2 in terms of fit? Every single one seems too long for me (and, less importantly, too tight in the armhole). Legit vintage jackets max out at 23-24 inches in body length for the largest sizes (from what I've seen doing research), but when it comes to repros the smallest sizes start at this length.  For reference I have a Levi's Premium Type 1 (size small) and a Sugar Cane 1953 Type 2 SC15650 (size 38) and they're both about an inch and a half too long for my liking.

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34 minutes ago, reubensangwich said:

Does anyone know who makes the most faithful reproduction Type 1 or 2 in terms of fit? Every single one seems too long for me (and, less importantly, too tight in the armhole). Legit vintage jackets max out at 23-24 inches in body length for the largest sizes (from what I've seen doing research), but when it comes to repros the smallest sizes start at this length.  For reference I have a Levi's Premium Type 1 (size small) and a Sugar Cane 1953 Type 2 SC15650 (size 38) and they're both about an inch and a half too long for my liking.

Warehouse is probably what you want (shorter, wider shoulder). It will depend on the model though, what they feel like producing any given season. Check second hand.

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@reubensangwich Check out this one: https://mepse.base.shop/items/94947617
It's from a new brand and I believe on sufu only @beautiful_FrEaK have tried it so can't speak of quality but measurements match original post shrink.
We also have Superstitch Paris, their type II is also closer to original: https://superstitchmfg.com/collection/denim/jackets/lr11/
Bought their 66 cut jeans when I was in Paris and they are superb, all their stuff looks really really nice.

But as you say the type II from Sugar Cane that I have is definitely longer than the original Levi's cut.

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@NilsLW Mepse has been on my radar for a few months, I wanted to get the repro of the 70s Black Corduroy Type 3 they did recently since I have an original, and the measurements on that were damn faithful. Unfortunately, I'd have to use a proxy to purchase from them, and I'm just not very familiar with the process.

The superstitch is beautiful, great shape, but 450 euro is madness. Guess I'll have to do some research on proxies.


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@reubensangwich using a proxy is really easy but I know, if you haven't done it before it can feel overwhelming.

I usually use FromJapan. YOu just have to make an account there and use this form to buy stuff:


Put the address of the Mepse Shop in the search bar and go from there. Payment can be done with credit card or paypal


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15 hours ago, reubensangwich said:

@beautiful_FrEaK You may have just put my credit in danger if I don't exercise some self control, but thank you!

I was using FromJapan several times, it is easy. Otherwise, you can them directly at Mepse website contact/inquiry page. Just provide them with your address and tel number and ask to send you a paypal invoice for required item. I did the same many times with Japan's vendors and it works 9 times out of 10.

Edited by Talan
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  • 2 weeks later...

Starting from what size were vintage Type IIs made with a T-back? Deciding if I should go full-on short boxy cut with Mepse's size 52 since the sleeve lengths still look good...

Edited by frank
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  • 2 months later...

After 3 months of searching high and low for my next jacket, I finally settled on the Freewheelers 506XX 46-47. I had no qualms about sizing, thanks to the wealth of information available in the FW thread, and went with a 42. Upon arrival, I was dismayed at the fit. It felt huge (  no pre-wash fit pics, apologies😅) so I immediately threw it in the machine for a hot wash (heavy agitation) and dry, and it came out just about perfect in my opinion. According to my measurements there wasn't drastic shrinkage anywhere, but the fit feels like night and day, it's perfect now; I think I just have denim dysmorphia or something.




This is without a doubt the nicest denim I own, it really puts my jeans to shame. It's so textured and lively, whereas the 3sixteen denim just looks flat and lifeless in comparison, I'm not sure if I'll be able to wear them together. I guess I may be in the market for a new pair of jeans soon....



Measurements taken with a sewing tape, garment laying flat, all pleats folded, not stretched. 

Note: I gave the sleeves a real good stretch before throwing it in the dryer, which could explain the lack of shrinkage compared to the body.

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