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Copped that black and olive 3A-2 (X-Pac). The olive foil is nice, but that inner bag design on the outside on the black version just seemed really bizarre to me. 

3A-2 is probably my favorite daily ACR bag, and my current version was getting pretty beat.


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Can someone give me the use case for 3A-2? Genuinely curious. Powerbanks, phone, wallet, and...? Is it big enough for anything else? Would look good as a fashion statement, don't get me wrong. Also, reverse foil resembles a snake pattern which is nice, a lot better than the previous trashbag aesthetic. (If you bought the multi-color for reasons other than reselling I hope you get your eyes checked lol) I hope someone one day collects all the multi-color pieces and makes a fit out of them. 

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  On 3/11/2021 at 11:46 PM, Orientalq said:

Can someone give me the use case for 3A-2? Genuinely curious. Powerbanks, phone, wallet, and...? Is it big enough for anything else? Would look good as a fashion statement, don't get me wrong. Also, reverse foil resembles a snake pattern which is nice, a lot better than the previous trashbag aesthetic. (If you bought the multi-color for reasons other than reselling I hope you get your eyes checked lol) I hope someone one day collects all the multi-color pieces and makes a fit out of them. 


I use it as my daily work bag. The little mini pocket on the inside fits my wireless earbuds case perfectly. I can also fit my wallet, a small notebook and other reading material, phone charger, and all my other essential EDC stuff. The 3A-2 I break out if I just need to bring the essentials with me, and I'm not going to be needing the larger capacity of my 3TS. 

It's best as a light carry, essentials satchel.

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Multi reminds me a little too much of those paint by numbers Star Wars kits with the glow in the dark paints from the early 80’s crossed with Aliens(TM) aesthetic

but not in a good way

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  On 3/11/2021 at 10:38 PM, Yan90 said:

Insane. He replaced the original olive straps/webbing with shitty pistachio cw. 

Taobao vibes. 


Didn't notice at first and was considering getting one of the new "black" bags, but now I can't unsee this ...

I wonder how noticeable it actually is - would appreciate if anyone who copped could post some pics.

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  On 3/12/2021 at 1:38 AM, Xu Jianfeng said:

3a-2 non foil version would be my five stars 3rd-arm recommandation for newbee, good for a mask pouch with a decent price (same as last this model drop's), and the best is, the stock lasts.:smile:


yeah I had the previous all black version but ending up letting it go because it was "too black". The olive detailing is exactly what I wanted so I had to melt my cop freeze for it LOL

Edited by AvantSol
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i think multi is fine. glad they're finally trying new stuff beyond the typical black/raf/olive greens


would be stoked to see a multi pant if the colors are distributed in a similar patchwork style as the black j1b-multi (black/white/dust)


mismatched zipper teeth and pulls would've been *chefs kiss* on the 3a-1-multi. can't wait to get mines in so i can play around with the pockets

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  On 3/11/2021 at 10:38 PM, Yan90 said:

Insane. He replaced the original olive straps/webbing with shitty pistachio cw. 

Taobao vibes. 


Agreed it looks different! I asked ACR directly if they are using a new color for the strap (hard to tell if its just the color editing) and this is their reply:


It should be the same color, however some smaller color differences are unavoidable due to the dyeing process at the respective supplier.
Kind regards,

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I’m blown away by how closed minded a lot of you guys are for Acronym trying new things. I would have expected everyone here to be the exact opposite given we are fans of a brand that is quite over the top to begin with.

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Well to put it simply, I think clever and functional designs are still well received. For example, everyone was happy with tension zips.

The multi is just playing on the current (already played out) trend of upcycling garments, think needles rebuild, old park, heck even patagonia has its own frankenstein upcycling program. I think people on here see the multi as errolson just trend hopping and catering to what’s hot instead of just doing his own thing like “the good ole days”. I get that it’s a business first and foremost and the man’s gotta make money, but I do find things getting cornier and cornier (with that said if you take a step back maybe it was always corny lol).

I think with acronym’s oversaturation, the veneer of “badassery” has kind of really worn off. This is pretty much just nerd clothing at this point. And that’s fine with me, but I certainly don’t really think of acronym as fashionable for the most part.


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  On 3/12/2021 at 4:08 PM, BRICK DOM said:

I think with acronym’s oversaturation, the veneer of “badassery” has kind of really worn off. This is pretty much just nerd clothing at this point. And that’s fine with me, but I certainly don’t really think of acronym as fashionable for the most part.



i think once the snowboard-meets-military streetwear DNA started to lose ground to the martial arts/sci-fi influence the magic started to wane. not that there aren't good later pieces but pre-2016 ACR is where it's at.

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  On 3/11/2021 at 11:16 PM, robbatussin said:

Foil was always just reversed xpac. Durability (or lack of) will be the same. 


No, I don't think this is right. I've owned a silver foil, a black foil, and a green regular (with the current "foil" reverse face) and they are all obviously of different durabilities. The silver foil is incredibly fragile, but even the black is much less rigid than the back-face of the green xpac. The current "foil" seems to be laminated in some way that makes it much tougher (and more rigid).

As for waning magic, man, whatever. I'm too lazy, but I wonder what year the first post about "the magic is gone" was made in? Before 2016, I bet... hasn't it always been like this? Maybe it's you that have changed? It's been five years, after all -- it's natural for your tastes to shift over such a long period of time.

I've said this before but I think "making money" is the wrong take. Prices go up, sure, but the volume is too low for it to be a cash cow. If he wanted to make money, he would create a diffusion line and do more shoes. Acronym is his art/prestige project.

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  On 3/12/2021 at 2:25 PM, Theanix said:

I’m blown away by how closed minded a lot of you guys are for Acronym trying new things. I would have expected everyone here to be the exact opposite given we are fans of a brand that is quite over the top to begin with.


wish E was more open-minded to making good things rather than things for the sake of being new. If one-off ultra-low stock Multi is the direction "New" ACR is heading then E needs to go the other way. Especially at these price points. For instance, J1E was well-liked with "New" things, features, arrays but he only sold it to friends and subnet. Everyone else gets highlighter stretchy boonie hat.

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