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WAYWT 2020 [denim edition]


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4 hours ago, volvo240thebest said:

Indeed Ed! I am too swamped with work right now to work out/run regularly, and I feel unsafe to go to the gym still after Covid. Thank you for giving me some motivation though!


Fuck the gym Volv's! it's full of posers slinking around looking at their muscles in the mirror or overly aggressive steroid-heads shouting 'encouragement' at each other, how many Italian runners can you name...?? exactly! buy yourself an old road bike, it's your Italian birthright.

Edited by Double 0 Soul
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28 minutes ago, Double 0 Soul said:

Fuck the gym Volv's! it's full of posers slinking around looking at their muscles in the mirror or overly aggressive steroid-heads shouting 'encouragement' at each other, how many Italian runners can you name...?? exactly! buy yourself an old road bike, it's your Italian birthright.

You can find poseurs in all fields. 
Some steroid users might be competitors or pros. That’s alright. You can find poseurs in the golf course too. Everywhere. It’s about you not thinking too much about what they do or think. Do your job and be positive. Gyms are an excellent invention. 
Some people work out because of vanity. Looking good in the mirror. Is that bad? It has a positive side. The outcome can be great for their health. 
Some amateurs train just to impress women. That’s excellent. Who cares about what’s in their minds...At least their doing the job, have a goal and get healthier. 
But yeah, too many roided amateur poseurs shouting insecurity. 

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2 hours ago, Double 0 Soul said:

Fuck the gym Volv's! it's full of posers slinking around looking at their muscles in the mirror or overly aggressive steroid-heads shouting 'encouragement' at each other, how many Italian runners can you name...?? exactly! buy yourself an old road bike, it's your Italian birthright.

Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Well, since fall 2018 I got bitten hard with the running bug, it helped me lots both to lose weight and also generally for my mental health/stability.
As an individual, I can say I have a huge talent for addictions, and this is the first healthy addiction of my adult life.
I started to go to the gym as a side activity to improve my strength, with the only purpose of becoming a better runner. This is the way my mind works when I get addicted to something. Either I don't play or I play for the victory.

[edit] as per the bike, one of my best friends and musical mate had a terrible road bike accident. He risked to not even be able to play music anymore. I just prefer to play safe and avoid getting addicted to that too.

Edited by volvo240thebest
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fat shaming in the age of covid lockdown certainly is picking that [jiggly jobbly wobbly] low hanging fruit...

@volvo240thebest - I seem to remember it was you that shared that most comforting proverb; 'a man without a belly is like the night sky without stars' [or some such wisdom...]

... with gyms shut in UK our local park is now full of the pumped up 'roid-heads... anything [trees, fences, lamp posts] that can withstand it seems to have a resistance strap tied to it with a muscle bound personage repping frantically... or else one is constantly leaping to avoid the panting of a jogger passing within centimetres eager to share their particulates...

I for one am [before lockdown, during and most probably after] happily growing my girth...

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2 minutes ago, bartlebyyphonics said:

'a man without a belly is like the night sky without stars' [or some such wisdom...]

indeed Bartles indeed
un uomo senza pancia è come un cielo senza stelle

I live in the country side and can run in trails where I hardly meet anyone. These days in 10 km I meet perhaps another runner or two and several bikes, I am happy to see people discovering or rediscovering outdoor sports though, it's good. Best cure ever for the mental health/frustration/disappointment for low jeans rises/wide hem widths.

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12 minutes ago, bartlebyyphonics said:

... with gyms shut in UK our local park is now full of the pumped up 'roid-heads... anything [trees, fences, lamp posts] that can withstand it seems to have a resistance strap tied to it with a muscle bound personage repping frantically...

One of my two nearby parks had a rugby pitch - apparently one of only 2 public rugby pitches in the whole of the borough. I used to take my son there for a bit of fun taking drop-goals and conversions, etc until the stupid resistance band addicts bent it out of shape and led to it being toppled. They’re now breaking branches off the trees doing the same thing - what happened to some press ups, sit ups and a bit of Pilates?

There’s also a 1km path around the edge of the grass, usually inhabited by dog-walkers, joggers or kids cycling/skating/scooting. There are now adults flying around it on expensive bikes acting like they’re in a time-trial. I can’t wait for gyms to re-open and get some of these dicks out of the parks.

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44 minutes ago, Maynard Friedman said:

I can’t wait for gyms to re-open and get some of these dicks out of the parks.


in my idle moments, as the panic around the pandemic takes its cues from apocalypse movies, I have mused that those under the aegis of such repetitive activities take on more and more the characteristics of lycra-clad zombies (at once desperately agitated yet untroubled by thought)

...they swarm our public areas and they are undoubtedly faster than me...  I think you might out run them: I would be caught and marinaded in protein shakes and self-help manuals before meeting my demise...

don't get me wrong, I have nothing (much) against exercise, but this pandemic has really shone a light on just how many jocks there are in London, lurking out of sight in the sweaty crevices of the gym...

anyway to re-rail the thread; no picture: a list instead for your imaginings... 

blue nike sliders, criminal white socks, grey carhartt ripstop trousers cut to shorts, cheap black t-shirt, tender 921 simplified jacket-shirt, white and green shemagh...

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Sorry had to chime in on all that exercising chat... (edit - just realised how much I've written)

One of my few pandemic positive has been exercising together with my family (need to search for the other positives) 

Alternatives were needed for spare, pent-up energy - kids football/gymnastics/swimming/MMA/gyms all corona'd

Lucky to have a big park nearby - easier to avoid resistance band buddies, runners and riders hogging the paths... but why spit near us, especially during a pandemic ffs? 

I got Junior MJF9 a metre measuring wheel - 3 weeks to arrive but worth the wait.  Doubles up as a Maths teaching aide - average speed calculations for home schooling anyone?

Monday early am is uphill sprints to jump start the week (eventually) - all four of us - 120m from bottom to top Junior said 

I found a run-down, barely used 400m cinder track so we’re also interval training on there.  Today was our first family 4 x 100m relay time trial – 100m each - the baton was not dropped.  The benchmark has been set! The race is on!

On two other mornings we do muay thai circuits.... yes to press ups, sit ups and what-nots - ALL free!

Early lockdown, I looked into getting a bike to join the kids – wtf - everywhere sold out or pandemic price p*** taking.  Only benefit is don't have to avoid drivers wearing blinkers – must take some skill and bottle navigating Yorkshire’s roads Double O!!     

Agreeing with the sentiments above… exercise is my panacea – when the lactic acid is pulsing and them endorphins start flowing (eventually), the worst of times are eased 

In no rush for the sweaty gym… yet

Edited by MJF9
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@MJF9, I am with you there. Who knew there was a sect of people that took pleasure inveighing against strength training and exercise more generally. Sometimes this board reads like dispatches from a Victorian dandy who is waiting for their favorite court masque to begin. Without exercise how does one deal with any sort of physical or mental stress effectively or even think clearly? One must rid all the gobbledygook from their body - and if you can do it in a park, for free, more power to ya.

Edited by Suitedupmon
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16 minutes ago, MJF9 said:

Early lockdown, I looked into getting a bike to join the kids – wtf - everywhere sold out or pandemic price p*** taking.  Only benefit is don't have to avoid drivers wearing blinkers – must take some skill and bottle navigating Yorkshire’s roads Double O!!     

Let ebay be your friend here, you could buy a fully restored Penny Farthing and join the rest of us in our Victorian-dandyism

I got hit by some dude a few months ago..i was on the fucking bike crossing on a dual carriageway and he went straight through the red and twatted me, i rolled it out trying not to break my wrists so it looked more dramatic than it actually was, he was a young Sri Lankan student, who started hugging and kissing me when i said i was ok, then started thanking god for my good fortune.. i think he was more shaken up than i was :D

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Ouch! Glad you lived to tell the tale and all the others pal.  Seriously, UK driving puts me off - last summer we cycled around Copenhagen in safety.  Let's see if that promised investment makes it through to safer cycling - would really like to see this.  

I thought of getting a Penny Farthing - but when you add on the cost of the period-correct wardrobe to compliment, it gets too expensive 

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Yeah, fucking Uber drivers are a right set of useless cunts, do pardon my french.. if it's any consolation, ive only been hit by cars 3 times in 30yrs of road riding.

If you like the old bike steeze, Eroica Britannia should be back for 2021, i go most years, it's a good weekend.

Edited by Double 0 Soul
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I'm glad I looked that up... I read it initially as Erotica Britannia - might have been influenced by your previous sentence 

That looks cool - at least 2021 would give enough time to start saving up for them wheels and kit 

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I’m not sure who the anti-strength training sect are. I try to exercise every day although I’m currently limited to a leg injury and I get my kids out too. BUT if this anti-strength brigade object to the breaking of foliage and sporting apparatus AND intimidating kids on bikes, etc by idiots then I’m in!

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8 hours ago, MJF9 said:

Sorry had to chime in on all that exercising chat... (edit - just realised how much I've written)

One of my few pandemic positive has been exercising together with my family (need to search for the other positives) 

Alternatives were needed for spare, pent-up energy - kids football/gymnastics/swimming/MMA/gyms all corona'd

Lucky to have a big park nearby - easier to avoid resistance band buddies, runners and riders hogging the paths... but why spit near us, especially during a pandemic ffs? 

I got Junior MJF9 a metre measuring wheel - 3 weeks to arrive but worth the wait.  Doubles up as a Maths teaching aide - average speed calculations for home schooling anyone?

Monday early am is uphill sprints to jump start the week (eventually) - all four of us - 120m from bottom to top Junior said 

I found a run-down, barely used 400m cinder track so we’re also interval training on there.  Today was our first family 4 x 100m relay time trial – 100m each - the baton was not dropped.  The benchmark has been set! The race is on!

On two other mornings we do muay thai circuits.... yes to press ups, sit ups and what-nots - ALL free!

Early lockdown, I looked into getting a bike to join the kids – wtf - everywhere sold out or pandemic price p*** taking.  Only benefit is don't have to avoid drivers wearing blinkers – must take some skill and bottle navigating Yorkshire’s roads Double O!!     

Agreeing with the sentiments above… exercise is my panacea – when the lactic acid is pulsing and them endorphins start flowing (eventually), the worst of times are eased 

In no rush for the sweaty gym… yet

I can relate! 

I  was a daily gym person,  1 day a week off. Lockdown changed my routine obviously, back on the running (injuries allowing) bodyweight circuits and I have a mate who is  a PT that beasts me 2 days a week. I  miss the weights but have no real desire to get back in the gym now,  happy with outdoor training in fresh air. 

I've lost nearly about half a stone in lockdown.

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I'm all on that Covid fitness life...Probably the healthiest and fittest I've been since I quit boxing a few years back lol

@volvo240thebest but have you taken to running in jeans yet? I did so for a while to break in my Sugar Cane 1966's back in 2009-2010; Fades were crazy but wasn't worth the sweat bath long term :laugh2:

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I'm impressed by the people who are actually doing better during COVID in terms of working out and healthiness. 

I've been able to maintain my weight just fine and I'm doing workouts, but I really loved going to the gym so I'm not making the progress that I was before in terms of fitness. 

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18 minutes ago, aho said:

@volvo240thebest but have you taken to running in jeans yet? I did so for a while to break in my Sugar Cane 1966's back in 2009-2010; Fades were crazy but wasn't worth the sweat bath long term :laugh2:

Wow this is even worse than ocean wash!

I prefer to wear my eyesoring fluo running lycras and tees and Hoka Bondi.

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