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The ACRONYM Community Sales Thread

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WTS (prices include shipping and PP fees in CONUS, PM for INTL)

CP4-WS full pack: $800

P10-DS Small, full pack (SS-16): $800 SOLD

J34-GTPL Small full pack: $1200



3A-2 Black XPAC, full pack



WTB (can offer any above trade items)

J1B-S Black, Small

P17-CH Small

P24A-DS XSmall

Edited by piece keeper
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On 2/17/2020 at 11:26 AM, GNTGLDNRNGS said:

WTS J1A-GT 2.0 sz S

No bag or spec, but comes with sling, tape, and hood

Has been professionally patched and taped by rainypass repair in the back with the exact same GTPRO. Any additional pictures available on request.



WTT the above J1A-GT 2.0 for XS any acr GT shells. Probably a long shot, recognizing not many models in xs have been made to date.

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WTS P23A‐S RAF size M full pack 9/10 ~ $1200 net from Australia. SOLD

Alternatively, WTT for:

P23A‐S RAF size S

P30A‐DS size S


Edited by nathan_
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P16A-CH FW-1415, Small, new only tried on. Folded spec sheet. No bag. £375.

I didn’t purchase from realreal. Dropped price. 
You’re correct to pull me up on my price @Yan90, I saw the hanon vault price and thought I would copy. I understand that this place isn’t for profit but for the love of Acronym.



Edited by FelixRevolt
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13 hours ago, FelixRevolt said:


P16A-CH FW-1415, Small, new only tried on. Folded spec sheet. No bag. £375.

I didn’t purchase from realreal. Dropped price. 
You’re correct to pull me up on my price @Yan90, I saw the hanon vault price and thought I would copy. I understand that this place isn’t for profit but for the love of Acronym.


somebody split the frames with me, i'll pay 150GBP just for the case

also WTB P24A-DS Black M, full pack preferred

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On 5/15/2020 at 10:39 PM, Wklcarl said:



look for J1a-gt 2.2 sz S

_with j1a-gt 2.2 sz M bnwt

_ with P30a-ds sz S (9.5/10)

_ with J1a-gtkp sz M and S as trade (cash add from you) bnwt

as trade 

B ) WTS:

J61-gt sz S USD 1900 (pay in hkd) GIFT , DHL shipped

3a-3ts blk foil 9/10 full packed

USD 1050 (pay in hkd) gift (including DHL shipping)

J79ts-gt sz S 10/10 USD 1880 (dhl shipped)

S23-AK SZ M bnwt USD 612 dhl shipped

P34-E USD 1100 9.5/10 (worn once indoor) dhl shipped


3a-1 RAF

J28-gt sz L 

P24a-s RAF sz S

D) WTT: 
with SP12ts-ch sz S, ONLY looking for sp28ts-ds sz S
For the concrete trading terms, let me refer you to the owner. Discussion by you two (NO SELLING)

still looking for

and add: j1a-gt 2.2 (9.5/10 full packed) sz L for trade also (could sell at Euro 1780 dhl shipped also)

Edited by Wklcarl
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