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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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  On 10/21/2017 at 4:06 PM, bod said:

No need to apologise for dumping denim pics


cheers bro

had been meaning to hold off on sharing til more significant development in the pieces, but given the bad cone news and general discussion on cone denim philosophy thought i'd share to give some concrete evidence

so rly about embarrassment of seeming to go 'look at my {lack of} three month fades'

on a boring ramble: had been trying to wash the two in parallel to keep fade profile vaguely synchronous; these pix tell me to let that boat sail away...

Edited by bartlebyyphonics
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First timer here with a question for the community: I have a pair of LVC 501/1978s rigid/unwashed that I bought online steeply discounted as dead stock earlier this year from Aero Leathers in Scotland. I did this because LVC discontinued the '78s. (I stocked up on my size, 32 x 34, when the '78s were discontinued-- I like the fit best for me.) Comparing them to other unwashed, unworn LVC '78s I have, there are some differences between them: The denim on the ones from Aero is distinctly different; it's slightly bluer and not hairy at all like on the other '78s. There is a larger rise (about an inch more), thigh is slightly larger and the leg openings are about 1/2" larger than the hairy denim pairs unwashed. They also have an extra button in the fly, 4 plus the top button, as opposed to 3. The interior white label says Made in USA but it does not mention Netherlands as a Levis business address. Instead it mentions a Levis Brussels address. Also there is no hang-tie label (with size info, big LVC red logotype, etc.) nor is there a repro vintage envelope in the back pocket. The style number on the pair from Aero is 78501-0001. The other '78s I have (from LVC site, shops and elsewhere) with hairy denim, repro vintage envelope and hang-tie label have the style number 78501-0002. 

Does anyone have any knowledge to impart regarding whether (or not) the pair from Aero are Cone denim, bootleg or not, actually USA-made, etc.? My initial thought is that LVC retooled the '78s at some point and they are a relic from the period before they did. I can upload photos if needed. Thanks. 

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Those Aero 78s will be genuine but are likely to be an older version than the others you have, that's all, they wouldn't have the envelope, etc . Does the top button have a number stamped on the back? Also, can you take a photo of the inner care tag so we can identify year of production?

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  On 10/25/2017 at 11:05 PM, Maynard Friedman said:

Those Aero 78s will be genuine but are likely to be an older version than the others you have, that's all, they wouldn't have the envelope, etc . Does the top button have a number stamped on the back? Also, can you take a photo of the inner care tag so we can identify year of production?


Thanks, I appreciate your reply. The number stamped on the back of the Aero '78s top button is 1170. The other '78s (and also a pair '66s) that I have are all 4420.

Attaching the inner care tag image. There's only printing on one side. 


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^ Thanks for that. Hopefully someone with a bit more nous can confirm but that doesn't seem to have the standard date format within the code. All I can think is that the '0840' refers to 2008 although I have no idea about the 40 part. I have exactly the same on a pair of 1937s I bought second hand in 2011 and I thought the second care tag (there often are 2) with the production date was simply missing, I suppose this still could be the case, but perhaps they are from 2008 too. They also have s 4170 code on the back of the button, are you sure yours is 1170 or perhaps it's 4170 too?

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  On 10/26/2017 at 10:33 PM, Maynard Friedman said:

^ Thanks for that. Hopefully someone with a bit more nous can confirm but that doesn't seem to have the standard date format within the code. All I can think is that the '0840' refers to 2008 although I have no idea about the 40 part. I have exactly the same on a pair of 1937s I bought second hand in 2011 and I thought the second care tag (there often are 2) with the production date was simply missing, I suppose this still could be the case, but perhaps they are from 2008 too. They also have s 4170 code on the back of the button, are you sure yours is 1170 or perhaps it's 4170 too?


Oh, you're right. It's 4170. These don't have a second care tag, just the one. 

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The end of Cone inspired me to want to try the 1976, after reading through the relevant posts in this thread consensus is pretty much that they fit TTS, right? I've found a few size charts that seem to point to that, too... could always stretch the waistband when wet Setterman-style I guess...

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  On 10/21/2017 at 3:20 PM, bartlebyyphonics said:

cone is clearly the slow unfolded in terms of color. definitely less hairy, fluffy, showy when first worn... but less drama-queen in terms contrast and pucker...


Thank you for the comparison! The difference is pretty clear between the two, even after only a couple months' wear. Really enjoyed reading these posts.

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Presumably that extra cost represents the 'added value' of exporting those jeans (manufactured in the US from cotton grown and spun into denim in the US) to Europe and then re-importing them for US-based customers. Sounds perfectly logical to me!

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  On 10/29/2017 at 10:15 PM, Maynard Friedman said:

Presumably that extra cost represents the 'added value' of exporting those jeans (manufactured in the US from cotton grown and spun into denim in the US) to Europe and then re-importing them for US-based customers. Sounds perfectly logical to me!


hmm... let me cogitate on that for a while, Maynard :)

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