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Vintage Denim?


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Amazing history, thank you so much for sharing! I find the intersections & transitions between anti-consumerist and underground skate/punk/biker/tattoo culture and the hyper-capitalist mass-culture mall brand conglomerations that entirely appropriated their imagery and message to always be really perversely fascinating. I used to have (and somehow lost or maybe had stolen) a collection of 200+ late 80s-early 90s tattoo magazines from all different corners of the market that I used to keep in the front of my old shop, which documented roughly the same era, when dinosaur mega corporations had just started creaking their necks around with interest, then intense fascination and finally wholesale obsession at the DIY/punk/new-age/grunge conglomerations that had formed in the shadows of early disposable neoliberalism. It was the end of all of those scenes as true forms of resistance, IMO, but still where a majority of punk aesthetics are trapped in today, right at this point when these subcultures first became fossilized in amber in trashy-outsourced-mall-brand form. Interestingly, Ed Hardy has said in several interviews that he welcomed the creation of the brand that used his name, because although it did harm his legacy among people of a certain generation, its revenues funded the creation of his tattoo history museum in the Bay Area that will hopefully leave a more flattering and enduring version of the history of his life & work to the world.

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Part 2

(Continued from last page)



After falling down a rabbit hole trying to dig up some information on the 1984 brand and it's connection to Von Dutch I found this early pair for sale and I couldn't pass them up.  The top button is missing but no hole left in the fabric tells me it was never added and the tags tell me these have never seen water so they must have been sitting folded up somewhere since the turn of the century. 

The details are very similar to the pair that I purchased at the skate shop years ago although this is a much thicker and more robust denim and instead of some light "oil staining" on the legs these have an nice brown/olive weft that gives them their dirty look.  They also have some of the earliest examples of fake whiskers that I've seen and for 1999, it's actually not too bad of a job.  Can't remember if my old pair had the same fake distressing  or not but the wash is more realistic than most of what you'll find today. 

 Again the cut is a vaguely vintage inspired relaxed taper but these are at least one size too big in the waist so they are extra full in the leg with plenty of anti fit. 

Retro inspired tags, fake selvedge, donut button fly, and again made in the U.S.A. with a tag emploring us to ride them "Until the Wheels Come Off". No bling in sight. 

Below: some retro inspired branding details and the same inside care tag as my old 1984 jeans.


Hard to imagine what this company was about to become from this humble well built pair. 

Styled them here with denim on denim on denim. Digging the full leg shape. 

Denim Fishermen's cap

Vintage Levis jacket

LVC tee

Favorite leather belt 

Von Dutch Jeans

Some beat up shell longwings in desperate need of a resole. 





The fly showing the missing top button and a bit of the denim texture including the colored weft. Screenshot_20231016-154616_Instagram.thumb.jpg.045d8d2937cc92c7b8a6ce3b02e32091.jpg


The outseam stitching is clearly meant to evoke a selvedge line. 





Edited by cultpop 0217
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That was a great read.. well done for putting the effort in @cultpop 0217

Von Dutch was a brand which completely passed me by, i remember the trucker caps, Hip in Leeds used to be full of the damn things.. they were like £50 or something, an insane amount of £££s for a cap in that era.. i didn't even know he was a nazi until i heard it on 'behind the bastards' podcast a few years ago. :rolleyes:

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8 hours ago, smoothsailor said:

Pretty cool @cultpop 0217 .

would this be from the same guy/company who did the horrible Ed Hardy stuff?

I had a pair of von Dutch jeans in 95 or so. They had flames painted on the cuff, and the fit was more or less the same as yours

Not at first. Ed Boswell started the company to make patches and brought on Michael Cassel, a former drug dealer,  and Bobby Vaughn, former pro surfer who were in charge of developing the brand's clothing. 

 That's when the skate stuff happened and probably when your flame jeans were made. 

Christian Audigier was the Ed Hardy guy and he came on as designer for Von Dutch around 2002 after it was sold to a Danish investor. 

Then came the trucker caps and the bling. 

 After Von Dutch collapsed, Audigier would go on to form Ed Hardy. 


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Thanks @cultpop 0217 I didn’t see you first post about it.

bought mine in a skate shop too. I was so proud to rock them, even though people made fun of me, about being on fire.

there is a Dutch truck driver singer  with a song called, met de vlam in de pijp.

wich means driving fast with your truck it translates to with fire in the exhaust pipe. And pipe translate to trouser leg.

you still following?

anyway great post and brought back good memories 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The last of the best: snagged these 501s made in the US for EU market in 2000 for around 20 bucks.
Fit is of course immaculate, they also have some nice fades started and I'll continue to wear them.
To think that just 10 years later I bought my first pair 501s but at that point they were paper thin and made in Bangladesh.

Edit: it is possible to enhance image for better quality.


Edited by NilsLW
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  • 1 month later...

Vintage 1970s Made in USA Orange Tab 517 Saddleman Boot Jeans made with Dura Plus Denim "A special blend of cotton and polyester for improved shrinkage control" less wrinkles, and improved fabric strength. 

What a mouthful. These were made around my third birthday in November of 1978.  They have an small "e" orange tab, Talon 42 zipper,  two different colored threads on the inside inseam (a favorite) and a weird sun? bleached spot on the knee from where they were folded on a shelf. They were hemmed at the perfect length to flare out nicely over both my boots and my loafers and with a nice higher rise they fit like a glove. Which is good because unlike other poly blended denim, these have zero stretch with even less give than 100% cotton denim. Like old washed Wrangler broken twill. Sturdy, solid, unyielding. 












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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems as if there's no ceiling to price in the vintage market, Mushroom Vintage selling a deadstock S506xx for ¥30.8 million and deadstock '37 jeans for ¥19.8 million...insane.
Japan GQ article here with a few more photos available in the gallery link: https://www.gqjapan.jp/article/20240126-isetan-mushroom-24-pop-up-news

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S'funny @Broark just saw this before your post. Here's all the pics l have have collected of this pair. Amazing.

Forgot to say l collected these purely for the flasher/ticket info but also because of that wavey back pocket stitching 😍








Edited by Dr_Heech
To try to remember why l originally screenshotted those pics
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5 hours ago, shredwin_206 said:

@AlientoyWorkmachine the amount of tears that would be shed if I treated them like my other jeans. Hahah 

It should be possible to bottle them and wait 90 years and sell them as the raw vintage tears of a (sort of) pre apocalyptic landscape. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Nicked these pics from lg - looks like a late 1941/early 1942 model 501XX. The model just before the forthcoming Freewheelers 1942 repro (last cinch model 501xx before the simplified S501xx)

Has the flipped yoke, left over right panels  and a black buckle. Beautiful pale yellow almost white stitching after years of wash and wear.



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On 1/19/2022 at 4:04 PM, Dr_Heech said:







Photos of 1942 501XX from Hellers Cafe.

Just a random comparison post as l don't have these photos to hand and it takes me ages to fire up the old laptop, and l can't be arsed to keep going back through these pages to find the images. 

1937 1st ever pocket flasher, used between 1937 and March 1942 vs 1942 2nd pocket flasher, used between April and August 1942.






Edited by Dr_Heech
August not December
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  • 3 weeks later...

The realest vintage I’ve seen by a long shot. Your 1880s aren’t even old yet by comparison.

Too bad it only exists in art now, but maybe it’s better that way. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, beautiful_FrEaK said:

But the fades look like factory fades so probably really a LVC

do they produce pre faded pairs like this? pre faded pairs in general? i'm not familiar with new Levis stuff

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