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by sitting like this or something similar (i like to have my leg up at the computer) would it cause more proneness to crotch tears? only when the denim is fresh? (so when it softens up its okay?) ive got a pair of uniqlos that ive worn for 3 years and its only now starting to wither in the crotch area but i always hear people getting crotch tears =S


Edited by TooAwesome
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i have looked everywhere but ebay - i think... where do i find a dark blue duck carhartt chore coat? i really dig this one in the picture here

Its not letting me post the picture.. here's the link.

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  On 1/17/2012 at 4:18 AM, sif_muna said:

any recommendations for duck pants? Not looking for $340 Roy duck pants or even $150 N&F for that matter.

Naked and Famous goes on sale pretty constantly. Start checking some sites that aren't niche and you can probably find some pretty quick. Barneys would be a good place to start.

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I've been using a pair of raw LVC505xx on and off for the last 15 months. They didn't really get a ton of wear ( I also worn other jeans in the meantime ;) but I thought it was time to wash em. I hand wash in lukewarm water, adding a little amount of delicate fabric laundry detergent. I quickly wash them (they dropped an insane amount of indigo), rub a bit and wash again for a few seconds under the shower to insure all soap is gone. I hang them in direct sunlight ( which is neither too hot or too ''direct'' since it's winter and cold here) and after roughly 1-2 hrs I notice some light ''sticky'' gloss all over the legs. What is this? my assumption is that is indigo bleed (due to lukewarm water) which stagnated on the surface of the denim and cooled (contact with outside temperature). Is this possible?

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  On 1/17/2012 at 3:35 AM, rockon99 said:

i have looked everywhere but ebay - i think... where do i find a dark blue duck carhartt chore coat? i really dig this one in the picture here

Its not letting me post the picture.. here's the link.

That color seems prone to becoming hard to find. I'm sure it's made every season but must always come in below demand. I'd say grab one from the link jonny found.

Incidentally, the blue does crock pretty nicely. I have an arctic jacket that's a few years old with nice fading starting to settle in.

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  On 1/17/2012 at 12:15 PM, kiblast said:

I've been using a pair of raw LVC505xx on and off for the last 15 months. They didn't really get a ton of wear ( I also worn other jeans in the meantime ;) but I thought it was time to wash em. I hand wash in lukewarm water, adding a little amount of delicate fabric laundry detergent. I quickly wash them (they dropped an insane amount of indigo), rub a bit and wash again for a few seconds under the shower to insure all soap is gone. I hang them in direct sunlight ( which is neither too hot or too ''direct'' since it's winter and cold here) and after roughly 1-2 hrs I notice some light ''sticky'' gloss all over the legs. What is this? my assumption is that is indigo bleed (due to lukewarm water) which stagnated on the surface of the denim and cooled (contact with outside temperature). Is this possible?

I personally doubt it's indigo, because I've done a wash on a pair of denim in a manner very similar to yours and I didn't get any gloss. It could be some soap residue (even though you tried to rinsed it off well).

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Another question before i finally soak my jeans...is there a diff between hang drying at night in high 30s-40s temp compared to during the day? and would spinning it in the washer to remove water have any negative effects?

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Hey all...a bit of a picky question, but it's mostly out of curiosity.

Just got a pair of boots with a steel shank and dainite sole (the Peal & Co. for BB if it matters)...and literally on the first day wearing them out (in rain), I'm noticing that the right boot is squeaking near the ball of my foot as I lift weight off of it. It's not coming from the sole...more in between the outsole and insole.

I've only experienced something like this once before...and it was on a pair of Wolverine 1ks that I beat to shit for over 2 years. I was told upon resoling that it was damage to the shank...yet somehow, I would LIKE to believe that a pair of brand new boots would not be having this problem.

Anybody have any suggestions as to what this might be? Or experienced a similar annoyance? Or can say if it just goes away with time? The squeaking in my Wolverine's never went away until I got it repaired...it just got worse.

Thanks in advance

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  On 1/18/2012 at 1:19 AM, twrmndd said:

Another question before i finally soak my jeans...is there a diff between hang drying at night in high 30s-40s temp compared to during the day? and would spinning it in the washer to remove water have any negative effects?

It will take longer for them to dry and no.

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  On 1/8/2012 at 3:14 PM, jyoni said:
Can jacket sleeves be shortened at the shoulder? If so, can anyone recommend someone who is good with it? I have an Evisu jacket I want to keep. Had to go XXXL to get it around my chest and shoulders.....I can live with the extra torso length but the sleeves are ridiculously long on me.

i want to bump this up. i'd like to know as well. i recently inherited a jacket thats long in the sleeves as well. i feel that a good tailor could remove the entire sleeve and indeed shorten from the shoulder. i feel that shortening from sleeve--or basically hemming it there, i guess-- would be a shittier (but easier) option. has anyone done this?

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  On 1/18/2012 at 4:44 PM, bestie said:

i want to bump this up. i'd like to know as well. i recently inherited a jacket thats long in the sleeves as well. i feel that a good tailor could remove the entire sleeve and indeed shorten from the shoulder. i feel that shortening from sleeve--or basically hemming it there, i guess-- would be a shittier (but easier) option. has anyone done this?

Typically no. The reasons vary but the first is that quite a lot of jackets have some taper in them through the sleeves, so when they shorten in the sleeve would now not fit properly into the seam. They are also supposedly quite a pain to work with because there is so much structure in that area and one needs to properly align the new sleeve. On top of this there is the added difficulty of perfectly matching each sleeve. I suppose it is possible if the sleeve is a tube for the area in which it needs to be taken in - but it will probably cost you quite a bit of money (and time in order to find someone willing to do it).

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i'm 2 months into a pair of tfh3001's which were soaked before hemming @ the shop i bought them from, getting pretty dirty/dusty....just wondering how much damage (if any) if i decided to soak and the best way of doing so?


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  On 1/19/2012 at 12:33 AM, jbanger said:

i'm 2 months into a pair of tfh3001's which were soaked before hemming @ the shop i bought them from, getting pretty dirty/dusty....just wondering how much damage (if any) if i decided to soak and the best way of doing so?


Cold soak and try not to rub or twist the fabric while underwater - no friction would mean no additonal indigo loss. You will only lose loose indigo with this method - which will be some due to the 2 months of wear you've already put in. You may lose a little bit of final constrast - but I doubt it will be very much.

You can do a hot soak if you need any shrinkage but cold would be better for no damage.

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  On 1/19/2012 at 5:46 AM, jbanger said:

thanks, didn't want to do anything detrimental to the long term results...

i wear them for work everyday and spend a fair bit of time on building/demolition sites so that's where the dust/dirt is from


If you wear your jeans on building sites why are you pansying about soaking them? Just put them inside out in a washing machine on 30 or 40. They're just jeans ffs!

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  On 1/17/2012 at 10:58 PM, sif_muna said:

I personally doubt it's indigo, because I've done a wash on a pair of denim in a manner very similar to yours and I didn't get any gloss. It could be some soap residue (even though you tried to rinsed it off well).

My mother gave me the best answer: probably the gloss is produced by a bit of denim dirt( which is greasy sometimes) which did not entirely wash off from the weave; therefore stagnated on the surface of the denim. Anyway the denim smells good, so I'm going to wear it as it is.

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  On 1/18/2012 at 9:57 PM, Bradapalooza said:

Typically no. The reasons vary but the first is that quite a lot of jackets have some taper in them through the sleeves, so when they shorten in the sleeve would now not fit properly into the seam. They are also supposedly quite a pain to work with because there is so much structure in that area and one needs to properly align the new sleeve. On top of this there is the added difficulty of perfectly matching each sleeve. I suppose it is possible if the sleeve is a tube for the area in which it needs to be taken in - but it will probably cost you quite a bit of money (and time in order to find someone willing to do it).

Gordon at BiG echoed the above, and gave me some leads to Denim Surgeon and Denim Therapy in NYC. He doesn't know at all whether or not they'd be willing.

I just don't know...it probably wouldn't be worth it.

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Posted · Hidden by Martybear, January 19, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by Martybear, January 19, 2012 - No reason given

Im starting a job soon that requries work boots, was wondering if you guys could point me in the direction of a nice durable pair that doesnt look like crap too.


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How do my stacks look? should I keep them or rock a double cuff for a little bit? They're new NF Elephant2's. First time trying to rock stacks but atm they look a little weird. Perhaps after they settle they'll look better?

Also, I was under the impression that heavier weight denim would be warmer in the winter..Don't know if it's b/c these are new but they seem to feel colder than my 15oz NF deep indigo's. In my experience all denim for the most part gets cold on the inside surface but these are freakin cold!! Once they break in and get softer do you think it would actually be a little warmer?


Edited by LckyChrmsBBoy
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i know its not realy a denim question but its to do with posting pics of denim?????

i upgraded my photobucket account to pro after exceeding my allowance and i still cant see my posted images , im thinking that it takes time for photobucket to upgrade the account so can anyone with experiance tell me roughly how long it takes


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  On 1/21/2012 at 7:03 AM, LckyChrmsBBoy said:

How do my stacks look? should I keep them or rock a double cuff for a little bit? They're new NF Elephant2's. First time trying to rock stacks but atm they look a little weird. Perhaps after they settle they'll look better?

Also, I was under the impression that heavier weight denim would be warmer in the winter..Don't know if it's b/c these are new but they seem to feel colder than my 15oz NF deep indigo's. In my experience all denim for the most part gets cold on the inside surface but these are freakin cold!! Once they break in and get softer do you think it would actually be a little warmer?


These look fine. If you want - scrunch them up just below your calf as tight as you can and then let then pull them down to your shoe and then your stacks will be more focused down there - but personally once you get past the knee anything goes as far as stacking is concerned.

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Thanks for the reply, I guess I just have to get use to having stacks. One thing I don't like is how the right leg looks like it has more stacks than the left. If I can get it like the left I would be happy but the denim just keeps setting as is.

Also in the "this or that" thread someone posted some Big Johns rare denim and it had double belt loops...what's the purpose of that?

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  On 1/22/2012 at 12:01 AM, LckyChrmsBBoy said:

Thanks for the reply, I guess I just have to get use to having stacks. One thing I don't like is how the right leg looks like it has more stacks than the left. If I can get it like the left I would be happy but the denim just keeps setting as is.

Also in the "this or that" thread someone posted some Big Johns rare denim and it had double belt loops...what's the purpose of that?

Traditionally a thin belt loop was fancier - like what you see on dress pants for suits - this had to do with supple leather and so on. On hardcore work clothes loops became more heavy duty - wider typically - but also the creation of double loops to distrubute the pressure of the belt accross a wider surface area. They were able to handle more damage and the thick leather belts that don't take kindly to bending.

Its just sort of a touch to harken back to those days - I doubt modern belt loops would give out due to better stiching and less work in which they are likely to be caught and pulled (think ranch work) and ultra thick heavy duty belts that could do something like that are very pricey items.

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  On 1/21/2012 at 12:52 PM, Flash said:

i know its not realy a denim question but its to do with posting pics of denim?????

i upgraded my photobucket account to pro after exceeding my allowance and i still cant see my posted images , im thinking that it takes time for photobucket to upgrade the account so can anyone with experiance tell me roughly how long it takes


it takes a bit of time to get updated. usually around 5-10mins?

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