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I've been wearing the Flat Head se05bsp for a while now and I'm looking for something a little less skinny. I've tried out PBJ xx-005 and the top block was perfect but they were far too baggy below the knee. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Maybe once or twice a year. Last year was unusual, since they opened a new store in LA and threw a couple of parties. Generally stuff is full price, unless they're trying to burn off old stock (like they did with The Steam Locomotive and Skull a few months back).

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Maybe once or twice a year. Last year was unusual, since they opened a new store in LA and threw a couple of parties. Generally stuff is full price, unless they're trying to burn off old stock (like they did with The Steam Locomotive and Skull a few months back).

thanks! might get some roys some day, if ever

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I need to do patch up some rips and holes on my jeans, would a sewing machine by the only thing i really need?

yea and some denim or some cloth material of your choice for reinforcement

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has anyone ever tried to remove buttons (suspender buttons in particular)?

how did you do it? any marks left?

I removed some Bucksaw Logger buttons I put on a few months from my Warehouses. I first tried smashing them thinking that they would easily fall apart but it actually sandwiched the denim between the two pieces and ended up ripping a hole about the size of the button back. Then I used two pliers to pull the two pieces apart and that worked. It only left a hole the size of nail.

I am not too sure though if they were originally put on by the company say Levi's though. They are probably way tougher to remove.

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Im looking for a pair of GREY raw denim with a fit similar to APC rescue.. Can anyone recommend where to start?.. Preferably nothing over $150.

Also what size if I am 29 in APC rescue?.

after some searching, I am seeing "Manik' but cant find any online stores..

anyone? :confused:

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I've been wearing the Flat Head se05bsp for a while now and I'm looking for something a little less skinny. I've tried out PBJ xx-005 and the top block was perfect but they were far too baggy below the knee. Does anyone have any suggestions?

sda 103 might work.

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in terms of dyeing:

hank dyeing is superior to rope dying? what is the more 'luxury' method?

how compares hand dyed to rope dyed natural indigo (AI) denim?

What does 'superior" mean? does more consistent and even mean superior? In which case it's rope dyeing. Or does more varied mean superior?

For some high-end jeans, they've made much of hand hank-dyeing, where it's one person dipping the yarn in a vat of indigo. Obviously, this gives more variation, but it's how it's done that will make it superior or worse - how many dips have been used, for instance. In general, therefore, hand hank dyeing is a sign of a more artisanal approach.

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^ + 1.

Hank (bottle) dyeing, I've been told by a Sugar Cane and SDA dealer, is very time-consuming and difficult to do well.

When done well, in combination with a suitably slubby fabric, the colour variation (not just tones but actually different shades) is amazing :)

Just think the 40*00 fabrics.

But the dye penetrates deeper into the core of the yarn, and thus this method is nowadays usually used with natural indigo, where most people would want the dye to hold fast.

So yeah, hank dyeing is the more 'luxurious' method.

Rope-dyed natural indigo denim would fade closer to the denim that we're more accustomed to seeing here (e.g. the Samurai natural indigo models) and has a 'smoother' colour tone...but, I'd rather my natural indigo denims hank dyed.

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so hank dye results in a greater variation of colors whereas rope dyeing leads to a more even overall color.

hank dye is the more expensive version because it is more time consuming and involves more handcraft?

in terms of fading, rope dyeing would fade more easy compared to a well hank dyed fabric?

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^ Yep, spot on!

In general rope-dyed denim would fade more easily.

I think this is why some brands started using natural rope-dye...some of the hank dyed fabrics fade very evenly and you won't get much in terms of honeycombing unless they're worn tight and raw.

But I think, then, the emphasis no longer remains on the natural dye and the whole thing becomes more of a "hey, I'm wearing natural indigo but also getting sick fades" kinda thing...

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Yes, yes (if we're talking hand hank-dyed) and... not necessarily, there's no reason why it should, all other factors being equal, altho with some techniques, you get more core-penetration, and hence a lesser fade.

Rope dyeing was introduced essentially to give a more efficient, consistent result.

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^ Someone told me it's because the twisting tension on the yarn when hand dyeing in a big vat is much lower, so the dye penetrates deeper in the core???

Not sure how true this is, but it does make a bit of sense to me...

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@mikecch: IIRC the first Samurai AI models were rope-dyed and nowadays they mostly use hank-dyed.

I was looking ta the S634XX-AI which is rope-dyed and costs around 38,000 Yen which is rather 'cheap' for a AI model from Samurai

what other brands offer rope-dyed AI models?

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^ Oooh, the recent models were hank-dyed? Interesting...

The price of natural dye jeans have gone up so much these couple of years though - kinda scared off from buying more.

I remember Fullcount having done a natural rope-dye these couple of years. The 40*01 Nihon Menpu stuff is also a natural/synthetic mix rope-dye IIRC.

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