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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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People have offered their opinions on your point of view. The conversation has been going on for about two pages. Your only point of view is "these are not fakes." We get it. The community seems to agree that they ARE fakes.

I am more than suggesting, I am flat out saying, fine, okay, you think they're real. No one else here does, and no one else here wants to keep discussing it. If you have other non Thai fake or not type input to add, it would surely be welcome. But I think this is a dead subject.

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They're from the spring 09 i think. I bought them from Cultizm last May. It is krabo denim and is changing into a lovely colour. I guess they've had 4 / 5 months of constant wear since i got them. I think they'll be great given another 6 months of hard wear probably over the summer next year.


Nice comparison photos - from what year were those made, do you know?

I think that's kurabo denim - really great streaks. How long did it take to change hue?

...On an unrelated note, anyone heard from Busted Seam recently?

He hasnt posted on here for a while.


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nobody can tell 100% anything unless they have the perportedly fake pair in front of them. That said...

I spent like 3 years authenticating diesel jeans and am SUPER familiar with the types of things that the bootleggers get right and what they usually get wrong. What you're asking for is an admission that there's a POSSIBILITY that those who think the jeans are fake are wrong. There's ALWAYS a _possibility_ the question is how big of one. There's enough small differences in those jeans to add up to enough evidence to say with 95% certainty that the jeans are fake. Is that 100%? No. But is it almost totally certain - yup.

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nobody can tell 100% anything unless they have the perportedly fake pair in front of them. That said...

I spent like 3 years authenticating diesel jeans and am SUPER familiar with the types of things that the bootleggers get right and what they usually get wrong. What you're asking for is an admission that there's a POSSIBILITY that those who think the jeans are fake are wrong. There's ALWAYS a _possibility_ the question is how big of one. There's enough small differences in those jeans to add up to enough evidence to say with 95% certainty that the jeans are fake. Is that 100%? No. But is it almost totally certain - yup.

Well said, well spoken. Also, if you got paid to authenticate jeans, I'm jealous.

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Good debate leads us closer to getting the truth, right?

no actually, debating something like this is actually idiotic. Need proof? I believe you just noted:

you are adamitt that they are, even without clearer pictures. With all due respect don't you think more pictures are necessary to make that call? I don't think you can be any more sure than I am with what we've seen so far.

Doug C

given that no more pictures are coming, maybe it would be prudent to just move on...

also: just as an aside, has anyone else noticed an overwhelming correlation between posters who "sign" each and every post and posters who are annoying and thoughtless? There needs to be a venn diagram of this.

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Good debate leads us closer to getting the truth, right? Think for yourself... I know Paul's a good guy and that he wrote a book on the subject but that doesn't mean we need to stop asking questions and comeing up with our own answers too.

Doug C

doug c, paul t.

nail, meet hammer.


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Damn. calm down dude... there are hundreds upon hundreds of that exact kind of fake 201 that the hassle is all about at the chatuchak market in Bangkok. That I have seen with my very own eyes. So there you have it.

Now go buy the denim book. http://www.amazon.com/Denim-Cowboys-Catwalks-History-Legendary/dp/1845131118

cheap - kiss my ass. they may be fakes sure, but you don't know that for a fact and I don't know that they're not. You say I don't know what I'm talking about? I'd bet money that your leader doesn't know what he's talking about with regards to this particular pair of jeans. You've been spoon fed everything you know on the subject. Get back in line with the rest of the Paul T fan club.. idiot. I did not come here as a flamer but fuck all ya'll !! It's the same in almost every forum... one guru and a ton of his follower who will not allow an alternate opinion. Again, FUCK all ya'll !!

Doug C

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doug c - that jacket is fake also! The 201 is a JEAN, not a jacket. I think the jacket was 215 or 213 or something like that.

This is a PERFECT example of things the bootleggers do. Make a pretty good copy of a tag and just slap it on a totally different garment. LOL

Do you have any other photos of that jacket? Where did you get it?

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Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! This is great stuff, keep it coming, guys.

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It's the same in almost every forum... one guru and a ton of his follower who will not allow an alternate opinion.

you know, if you keep getting the same reception from different groups of people, on forums that cover different topics, over and over again, there are 2 possibilities:

1) you are right and *everyone else* in the whole world is wrong and has a personality disorder.

2) *you* are wrong, and have a personality disorder.

which do you think is more likely?

<extreme sarcasm>

yeah, you're right... you're the shining beacon of truth in a world full of mean spirited liars who are out to get you.

</extreme sarcasm>

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I've got a question for those with LVC 501 models that are pre-belt loop models.

how do you get along with out a belt? is it a pain? I'm not really trying to wear suspenders all the time so I'm wondering if the lack of belt-loops is a noticeable inconvenience. I know the clerk has been wearin the 1901s and paul T as well, and a few have the 1915s and 1917s...so whats your opinion?

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