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What do you think about the belt STUDIO D'ARTISAN B-78? 

I can't find width and thickness of the belt.

If compare this belt with TannerGoods?


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Yeah I love the fit too, just was hoping to not need a belt. I wrapped the cinch up tight and it seems to have done the trick. But the 32 and 33 have nearly identical measurements, maybe .5-1 cm difference throughout so the rest of the fit would look quite similar, just a nice snug waist.

Yeah, no need to alter the waistband. It'll come in a bit more once you start washing more frequent, down the line.

1 other way is to wet just the top block & chuck them in the dryer, inside out__ high heat, lowest spin.

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But they're OW do if I got any shrinkage, past what it was originally I would be I credibly surprised.

Crappy thing is I can't use coin pocket since its raised so high, and belt covers the opening.

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...I can't use coin pocket since its raised so high, and belt covers the opening.

Details like that drive me nuts. 


I wonder if they were going for some sort of replica/period repro where there was a cinch back and suspender button before the advent of belt loops, and then belt loops were discovered and added. There was a short period of time, AFAIK, were belt loops and suspender buttons and cinch back all occurred at the same time. Then everyone came to their senses and realized that was nonsense and just used one or the other. 


Brad, you should get a pic just for fun of the classic Old Timer look wearing both suspenders and a belt.


Suspenders rock. They're highly under-rated. I used to wear them a lot when I worked in an office in the city, when I wore nice clothes and a tie. Many people in the office copied the look thereafter. Really cool look, and a comfortable way to keep your drawers up. 

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Details like that drive me nuts. 


I wonder if they were going for some sort of replica/period repro where there was a cinch back and suspender button before the advent of belt loops, and then belt loops were discovered and added. There was a short period of time, AFAIK, were belt loops and suspender buttons and cinch back all occurred at the same time. Then everyone came to their senses and realized that was nonsense and just used one or the other. 


Brad, you should get a pic just for fun of the classic Old Timer look wearing both suspenders and a belt.


Suspenders rock. They're highly under-rated. I used to wear them a lot when I worked in an office in the city, when I wore nice clothes and a tie. Many people in the office copied the look thereafter. Really cool look, and a comfortable way to keep your drawers up. 

It's a WW1 repro, so you might be right, It really doesn't make much sense. But that is a cool little tid bit, I did want to learn more regarding the use of cinch on denim, but my google fu is pretty lame.


I honestly haven't even thought of it, but now that you mention it I might actually try and get a pair. Even if it's just under my tshirt, for sole purpose of not having to wear a belt. I wonder if then the suspender buttons on the inside would cause some discomfort. 

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New SDA D1672 that I got in for DWC. First impressions are that I am in love. It has been a while, only 10 months but feels like a long time, since I got a crisp pair of denim in the mail. But was definitely stoked on these, my first pair that I would consider unique, and too many details to say in a single breath. I was disappointed that I could have gone down a size though, as I was hoping to use these without a belt. I might send Steven at RFG a message and see if there is any way we could do something with this waist band and down size it. Another thing I did notice that was the coin pocket is different from the stock photos, no complaint at all, but wonder why the change (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vsKDurRPyck/VT9AWu3IFsI/AAAAAAAAEyQ/FTYiGZQe_X4/s1600/010.png). The fit doesn't go the greatest with the sneakers I currently have, but I think in a few months once the denim has settled and it's gone through a wash it will drape a lot nicer. Also they're OW.


Don't mind the floor, we just got all of our stuff that was left behind in our move, after 7 months so it's mostly just landed on the floor/under the bed.....



FHmi9Fv.jpg fucking love your boot=)

is that White's?

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It's a WW1 repro, so you might be right, It really doesn't make much sense. But that is a cool little tid bit, I did want to learn more regarding the use of cinch on denim, but my google fu is pretty lame.


I honestly haven't even thought of it, but now that you mention it I might actually try and get a pair. Even if it's just under my tshirt, for sole purpose of not having to wear a belt. I wonder if then the suspender buttons on the inside would cause some discomfort. 

Suspenders are really meant to be worn over a shirt, and the shirt tucked in to your pants. Think about it - when nature calls and you have to drop your drawers, you'd have to take off you t-shirt first. Suspender buttons on the inside of the waist aren't uncomfortable, since the waist isn't cinched tight. 

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^^ yes

@mpukas gf gave me a swift no to the suspenders. So going to have to stealthily order a pair. So how does that even work if you go to the urinal. Just drop your pants to your ankles circa age 5?

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Oh ffs I just need to stay away for awhile,getting way to tempted. I would totally grab these but couldn't just let them sit around till the end of dwc. But please someone here get those... Sexier than the db imo

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F' ME!!!! those D1677's look awesome! If I hadn't just pulled the trigger on another rather expensive pair I'd grab these right now. I still may... I've been wanting to get a pair of SDA, just not sure which ones. Foxy got me thinking about his 1673's.


I've got a want list a mile long, but these just jumped to the top. 

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@mpukas gf gave me a swift no to the suspenders. So going to have to stealthily order a pair. So how does that even work if you go to the urinal. Just drop your pants to your ankles circa age 5?

@bradl - I don't understand your concern/question. When you use a urinal, you just unbutton your waist and fly and leave the suspenders up over your shoulders. 


Traditionally, if there is such a thing, you wore suspenders (British = braces; suspenders = garters are worn by women for socks) to keep your britches from falling down around your ankles. The cinch was adjusted mainly for comfort, because not many sizes were made and you took what you could get. You wore an undershirt (British = vest) and an over shirt that was tucked into your britches to keep the breeze out, and the suspenders were over the over shirt. Suspender buttons could be sewn either inside or outside the waist band. If you wore a vest (British = waistcoat), which was common for warmth as well as utility, it was over the suspenders. You had to remove the vest to to drop your britches. I'm rambling... 

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Wow, those look fantastic. Only thing I'm weary of is that sda is not a brand that I usually buy from, and I don't like the patch and selvedge fly.

Is this a new cut of theirs or an older one?

I'd guess it's based off the 103 cut, most of them are. So it would be a cut that you would like, but rise might be on the smaller side. I do see what you mean about the patch, I kind of like it but doesn't compare to the db one.

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Full cut with shorter rise sounds awesome to me, that's my favorite. 


The denim looks at least as good as the dry bones too, which would be a grail jawn if it was cut looser:


Dry Bones:












I love the insane weft these have. Hopefully I can buy them once the measurements come out, not just by preorder

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D1677 measurements are below. They look to be more of a 101 cut to me.


Some rakuten one-wash measurements:


Edited by Maynard Friedman
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Does SDA ship to US if purchased through their website, or do they require a proxy?

Just go through kaizokou pirates. Since its pre order you'll need to know your size before hand as he'll have to special order them in for you.

The one thing I think that makes these better than the db is the contrast stitching sda uses, just makes the denim pop even more.

Edited by bradl
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Not SDA but have you ever considered these, as they are exactly what you've described above.

Perhaps a little too similar to Flat Head denim for you. I had the predecessor to this cut a few years back, the 874 but ultimately found the rise too low and the hem too wide but they seem to have addressed this with the 884.



Thanks MF! You know, I bet those jeans would fit me perfectly, but you're right: too similar to flat head denim. But on top of that, in the near future at least, I'm not interested in any regular ol' blue jeans since I've already found the best one out there for me (3005.)


I'm a big believer in diversity and don't like having things overlap, including jeans. What I'm looking for now is:


1. RJB in a cut that will fit me

2. ROY in a cut that will fit me

3. Hank Dyed and/or Natural Indigo in a cut that will fit me... 


I feel like all those jeans bring something very different to the table, and these sda may really be what I'm looking for. It's hard enough to find cuts I like and even more so to have a denim that I feel is different enough to warrant a purchase. 


I have 0 experience with this stuff. Do you think these will sell out quickly?


Agreed on the contrast Brad, love it!

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I think it's a toss up. Some of their limited editions sell out super fast, but then some (like the d0-35) are still available in some places. But I think these will probably go fairly fast.


Are you a 32 or 33 in 3005? Good news is that if you even wanted to play it safe and went with a 33, all of the measurements are practically the exact same, minus 1 cm in what I assume is the back rise (judging by SDA's website)

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My most comfy jeans measure 33" after all shrink and stretch, and the 3005 run true to size, so I'm a 33.

I hate loose waists though, and generally look for a presoak waist of 33 or a little more, and a roomy cut. It seems like some (most?) sda come oversized in the waist, though I have no clue how they shrink and stretch!

Wish I could try the damn things on... Shame that all of our sizing questions go away in probably just 10 seconds if we could just see them before we buy!

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Just go through kaizokou pirates...

Can someone give me his e-mail address? I've tried contacting him through Pirates website, and I can't figure it out. 

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My most comfy jeans measure 33" after all shrink and stretch, and the 3005 run true to size, so I'm a 33.

I hate loose waists though, and generally look for a presoak waist of 33 or a little more, and a roomy cut. It seems like some (most?) sda come oversized in the waist, though I have no clue how they shrink and stretch!

Wish I could try the damn things on... Shame that all of our sizing questions go away in probably just 10 seconds if we could just see them before we buy!

SDA denim is notorious for being a bitch to stretch. My x's-33 took months to stretch to a comfortable spot. If I were to recommend a size it would be 33, but that's soley on the fact I hate having to stretch a waist out.


@mpukas I always used [email protected] but he has been horrible at responding, so try [email protected] 

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