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Real Japan Blues - Jeans & Shirts...


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4 hours ago, itsbenhere said:

Is that not based on a vintage shirt? Sugar cane has also done a shirt exactly like it. 

It is, but the vintage shirt is slightly different than the pattern you're seeing on the RJB and Gitman versions, while the Gitman version is identical to the RJB version.

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@itsbenhere Great minds think alike (or fools seldom differ). Which beaten-up RJBs are you thinking of from Self Edge?

Wanted to provide an update on how the new RJB denim is fading, somewhere around 7-8 months in with roughly 6 washes. Really loving this denim's texture and color variation as well as the somewhat grey, dingy-looking fades (relative to some denims that seem to fade to baby blues and pure white). One funny thing about the fabric - it feels heavier than 14 oz. Feels noticeably heavier when I pull these on versus the OA02s that I'm rotating them with, though those are supposedly 13.5 oz.

The first two pictures were a bit overexposed, the last photo more accurately represents the color.






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10 hours ago, FeloniousMonk said:

@itsbenhere Great minds think alike (or fools seldom differ). Which beaten-up RJBs are you thinking of from Self Edge?

Wanted to provide an update on how the new RJB denim is fading, somewhere around 7-8 months in with roughly 6 washes. Really loving this denim's texture and color variation as well as the somewhat grey, dingy-looking fades (relative to some denims that seem to fade to baby blues and pure white). One funny thing about the fabric - it feels heavier than 14 oz. Feels noticeably heavier when I pull these on versus the OA02s that I'm rotating them with, though those are supposedly 13.5 oz.

The first two pictures were a bit overexposed, the last photo more accurately represents the color.






Wow these look excellent - didn't expect this denim to fade to such a rich, silvery blue (I guess its not so far off from what other FH/RJB denim fades to, but the raw fabric doesn't look like it would end up here whenever I've seen it in person)

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13 hours ago, itsbenhere said:

Wow! That’s an amazing pair, up there with your pair of 3005s and yet more proof that the Flat Head crew really know what they’re doing when it comes to denim.

@STINGER93 “Silvery” is a good way of putting it - I really like the grey cast that this denim retains as it fades.

thanks all! And thanks to Self Edge for the collab in such a nice fit!

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44 minutes ago, itsbenhere said:

Yep... flat head and rjb denim (and everything else) just have no equal in my eyes. And thanks! Although RJB might edge out flat head because holy shit is the denim so stretchy and comfortable.

Which specific denim is the stretchy and comfortable One?

I've never felt or seen RJB but it's on my radar now. 

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The newer "old" denim, Zimbabwe RHT, that I have (debuted in the sexfhxrjb15s) is extremely comfortable and stretchy.

The newer denim is Zimbabwe LHT and might be even more comfortable. I think that LHT in general is stretchier than RHT?

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On 5/20/2018 at 10:27 AM, BrownMetallic said:

Vertical falling on those LHTs is like a veritable downpour.  Has RJB come out w/a a bit of a higher rised slim-taper ... like an 11in rise on a W34, after soak/wash ?

R&H collabs.. my RFR-002 in size 34 were 11" front rise after couple of washes (even though they state it to be 10.75 on their site)

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@BrownMetallic as Dau mentioned, I think collabs may be your best bet. My pair is the FH x RJB collab carried by Self Edge that they call a slim-tapered, but the thighs are (slightly) roomier than most slim cuts and they don’t have a very heavy below-the-knee taper. I’d call it more of a slim or standard-tapered cut. Just measured, and my front rise is dead-on 10” for a tag size 31. If that sounds doable, I think this pair is based on RJB’s standard 109 cut.

Rivet & Hide has a couple collab cuts that look like they’ve got slightly higher rises, including one based on the Flat Head 3002 cut.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just copped a pair of the Rivet and Hide RFR-002 RJB collabs. Some of the nicest denim I’ve ever worn and a really comfortable fit, really solving some of the low rise issues I’ve had with other Japanese slim tapered fits. See below for first day fit pics, let me know what you think! 

Also pictured Self Edge x Florian Bertmer x Flat Head T-Shirt, Self Edge feather pendant and Flat Head sneakers.


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6 hours ago, itsbenhere said:

Sweet getup overall dude. Get all the shrinkage out of those? If so, perfect fit!

Thanks man! I did one 30 minutes warm soak and lost about an inch and a half in both the inseam and the waist. After 2 days wear the waist is nearly back to raw. Was definitely hoping for a bit more in the inseam so I didn’t have to double cuff. Debating whether or not I should do a second soak at this point. If the inseam doesn’t shrink any more I will probably try and make the trip the Self Edge and hem once more so I can show off the sweet roping on these. 

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I'd just wash it. The old right hand Zimbabwe denim stretched a shitload and I'm pretty sure the left hand twill does even more, so you'd be guaranteeing you got all that shrink out and Im sure itd still fit. Really don't see how denim can be comfier than these... except if the cuts were a bit looser. Mines slim straight but still comfier than the straight straight of my 3005s!

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Absolutely agree after about an hour I forgot I was wearing them. Took them for a spin in the washing machine and definitely glad I did, the waist and top block is much tighter now and once they stretch back out a bit should fit like a glove. 

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On 8/18/2018 at 6:28 PM, sgs said:

Just copped a pair of the Rivet and Hide RFR-002 RJB collabs. Some of the nicest denim I’ve ever worn and a really comfortable fit, really solving some of the low rise issues I’ve had with other Japanese slim tapered fits. See below for first day fit pics, let me know what you think! 

Also pictured Self Edge x Florian Bertmer x Flat Head T-Shirt, Self Edge feather pendant and Flat Head sneakers.


Nice fit. Did you go TTS or did you size up? 

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Went with tagged size 36, measuring about 37” raw. After shrinkage they shrunk down to about 35.75 and almost immediately stretched back to at least 36.5”. Definitely some of the stretchiest denim I’ve worn, I’d be willing to bet after a couple days wear will stretch back to 37”. I’m somewhere between a 36 and 37 normally so this is perfect for me. Hope that helps. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cleaned up my RJB sneakers. Magic Eraser works great on the white parts. Put on a new pair of thick, US-made cotton laces. They look pretty good, though I'm not really sure how to deal with the scuffs on white leather. Nothing I've tried gets them off. Good thing I'm not picky about my white shoes being super clean. There's a lot of life left in these and they're quite comfy. I just wish people would quit saying they look like "bowling shoes."

Ben, any pics of your 105BSPs? It's been ages since we've had a proper update and they've got to be pretty faded by now :)







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Those shoes look great too Kyle! I'd be interested to see if you find anything that could fix the black scuffs. I have the same thing on some white boat shoes that I really like. Would love if I could get them all white again...

And, here's some updates for everybody...


I've had these for approx 2 years and haven't worn any other jeans since then. Unfortunately, since I finished college, I haven't been walking around in jeans nearly as much as I used to so these are much less faded for the time I've had them than they would have been otherwise. I think they're still looking awesome though, and thanks to a great repair from Indigo Proof they'll be wearable for much longer.

After a lot of familiarity with Flat Head jeans, there's a lot that I love about these RJBs that I first loved with the Flat Heads:

  • Exaggerated, streaky fading
  • Very crinkled looking back yoke
  • Very prominently raised belt loops
  • Low(er) rise
  • Nice custom hardware

On the other hand, there are some things I don't like as much compared to Flat Head jeans:

  • The buttons. Flat Head uses iron buttons and I believe that these are zinc; either way, they don't feel as sturdy and the iron buttons look more "old world" to me
  • The leather patch. I think I would've liked the regular Japan-style RJB patch, but these have one without much character, that doesn't age at all.
  • The pocket bags don't have any imprinting on them
  • Some details that are objectively nicer that I just don't prefer include the inner denim facing on the pocket openings and lined back pockets. The former holds up better than without it but I like the more thrashed look, and the latter make it a little harder to put stuff in the pockets.

Overall though, I'm super happy with these jeans. For one, they look amazing, classic flat head but just a slightly different flavor of fading, just what I like. And they are COMFY! like the most comfy denim that I have ever felt/worn, I can't imagine anything better in that department. Also, this denim has a special place in my heart since it was the first one that I was really amazed by. Considering that it came out ~6 years ago in a cut that I bought, and fit me very poorly, I feel very fortunate to have been able to snag a pair that fits me really well. In the future, I'd like to try that new LHT Zimbabwe denim, but that might be a while down the line.

Ok, now the pics...











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