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okay, so i want to buy a jeans. but normal jeans like levis is made with a tiny avarage size crotch for the normal 6 inch penis. in india, i have no choice but to wear it, and embarassed because my HUGE shangalong is like bursting out.

so what jeans is good to pack my HUGE shangalong so it doesnt buldge, dont want the guy sittin beside me on the plane to feel his such a maggot compared to my HUGE shangalong.

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can someone please help me?

i just picked up some h&m sliqs a few days ago. they didn't have any warning stickers on them about bleeding everywhere, so i am afraid i might have accidently bought a one-wash version. did h&m even make a one wash version of these jeans that is dark blue? i've been wearing these for a few days and they've formed creases but they haven't bled at all.

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  theetruscan said:
Does anyone make a regular fit (not loose or baggy, not slim) straight-leg, low-rise jean?

i believe that would be the straight sven. if not low enought there's those good society straights which are pretty low

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Gained about 30 pounds due to "immobility" after a major bike crash. On the way back down now, but this is going to take some time. Now I'm looking for some heavy and if possible slubby denim I can wear rather slim with a 36 waist which will look good later on at 33. Thought about buiying something that's notorious for serious shrinkage and just hot soak upon occasion, but i'm afraid knee fades/honeycombs will look off..

Any ideas?

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i searched this but got too many hits under 'original hem'

so i took a pair of jeans to the tailor recently (first time at this korean guy). I dont need a chain stitch or anything. in his broken english, he kept asking 'original hem'. i know its the reattachment of the end, so i tried to explain to cut, fold and stitch, with original thread colour. he didnt understand at all

how would you specifically instruct him?

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My dad's birthday is coming up and i want to get him a nice pair of jeans. i wear april 77s, so clearly my tastes are a tad slim for his style. needs to be straightleg, nice denim, blue, not to stiff or raw, not stretchy, no pre-fade or butt paint. like a classic pair but a little slimmer in the legs than like a 501. something that will also look decent in a dad size (he doesnt have a 29 waist anymore)

any suggestions?

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