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what's "Slubby" denim?


what part of the jeans is the "Yoke"?

Slub: (from page 101 of this thread)

"what exactly is slub/slubby? i used the search button but most people just use the word. i haven't found anything that defines it. i think it has to do with either the roughness/naturalness of the denim or baggy? possibly? not sure. obviously a nub question, but anybody want to help me out?

...it is the unevenness of the width of the thread to deliberately make an uneven surface finish on the denim."

The yoke is on the back of the jeans, between the waistband and the top of the pockets. Its shaped like a "V".

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Is it normal for my creases to dissapeer after starching?
it's never normal for your creases to disappear after starching. but since you starched it, new creases will come... harder and faster. [yeshomo]

i assume that you didn't wear these jeans for long for the creases to be highly indented?

Were the jeans hanging when you starched? When the jeans get wet from the liquid starch, that tends to relax the fabric. If it was hanging, that'd cause it stretch and the creases would straighten out some. They do come back though, in approximately the same place.

Pandemonium's right in saying that if they weren't worn the creases weren't as set,making the starching 'lose' the creases. Don't spray so much at a time, I'd say.

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Planning on buying a pair of Samurai S5000BK through a proxy service. There are no chainstitchers in my area and the inseam is too long. Would doing a hot wash with hot dryer shrink the inseam 3-4 inches?

3-4" is quite a bit.. it will most likely shrink around 2.5" (or to the tagged inseam length). fyi, if you buy it from BIG, they can hem them for you with a chainstitch.

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3-4" is quite a bit.. it will most likely shrink around 2.5" (or to the tagged inseam length). fyi, if you buy it from BIG, they can hem them for you with a chainstitch.

I just ordered a pair of s5000vx from BiG and used their OXS and chainstitch service.

They are out of stock on the bk's (and just noticed they are taking preorders but it will take another month fro it to arrive)

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Planning on buying a pair of Samurai S5000BK through a proxy service. There are no chainstitchers in my area and the inseam is too long. Would doing a hot wash with hot dryer shrink the inseam 3-4 inches?

I just bought a pait of bk's from parachutes and he arranged chainstitching before they were shipped. It cost 1050 yen which is less than 10 bucks. I'd say give him a try.

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I just bought a pait of bk's from parachutes and he arranged chainstitching before they were shipped. It cost 1050 yen which is less than 10 bucks. I'd say give him a try.

i just sent parachute the money for the bk's. i will just do a wash and see how much it shrinks. If the stacking doesnt look too weird, imma just leave it as it. I can live with a 35-36" inseam.

did you already get your package from parachute? how long did it take? this is my first time going through a proxy service.

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Just looking for a quick response here.

I've been looking through all the washing methods, and I'm just not sure which one to use!

I've worn my Nudie Slim Kims for 9 months without washing, and I think I'm gonna finally wash them tonight.

I want to bring them back to the fit they had when I first bought them, without too much length shrinkage. I'm also looking to get the absolute most contrast I can - I want to maintain some of the indigo so I can go another 9 months!

Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if this is super redundant. I know people ask this shit all the time.

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