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Techninja/Greyman/Replicant introduction thread


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Roll call—I mean, it's the same people always on here and there have been recent complaints about community/reselling/etc. I guess state your nomme de guerre, your base of operations, preferred profession, why techwear appeals to you, and your favorite animal?

I'm Carlo.

I'm in Seattle, actual Seattle proper, not Tacoma or Bellevue or Shoreline or Lynnwood.

I am a tax professional—I would like to make money reviewing others peoples reviews.

I like techwear because it generally has inherent material value and function—also Ghost in the Shell is formative for me.

Other than dogs, I like Orcas. Orca ninjas go rambo?

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... -.-- ... - . -- / ... - .- .-. -


NAME(S): SnazzyMcghee, Snazzy, 5NZY, 5⠑ 

MAIN OPERATING BASE: USA, NC.  35.7596° N, 79.0193° W


DESIRED CLASSIFICATION: Computer Science specialist, Concept Artist, or involved in the techwear industry in some way.

INTEREST IN TECHWEAR: The Aesthetic™, the functionality of it, and now that I've been submerged in it for a while, the community!  



... -.-- ... - . -- / ... .... ..- - -.. --- .-- -.

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Agreed lol ^^^


That said:




live and work in the United States//full time operations manager at an industrial facility//parttime musician and adventurer//


techwear sucks:ph34r://acrnm collector


i like all the animals, especially to eat//



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_Evan ( @eg_83)

_Current co ordinates : Latitude‎: ‎45.512794DMS Lat‎: ‎45° 30' 46.0584'' N [PORTLAND OREGON ]

_Operating Rank : Sportswear Design professional / artist 

_Techwear Justification of interest : constant precipitation in PNW climate , active lifestyle. 

_Music preference : Techno

_Activities of interest : Snowboarding, cycling, rock climbing, cooking, craft beer consumption 

_Animal preference : Shiba inu / klee kai mix (Eko Doggo)






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Martin // Toronto, Canada // Full-time IT Security Professional

One thing I really enjoy about the niche subculture of tech+street wear is the verbiage/technical terminology used to label and describe product. Having studied CS, I find it amusing to see references to code in the language used (ACR being a prime example).

Never owned a pet, but I like dogs.

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James / Melbourne, Australia / Marketing, Content Management, Social Media

The aesthetic of techwear appeals to me hugely due to the fact it does not sacrifice form over function, or vice versa. Everything (from most brands anyway) is extremely well designed and thought-out, while also looking fantastic.

Dogs > everything.

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Atlanta area

College and High school student /fast food worker/bboy:ph34r:

I WAS into streetwear on reddit and bought a few brands (y3, cdg (not cdg play), etc.) I loved the looks but it didn't seem like I was getting my money's worth. After buying some acronym I loved the function and look of the pieces and could not turn back. Also I urban climb buildings, cranes, and cell towers and wearing techwear while you're climbing gives supercool pictures feels awesome.

I'm personally a cat kind of guy

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Just moved to Zürich, Switzerland
Software Engineer
My first jacket was from ISAORA. I discovered Acronym with the GT-J20; I wanted to get my hands on one until I realised how rare the jackets can get. A few google searches later and I was here, and I really started to get the bug for techwear. I haven't turned back since!

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Trent/Atlanta (that makes three of us so far?)/Accountant(killme)

I literally got into tech wear so that I could wear black and not think about matching colors anymore. And have pants that are tapered but still have room in the crotch to avoid sticky balls. Pretty specific reason but carrot shaped pants ftw, New life goal is to dress like a comfy-samurai to work as much as possible.

Question says other than dags, but dags are life. Underwater squad!!!!!!


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who// capn

where// southern california

what// video game producer

why// im inspired to minimize and make my daily life as efficient as possible. this should be aesthetically pleasing and have exemplary fit and finish. this should be long lasting. this should be no hassle. this should have multiple functions and tie into a lifestyle ecosystem. this should stand out in the eyes of people looking for it, but not for those that arent

etc// i draw, formerly as a comic book penciler, and also brew beer and run in my free time. also play most new video games that aren't survival or mmo or crafting based or any other early access trend

edit// dogs? dogs. dogs are love, dogs are life. the larger and slobbier the better 
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Arizona / pits of hell

Real Estate

I used to resell military surplus, and often times I found myself looking at the load carrying gear and plate carriers, and seeing how uniquely functional they are. When every ounce counts, there's a directive to make things as light and as functional as possible. Making yourself lighter, faster, and staying protected from hostile and environmental hazards. I really enjoyed that aspect of it, giving yourself an edge in any environment. Plus the brutalist future look of Acronym really strikes me. (I guess 90s mecha anime had something to do with that) However, living in Arizona I rarely have a need for anything more than a light windbreaker / shell for random rainy monsoon days, I've refrained from buying anything. I just stick with sneakers for now, and I enjoy looking at the technical aspects of those. There's a lot of fascinating technology that goes into a pair of Ultra Boosts or Flyknit Racers when you dig deep.

I'm also a sucker for carbon composites and really light weight strong future shit. If I had to pick a car to sum up my tastes, it'd be a McLaren P1. 

Animal: Sunfish. They're super cool in real life. 

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Who :Paul

Where: Village in Hampshire UK


Prefer to design clothing or fragrance while living in rural northern Sweden, or start life again and study as an architect

I've loved street wear since the 80's but first got interested in trainers/sneakers in the 70's, I've always been a fan of scifi and drawn to the dystopian look, blame MadMax and an early exposure to European adult comic artists via Heavy Metal Magazine, was inspired by Blade Runner when it came out and have been keenly awaiting 2019. I love the idea of blending various styles together and the functionality of tech fabrics, with a broken futuristic look. Always been interested in drawing and artdesgn in general with a fetish for furniture and architecture and an ice hard block of industrial design.

Animal,- Cuttlefish, now that is some next level tech. But have a mini dacshund as well as two children. 

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Ok, i'll play.

Greg/London UK

I somehow ended up here from the simple fact that it rains a lot in the UK and consequently i developed an irrational hatred of getting wet legs when the rain soaked through my trousers. Many years later, spending £600 on a new pair of pants every 6 months somehow seems normal and i can't leave the house without being encased in various water resistant materials. I somehow manage to justify this to myself, my family, my friends and anyone else who mentions the phrase "they cost how much?!" by pointing out the resale value of said garments and their durability while simultaneously decrying the global implications of fast fashion.

And i have a penchant for cephalopods.

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  On 2/9/2017 at 1:20 AM, CARLOOA said:

I feel like we're closer and we won't perpetuate astronomical pricing now! ;)

Honestly, I'm fine paying for this shit. Between techwear, HiFi, and guns—techwear is still the cheapest. 


lol guns is my other hobby, here's my baby - http://m.imgur.com/a/fLbwk

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  On 2/9/2017 at 5:02 AM, capnpyro said:

Jesus Christ it doesn't get any sexier than that beast! Does WA allow threaded barrels? Here in communist California that wouldn't be allowed 


WA doesn't give a fuck. I actually participated in the public comment for SBR legalization legislation and attended the one re: actually firing suppressed firearms. It used to be legal to have a suppressor but not fire a gun with one. Yeah, I know.

Now the calculus of deciding whether I want a silencer or more Acronym...

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Who: Dave

Where: Detroit, southwest/Mexicantown to be exact.

Work: Former historian / current law student

Why: where to begin? Probably began bargain hunting with my dad for rain jackets at REI/EMS as a kid. This developed into an obsession with Arcteryx. In my earlier twenties I dressed a hybrid of hipster and hiker - I was the guy at the noise show wearing an Arc shell and hiking boots. Additionally, I've also always been into anime/sci-fi, I grew up on Gundam, cowboy bebop, GITS/ Iain Banks etc. Basically the first time I saw Acr stuff (probably around 2011/12) I was obsessed. The way I feel about Acr is kinda the same way I felt the first time I saw Star Wars as a kid - like it had been made just for me and I had always loved it, even though I didn't know it yet. 

Animals: I love both dogs and cats, but my favorite animal is probably the binturong.


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Who// M

Where// Gates of Hell aka Manila

Work// Luxury retail, marketing / creative ape overlord. I live a double life as a taqueria owner.

Why// I've worked in retail for 11 years, and my affinity for tech probably comes from a prolonged overexposure to it.

Even in a moderately progressive setting (i.e. Gosha, Vetements, CDG, Sacai, etc.) the whole transience / of the moment / tongue-in-cheek-ness of it all is getting old. It's a matryoshka doll of inside jokes and quips, and I can't discern anymore whether I'm laughing at something or myself.

I like how tech, at this stage, is kind of brutal, honest, and semi-unadulterated by all of it. (Also, GITS, Ninja Scroll, Neuromancer, William Gibson, Blade Runner, etc.) 

Animal// Dogs, lazy ones that sleep excessively. Might be a closet cat person.

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  • 2 months later...

i am unit: Josh

i have place: Maine--United States

i have origin: 1980's comic books--1990's comic books--anime--hallucinogens--more hallucinogens--squarepusher--aphex twin--even more hallucinogens--William Gibson--Neal Stephenson--1980's hip hop--Warren Ellis--Katsuhiro Otomo--Masamune Shirow--nihilism--punk rock--black metal--Buddhism--Duncan Trussel--bad data--AcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronym--system dump--reboot

i have companion: canid



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Hi my name is Ian. I circle around techwear as my style changes every few years. Yeah I've probably been buying acronym longer than you have. Just not regularly. I listen to black metal. I live in a small hipster town in Maryland. I like lifting heavy weights and doing wolfcult shit with my wolfcult friends.

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Who: Blake

Where: Grosse Pointe, MI. 

Work: Design and Resale 

IG: blakebru97 

Why: Where to start hmm, as a kid i've always been into futuristic stuff especially the military side it. Ive been a huge gamer my entire life and as a kid i played games like Megaman, Halo, Gundam, etc. As i got older i got into different games, anime, movies and discovered Metal Gear and the plethora of cyberpunk themed stuff which just poured gasoline on the fire. My dad worked in the fashion industry for years so naturally i always been around/liked it. Fashion really started for me with shoes in middle school. Then i just bought normal off the shelf dunks and other random nikes. Of course that led to exclusive sneakers (jordans, SBs) and then that led to clothes. (not afraid to admit) I got into Supreme, Bape and a bunch of other high end street/designer clothing before i got into acronym. The first time i saw it was on a facebook group about 3 years ago and someone just randomly posted the SS14 Jitsu video and i probably watched it at least 20 times lmao. I finally found a clothing brand i genuinely liked. I could go on about all the different reasons i like acrnm (materials, look, battling against shitty michigan weather) but it would be extra tldr. Also Without acrnm i would of also never got into sewing and DIY stuff. 

Etc: Ive been building gundam models for 7 years on and off and its one of my favorite hobbies. I love to build and paint. I use an airbrush for most of my kits. I also collect Retro Video games, cards, books and other useless shit that i love.

Animals: 93fc4441d7bcc37f8674ee15faf77d41.png

TLDR: Im a weeb

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  • 2 months later...

NOT a tinder profile ;)

Author: David; Seattle, WA. Surgeon/wannabe neuroscientist. In another life? Possibly less of a wannabe scientist. More mind-controlled robots, less cutting.

Background: At the risk of sounding derivative…GiTS (o.g. movie, manga, and SAC), 1980/90’s Anime, William Gibson (Pattern Recognition), Shadowrun, Drum and Bass, Blade Runner, Alan Moore, sci-fi that involves Chernobyl, lots of video games, print collecting/Mondo…and yes, the whole trainers/Supreme fad that lasted for me from 2013-2015. We all deserve second chances, right?

Abstract: I'm a tech wear newbie. A lot of the discussions here re. fabric sound way more complicated than the tools I use at work. Figuring out empirically how a piece of tech wear's design into something purposeful and aesthetically pleasing...is pretty neato, since there isn't exactly a textbook on it (it makes me feel like a smarty!) I like how this encourages a more thoughtful relationship with your clothing/the products you own+consume.

Conclusion: The persistent feeling of being an adult male in very, very expensive cosplay...feels weird. 

Acknowledgements: My geriatric calico cat. She dgaf.

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  On 5/15/2017 at 7:32 AM, blakebru97 said:

Who: Blake

Where: Grosse Pointe, MI. 

Work: Design and Resale 

IG: blakebru97 

Why: Where to start hmm, as a kid i've always been into futuristic stuff especially the military side it. Ive been a huge gamer my entire life and as a kid i played games like Megaman, Halo, Gundam, etc. As i got older i got into different games, anime, movies and discovered Metal Gear and the plethora of cyberpunk themed stuff which just poured gasoline on the fire. My dad worked in the fashion industry for years so naturally i always been around/liked it. Fashion really started for me with shoes in middle school. Then i just bought normal off the shelf dunks and other random nikes. Of course that led to exclusive sneakers (jordans, SBs) and then that led to clothes. (not afraid to admit) I got into Supreme, Bape and a bunch of other high end street/designer clothing before i got into acronym. The first time i saw it was on a facebook group about 3 years ago and someone just randomly posted the SS14 Jitsu video and i probably watched it at least 20 times lmao. I finally found a clothing brand i genuinely liked. I could go on about all the different reasons i like acrnm (materials, look, battling against shitty michigan weather) but it would be extra tldr. Also Without acrnm i would of also never got into sewing and DIY stuff. 

Etc: Ive been building gundam models for 7 years on and off and its one of my favorite hobbies. I love to build and paint. I use an airbrush for most of my kits. I also collect Retro Video games, cards, books and other useless shit that i love.

Animals: 93fc4441d7bcc37f8674ee15faf77d41.png

TLDR: Im a weeb


You don't work for GM do you?

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  On 8/3/2017 at 7:19 PM, cybersushi said:

NOT a tinder profile ;)

Author: David; Seattle, WA. Surgeon/wannabe neuroscientist. In another life? Possibly less of a wannabe scientist. More mind-controlled robots, less cutting.

Background: At the risk of sounding derivative…GiTS (o.g. movie, manga, and SAC), 1980/90’s Anime, William Gibson (Pattern Recognition), Shadowrun, Drum and Bass, Blade Runner, Alan Moore, sci-fi that involves Chernobyl, lots of video games, print collecting/Mondo…and yes, the whole trainers/Supreme fad that lasted for me from 2013-2015. We all deserve second chances, right?

Abstract: I'm a tech wear newbie. A lot of the discussions here re. fabric sound way more complicated than the tools I use at work. Figuring out empirically how a piece of tech wear's design into something purposeful and aesthetically pleasing...is pretty neato, since there isn't exactly a textbook on it (it makes me feel like a smarty!) I like how this encourages a more thoughtful relationship with your clothing/the products you own+consume.

Conclusion: The persistent feeling of being an adult male in very, very expensive cosplay...feels weird. 

Acknowledgements: My geriatric calico cat. She dgaf.



Hello fellow Seattleite! Best techwear city for actually utilizing the weatherproofing!

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