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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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2 hours ago, Dr_Heech said:

The trouble is there is loads of 'Valencia' made goodies on the web to buy but no one is buying them at that price.  I was lucky enough insomuch as l sold a shed load of 555 Lvc circa 2009/10, some to a guy privately (maybe half a dozen pieces or so) for like 400 quid + a pop! I couldn't believe my luck. Not seen anything actually sell for that price yet and l watch alot of DS 555 stuff with similar BIN prices but nothing moves.

To me the 555 stuff was worth the initial £200 price tag as it was so unique, even more so when it came down to 100 quid per item in 1999, but l wouldn't pay more for an older item now. And dont get me started on the modern pricing for current stock - yeesh!


I think I saw some LVC Cone which went for about £150 on EBay, recently. Can't remember the details.

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1 minute ago, Broark said:

Living in Texas and all I'd be interested in tracking down a pair that was made in the San Antonio factory.
Probably easier said than done!

It is mate. I purchased the size 34's and also a pair of 34's in the 44 model (the only other raw jean made there, for the one season, apart from the 506 jacket).

It was apparently the last Levis owned factory before the shift to the Taylor toggs facility in NC. 

I've only seen about 6 items deadstock from that factory production run in 7 years. Yahoo auctions maybe?

(I can help with any details if unsure, lemme know) 

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Nice collection Dr. I found some deadstock 555 201's that I've been wearing since the new year.

Really great denim, great color coming through, the weft seems unbleached. Must be like 12oz? 

How many LVC jackets do you own? :o

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1 minute ago, JMS said:

Nice collection Dr. I found some deadstock 555 201's that I've been wearing since the new year.

Really great denim, great color coming through, the weft seems unbleached. Must be like 12oz? 

How many LVC jackets do you own? :o

Are we talking about the 1937 201XX leather patch, or the 1920's 201 linen patch model?

I only own one Lvc jacket now. A 1st edition 1880's triple pleated blouse fom 2012(?)

Also the hunters Duck vest  from 2001? (part of the infamous Valencia duck family) Apart from the photos, everything else is now long sold.

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201's with the linen patch! Not much to show now, but they've softened up a ton since the first soak. Dropped a bunch of indigo in the tub. 

They feel like they're going to fade fast. Loving them! (makes me want to pick up either the WH 1901s or the 1915s when they come out)



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The first edition 20's 201 are unique. The denim (although greenish in colour) is apparently a redcast denim (?) .. Anyways they are the stubbornest of denims to wear- in and will take forever, BUT the rewards are worth it.

Basically you have to wear them raw for a year or two ( whilst doing hard labour) then soak and repeat for a decade. Then and only then will some crocking appear!

I would love to go drystone walling in my pair for about a year or so... The only water they would see would be the rain.


Edit: hold onto them, they will never be made again using that (unique) denim. Wear, enjoy, repeat..

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1 hour ago, Dr_Heech said:

The first edition 20's 201 are unique. The denim (although greenish in colour) is apparentl a redcast denim (?) .. Anyways they are the stubbornest of denims to wear- in and will take forever, BUT the rewards are worth it.

Basically you have to wear them raw for a year or two ( whilst doing hard labour) then soak and repeat for a decade. Then and only then will some crocking appear!

I would love to go drystone walling in my pair for about a year or so... The only water they would see would be the rain.


Edit: hold onto them, they will never be made again using that (unique) denim. Wear, enjoy, repeat..

In the book the Power of the dog by Thomas Savage 1967, the cowhands would put there Levis in the river for a few days to soften them up, where as the dude rancher would wear them stiff and new, making them look fake. The character Phil Burbank describes a character's stiff new Levis going zip-zip-zip

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23 minutes ago, unders said:

The 201s are fantastic. A buddy of mine had a pair years ago. 

Doc, are you going wear yours or keep them deadstock? 

I want to wear them. I'm waiting for the 'right opportunity' plus l'm rotating 2 pairs of CSF and my newly aquired WH 27's (plus a bunch of others) so again procrastinating to the max :rolleyes:

Also l can only put in a few hours wear in a week now so slow going..


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Usual bollox
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Maybe you can give this a go.. from Aero Leathers website: 

The Savile Tweed Suit Method

This was a old favourite with the aristocracy when they still had estates, on taking delivery of a new Savile Row tweed suit, the Lords Of The Manor would give it to his gardener to wear for a couple of months so he could knock the newness out of it. His lordship then reclaimed the suit and wore it until it got too shabby for his tastes at which point, he gave it back to the gardener as a "keeper". This is a great method for breaking in a Horsehide jacket but does have a couple of minor drawbacks. Firstly this involves hiring a gardener that's the right size, and secondly, hiring one who is not going to abscond the second he gets a new Aero on his back.

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Advice for sizing the most recent made in USA 1937s? They are shrink to fit, and I found a non washed 33 with a measured waist of 16 (32). Does that seem right? 

I'm usually a 31, sometimes a 32, but these size 33s seem more like a 31 (after the soak and all). 


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Speaking of San Antone ‘55s, here’s a pair of 34/34 I picked up recently. More like a 35 in the waist, but that’s perfect for me -I really wish 35 was a common size in general - anyway, they won’t be put into action any time soon, plenty of jeans to tear through first.

These are the first lvc of this era that I own and I really wish that all lvc was upheld to this standard - even the pockets are deep and made of decent material. Oh well...




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6 hours ago, Broark said:

@Facini could you share some photos of the inside tags on those?
Would be helpful for me if I try to track a pair down in size 36. :ph34r:

I would've shared mine with you but l cut the label out of this particular pair, however the all important button number is 554.

I will tell you that they are harder to find than the Valencia stuff.

And as @Facini pointed out, the waist measures bigger than tagged. Also the hem isn't as wide on this model as it is on previous 55s. My 2 pairs of 55's posted are both tagged 34 but measurements differ, like they are a slightly tapered cut

These 2003 run were the first to use Cone denim and there were some 55s which were actually made with the cone 66 denim that lvc use. This was an accident of course but to be honest, it's impossible to tell.


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2 hours ago, Maynard Friedman said:

So did all the 555 55s use Japanese (Kaihara?) denim Charlie? What about the other Valencia St models, did any of those use Cone?

So the three original models that were released by Lvc, 1937 201XX, 1955 501XX and 1963 551ZXX were all made with Japanese milled denim - although from which mill l am unsure. These 3 models ran from 1996-99.

In 1999, Lvc released 2 new models for one run only, the 1944 s501XX and the 1947 501XX, both of which were made with Cone denim. All had the infamous 555 stamped on the backs of the buttons.

Between late 2000 and 2002, when the Valencia st plant shut, the only 501XX models produced for Lvc had added finishes/washes/patching etc; They were all 'limited' versions. But basically no raw 44s, 47s or 55s until the production was moved to the San Antonio factory (the last Levis owned one) where the only raw models produced were the 1944 and the 1955 iirc. These had the 554 stamp on the button backs. 

The only exception to the above was the (re)introduction of the 1937 model. This time though it was re-stamped as the 1937 501XX and was made with Cone. It was made at the  Valencia st factory for a short time (so 555 stamp) before continuing to be made at the Taylor Toggs facility in Greensboro NC (later versions of the model had 643M stamped) as did the 1901 model when it was introduced that year. From then on l think it was standard for all the post 1915 Lvc models to be made with Cone and any before that (excluding the 1917) to be made from Japanese milled denim, although the fugly 1927 model which l have a suspicion was made with non-cone(?)

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