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Hm - just received a cancellation notice on a pending order despite getting payment confirmation ~20 minutes ago. Money has already been debited from my account though. Anyone have a similar experience?


You and me both ~


Whatever though, I got the p24a-s in both color ways so I'm happy.

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chaged $327 USD COD straight from acronym to a residential address.. never happened before. also little to no customer service infrastructure set up to handle this - which is generally considered bad business. 


anyone have insight? or had this happen to them?

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chaged $327 USD COD straight from acronym to a residential address.. never happened before. also little to no customer service infrastructure set up to handle this - which is generally considered bad business. 


anyone have insight? or had this happen to them?

Are you talking about customs fees? Cause if so: yep.

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chaged $327 USD COD straight from acronym to a residential address.. never happened before. also little to no customer service infrastructure set up to handle this - which is generally considered bad business. 


anyone have insight? or had this happen to them?



Yeah...check back a bit on this thread.  There was a good discussion about how custom fees work and such...can't remember who posted it but they knew what the score was clearly...

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If you guys only knew how much the markup is on those 3A-MZ3's (material + labor), you probably wouldn't be so happy paying 200+ euros for a pair. Makes movie theatre popcorn sound like a bargain. 

I thought this was implicit in our fandom that we'd be paying hella over COGs? 

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I have been waiting for the j50-s since I first saw it. Now that it's here and I see the price.....I'm having a real tough time talking myself into it. I'm not seeing any real value here. Couldn't I spend a few hundred (2-300) more and just go full baller mode? Seems like a relatively tame jacket for the cost. 

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