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Freewheelers, Bootleggers Reunion, Bubo, etc.


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15 hours ago, Dr_Heech said:

Wonder why they chose the dates 1933-1934 in particular? Guess this one must've dodged the NRA tag.


In a lot of the write-ups they seem to be at pains to emphasise that around 1934 was the last we saw a rounded edge on the pocket flap (i.e. 1935) and that around 1934 the jackets had small engraved painted buttons (before that there was no engraving/embossing and after that the buttons were bigger) - so it’s a jacket that sits in a period of transition 

I’ve got a feeling Sushi has got his hands on, or owns, a jacket dated from that time - he has a huge collection, and apparently very friendly with some other serious collectors.

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^ thanks Duke

The 1933-34 jacket and the upcoming 1937 jeans have perked my interest, being a sucker for a crispy new tux

I'm keen to identify the differences between the 1933-34 and the 1927 version by FW... to see if it's worth buying the new jacket or just sitting this one out (it seems they are selling out pdq!)

I'll be missing stuff so anyone feel free to point out what

  • The buttons remain small but are embossed now
  • Curved pockets again
  • The denim is new ("reddish") - any idea how it will fade? 
  • A feature of the 1927 is the relatively wide sleeves.  Would be interested to know how the width of the 1933-34 sleeves compare (have asked for a view. Update: apparently also wide sleeves)

To try and gauge fit differences, I measured my own (washed and worn) 1927 and compared with the 1933-34 (raw and shrink sizes from a retailer)


Edited by MJF9
extra info!
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I think you’ll be hard pushed to find significant differences between the 27 and the 33 models in terms of pattern. Small details that have been mentioned are key … and the denim itself which is new, so there’ll be no tangible information on fading but I wouldn’t have the slightest doubt about the quality of the fabric in any respect.

I’ve got the 27 model, I’ve got a war model and I’ve got a post war model (and Type IIs etc) so I’m not really all that interested because (broadly) I think I have each major iteration without trying to have a different Type I for every year they were produced - and anyway I don’t wear the jackets I own enough in the first place.

If you don’t have the 27 and are looking for that era of Type I then buy the 33 (and be quick); if you, generally, want a well made Type I then buy the 33; if you are in the same situation as me well now it’s down to hard cash and obsession.

Edited by Duke Mantee
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@MJF9 @Duke Mantee also keep in the mind the 27 has kind of short sleeves. I have long arms and they’re almost too short. Whenever it gets washed I hope it shrinks very little. 
Hoosier told me that the shorter length and wider arms on the 27 is typical of that era. 

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Yep, all good comments chaps  

I do like the sleeve width and the nuanced sleeve length on the 1927 version, including when there's some sweatshirt or other sleeve popping out a touch (tho get your point Shred)

Same boat more or less here Duke - the new denim is definitely of interest (planning to get the 1937 jeans so will experience that through them); however I hesitate a little on the length and the similarity with the 1927... Mavis on the supermarket checkout would need a super super keen eye to spot the difference :).  If I didn't have the 1927 it'd be a slam dunk.

Now... looking again did encourage more than a sideways glance at the 506xx lot 2211004 - flapless pocket tick, dimensions double tick, denim treble tick... hmmmm...

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Got a couple freewheelers pieces a few days ago 

Wig Wag chore jacket 


Lovely lightweight denim , probably about 10oz ?? Dont really know , love the buttons too 



Forget the name of this vest 




Love the label , gives of a nice vintage Abercrombie and fitch vibe 

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@Flash quality picks ups there Ryan.  Really like both that jacket and the Bridgeport vest.  The denim looks similar to the Ironalls jacket though (just looked it up) the Wig Wag is 8oz and the Ironalls a little more at 10oz.  The smaller collars look cool on the jacket and that weight will be great.  Would be good to see some fit pics mate whenever you get a chance.  Like Broak, I've got a few Freewheelers things on the way - they're relentlessly enticing!    

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This year's denim is quite a bit neppy.
Has it been like this for a few years or just this year?

And the denim fabric is the same for the different jeans and jackets, only the dyeing differs, i.e. darker vs. more royal blue?

The denim of my 506 from 2013 is rough but doesn't have the nep, that the current denim has.
Apparently they're changing the denim.

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8 hours ago, indigoeagle said:

This year's denim is quite a bit neppy.
Has it been like this for a few years or just this year?

And the denim fabric is the same for the different jeans and jackets, only the dyeing differs, i.e. darker vs. more royal blue?

The denim of my 506 from 2013 is rough but doesn't have the nep, that the current denim has.
Apparently they're changing the denim.

Both the jacket and jeans are the same denim (and I’m assuming the same dye … a reddish tone indigo) and this is a new denim, different from previous issues.

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