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Sugar Cane Denim


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im confused. the 34 you couldnt fit, the 36 was still tight and you are still looking to get maximum shrinkage?

your right that was a poorly worded post. I have edited it accordingly.

What i ment to say is the waist on 36 was good but the legs are a bit large. The waist on the 34 was too tight but the legs were good. So i would like to shirnk the overall jean as much as possible in the legs. Should I assume that the waist will shrink also, but am not be too concerned becasue the waist will stretch out again...thanks

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I'm from Hawaii and the Sugar Cane Hawaii is my grail. I'm looking at a pair of them on eBay, and I asked the seller if the jeans came with the bag or fabric, and the seller said no. If anyone has any deadstock Hawaiis I'd be interested in buying them. But I'm interested in everyone's appraisal of this seller's authenticity. Also, note that the seller offers to cut the length of the jean: is this suspicious?


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I'm from Hawaii and the Sugar Cane Hawaii is my grail. I'm looking at a pair of them on eBay, and I asked the seller if the jeans came with the bag or fabric, and the seller said no. If anyone has any deadstock Hawaiis I'd be interested in buying them. But I'm interested in everyone's appraisal of this seller's authenticity. Also, note that the seller offers to cut the length of the jean: is this suspicious?


I think the 40400's come with the fabric banner thing...not the 40401's in this auction. See the small questions thread for more info that was discussed on the differences this morning.

Oh, and the length-hemming doesn't sound strange to me if its a business selling them, which is what it appears to be.

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yup those are real..





Pre and post soak pics from my SC40200. i fell in love with these canes. I think this is one of the most unique repros you can buy. Natural indigo 50/50 cotton/sugarcane.

with my RedMoon CW-02a YE

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Thanks for all the help guys so if I'm just 5'8" I can have them shorten the length of the jeans with no problem? Would there be any negative consequences of this?

The seller says:

I can cut the length with CHAIN-STITCH.

If you want,please tell me what centimeter do you want to cut the inseam.

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Thanks for all the help guys so if I'm just 5'8" I can have them shorten the length of the jeans with no problem? Would there be any negative consequences of this?

The seller says:

I can cut the length with CHAIN-STITCH.

If you want,please tell me what centimeter do you want to cut the inseam.

If you know your exact inseam measurement, it would be a good thing to have them chainstiched rather than just what your tailor will do (I'm pretty sure they're onewash, so they shrinking will be minimal), but you take your chances having them hemmed before you try them on.

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I'm from Hawaii and the Sugar Cane Hawaii is my grail. I'm looking at a pair of them on eBay, and I asked the seller if the jeans came with the bag or fabric, and the seller said no. If anyone has any deadstock Hawaiis I'd be interested in buying them. But I'm interested in everyone's appraisal of this seller's authenticity. Also, note that the seller offers to cut the length of the jean: is this suspicious?


the seller is awesome, I bought a pair from him last month. nothing but the best from him. no worries what so ever.

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Can anyone link me to a post which has discussed the cut and fit of the non "dated" canes, such as the okis, union star and hawaiis. Other then the cosmetic stuff, pockets, labels and things, im trying to get a handle on how they fit vis a vis one another and in comparison to some of the 47s, 55s and such.

I have done a search which reveals the cosmetic differences and i believe that the okis and hawaiis have 50 50 cane/denim. thanks in advnace

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the BIG website and the selfedge website both have the different measurements of all different cuts of SC denim. im sure you can find the information that your looking for there. i dont know if you read all 83 pages of this thread but im sure there are some details that you might be interested in.

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the BIG website and the selfedge website both have the different measurements of all different cuts of SC denim. im sure you can find the information that your looking for there. i dont know if you read all 83 pages of this thread but im sure there are some details that you might be interested in.

thanks for the sugestions...reading inches from a chart is difficult for this newbie to visiualize. what im looking for generally is , is one wider, is one high waisted or low rise...etc....that kind of think....

the other overall question would be why would you want these instead of the dated models...is it becuase they are 50 50 cane and denim and i think the others are denim only?

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The measurements will tell you exactly what you want to know? Just compare the same size in all the models you are interested in and you'll see which are higher, lower, looser etc.

As for the denim, I can tell you that the oki's are fantastic. As far as I know all sugarcane denim is 50% cotton and 50% sugar cane... hence the name.

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The 47 certainly doesn't. I think they only use it for their more "exotic" lines (Hawaii and Okinawas)

There are 2 SC lines, the "standard" line and the sugar millet line. The standard line includes the 55, 66, 47, union start, etc., and is 100% cotton....the other line includes all the regional denims, oki's, hawaii, edo's, etc. and is 50/50 cotton/sugarcane fibres. Lots of info on their website www.sugarcane.jp

kbuzz - I'm sure if you look through the thread, you'll be able to find all the info you're asking for, and some pictures for reference. I don't think anyone wants to explain the cuts for the whole line to you, but maybe when you narrow it down to a pair you like we'll be able to answer specific question.

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Just ordered a pair of 47's. Just started to wear my 45's after a 3 hour hot soak last night(I think this make it my 6th soak.). Have been wear'n these for about 5 months. These jeans are just perfectly fine... Fit is spot on, wear patterns and all the nuances are amazing. Authentic Blue Jean Pant. Gotta Love It.

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Just ordered a pair of 47's. Just started to wear my 45's after a 3 hour hot soak last night(I think this make it my 6th soak.). Have been wear'n these for about 5 months. These jeans are just perfectly fine... Fit is spot on, wear patterns and all the nuances are amazing. Authentic Blue Jean Pant. Gotta Love It.

bilder? 123456789

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There are 2 SC lines, the "standard" line and the sugar millet line. The standard line includes the 55, 66, 47, union start, etc., and is 100% cotton....the other line includes all the regional denims, oki's, hawaii, edo's, etc. and is 50/50 cotton/sugarcane fibres. Lots of info on their website www.sugarcane.jp

kbuzz - I'm sure if you look through the thread, you'll be able to find all the info you're asking for, and some pictures for reference. I don't think anyone wants to explain the cuts for the whole line to you, but maybe when you narrow it down to a pair you like we'll be able to answer specific question.

My apologies for the generalized question. Let ask a narrow focused one then. How do the okis fit compared to the 47s...Im skinny with a slight gut. thanks

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^^ the Okinawas fit a bit slimmer through the thighs and knees but stay straighter, the 47 are a bit wider through, but taper down at the hem.

as for indigo junkie i do not believe that the sugar millet line is at all based off a 47 cut, hawaiis and okinawas fit a good amount different than the fit of a 47 in most all aspects.

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