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Sugar Cane Denim


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It definitely has less to do with any devotion I may or may not have to the Toyo brand than it does with my distaste for the tone with which rnrswitch sometimes expresses his opinion, and that from his initial post, it seemed like he was claiming he had a hunch that SC might be being produced in China without substantiating it in any significant way. He cleared that up, so its a moot point.

I do wear a lot of Toyo stuff, so I won't try to say that I don't have something that could be labeled "devotion" to their brands. That really had nothing to do with this, I just get sick of the chain reactions of mis-information that errant speculation, not properly qualified or articulated, can create. It's bad for everyone involved, and its annoying to continuously revisit ridiculous questions posed by people who listened to, or read things said by people who acted like they knew, but didn't. Like I said, this was the basis for my reaction, and in this case, was proven not to be exactly the case.

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  rnrswitch said:
This does not mean that SC does, but SC is the largest Jeans manufacturer in Japan and I sometimes get the "Levis" vibe from them regarding corporate shit.

I will continue to not comment publicly about where anything is made or the politics behind a lot of these brands... but i will say this...

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING to even THINK that Sugar Cane is the "largest jean manufacturer in Japan"? They're not even in the top ten.

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  kiya said:
I will continue to not comment publicly about where anything is made or the politics behind a lot of these brands... but i will say this...

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING to even THINK that Sugar Cane is the "largest jean manufacturer in Japan"? They're not even in the top ten.

The poor man was probably thinking about TOYO.

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  kiya said:
I will continue to not comment publicly about where anything is made or the politics behind a lot of these brands... but i will say this...

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING to even THINK that Sugar Cane is the "largest jean manufacturer in Japan"? They're not even in the top ten.

Wow. Maybe they are the largest jean manufacturer in China. Just kidding. But good way to attack a somewhat meaningless comment I posted. I should have cleared it up by saying that it is one of the largest repro brands. That significantly changes their stature, but nonetheless that comment has little to do with my original comment about their stuff possibly being made in china.

I don't know, but I feel like Kiya may have already cleared up the question as to where Sugar Cane manufactures some of their goods.

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  Opie said:
The poor man was probably thinking about TOYO.

This poor man was talking about toyo.

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  tmadd said:
It definitely has less to do with any devotion I may or may not have to the Toyo brand than it does with my distaste for the tone with which rnrswitch sometimes expresses his opinion, and that from his initial post, it seemed like he was claiming he had a hunch that SC might be being produced in China without substantiating it in any significant way. He cleared that up, so its a moot point.

I currently own two nylon jacket and two cloth jackets from Buzz, and have owned three other nylon jackets from them. I've always had a suspiscion they were made in China, though it's nothing more than a "hunch". Are some models of Sugar Cane denim made in China? Don't know, and don't really care. The quaility of all the Toyo products I've seen is pretty first rate (though I've had issues with some of the zips on the nylon flight jackets) and regardless of where they're made, they're worth the price IMO.

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^I'll agree with setterman. I honestly don't care where Toyo made all of the MFSC that I own, as long as each garment meets the standards I expect from them (which are considerably higher than any other brand I have ever owned, with the exception of Nigel Cabourn, but that's pretty much like comparing apples to oranges). They've not failed so far...

That said, I'd consider it to be a bit of false advertising if something is labeled 'Made in Japan' but actually made in China. Still doesn't change my opinion of the garments, though.

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  ahtiven said:
are you fucking serious?

Yes, i'm serious.

  Opie said:
The poor man was probably thinking about TOYO.

Still not top ten.

  Maynard Friedman said:
I think Edwin is the largest jeans manufacturer in Japan.

Thank you, now here's some sense. Somewhere behind Edwin is Evisu, Hysteric Glamour (people underestimate how many jeans these guys produce), Warehouse (yes, their production is extremely high for a repro brand), and Lee Japan.

  rnrswitch said:
But good way to attack a somewhat meaningless comment I posted.

I like how you make a completely false statement and i correct you and all of the sudden it's an "attack".

One thing is certain, anything that says "Made in Japan" from Toyo is MADE IN JAPAN completely. This is not to say that maybe some of the hardware isn't made in Japan because that's how the entire industry works, not just for Toyo. But to think that that these pieces are made in another country then tagged that they're made in Japan is insane, especially when i've seen the floors of which they produce their Buzz Rickson line and also where the jeans for both SC and MF are made.

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I think I can agree with both zissou and setterman as well.

The quality is still great and the price is cheap, excepting the MFSC stuff though. I just think it is a little false advertising if they are labeled made in Japan, but they are made in China.

Also, I am not saying that quality is an issue with made in china stuff. I am sure they have great craftsmen as well. I am just a bit more concerned about the working conditions and a "living" wage. I also don't like it when companies represent something, such as Levis being linked with American workers and still producing jeans in China and Mexico. Sugarcane somewhat represented to me made in japan and quality, yet if they are outsourcing to china it seems like a false front.

BTW I still have no idea if their stuff is made in china, just various stuff I have seen posted on this forum and word of mouth from some people in the biz make me suspect it.

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  kiya said:

I like how you make a completely false statement and i correct you and all of the sudden it's an "attack".


It seemed like an attack when you ask me what the fuck I was smoking. Oohh and in all caps.

Anyways, I can take you for your word on them being made in Japan. I still don't know who to believe, you (someone with a vested interest in selling sugarcane clothing) or someone else that has a somewhat competing denim company in Japan.

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Come on now, we all know that UNIQLO runs the most jeans into Japan. Speaking of which, all of my Toyo products, are MIJ and pretty awesome. The only problem I ever had was their made in the USA stuff. I personally don't think Japanese companies try and hide the fact that some of their products are made elsewhere.

I'm looking at 3 pieces from Studio D'Artisan now that clearly marks country of origin as China. Also I have a few pieces from Tedman's that also says made in China. I think American and European companies have more of a tendency to "lie" about where their product is made than Japan.

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  coleslawyum said:
Come on now, we all know that UNIQLO runs the most jeans into Japan. Speaking of which, all of my Toyo products, are MIJ and pretty awesome. The only problem I ever had was their made in the USA stuff. I personally don't think Japanese companies try and hide the fact that some of their products are made elsewhere.

I'm looking at 3 pieces from Studio D'Artisan now that clearly marks country of origin as China. Also I have a few pieces from Tedman's that also says made in China. I think American and European companies have more of a tendency to "lie" about where their product is made than Japan.

I agree as well. i want to see those made in china SDA things. What types of clothing are they?

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By the way, it is not required by law that a garment producing factory to be part of a union where the workers rights are protected. So even some factories in the US have some questionable working conditions. I've been to a union factory as well a non-union factory and the difference is night and day.

I'm sure for the most part we don't have children working for a nickel a month, but I don't claim I know everything that goes down in this country.

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  rnrswitch said:
I agree as well. i want to see those made in china SDA things. What types of clothing are they?

T-shirts, hats and lightweight cotton twill jacket. For the most part it's understandable because it's way cheaper to make these things in China. Especially if your bread and butter is denim and all that is made on Okayama where production costs ain't cheap.

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  coleslawyum said:
By the way, it is not required by law that a garment producing factory to be part of a union where the workers rights are protected. So even some factories in the US have some questionable working conditions. I've been to a union factory as well a non-union factory and the difference is night and day.

I'm sure for the most part we don't have children working for a nickel a month, but I don't claim I know everything that goes down in this country.

No doubt, I agree mostly, but if I was to put my money on where somebody would rather manufacture clothes, they would most likely say in the USA (if the choice was china or the states, that is). This would be from a worker's standpoint. From a manufacturer's standpoint, of course they would rather make them in China.

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  coleslawyum said:
T-shirts, hats and lightweight cotton twill jacket. For the most part it's understandable because it's way cheaper to make these things in China. Especially if your bread and butter is denim and all that is made on Okayama where production costs ain't cheap.

My question is, if it's way cheaper to produce items in China why are some things made there priced so high?

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  kiya said:

One thing is certain, anything that says "Made in Japan" from Toyo is MADE IN JAPAN completely.

thanks for speaking publicly about where sugar cane is made. i don't understand why you would refuse to speak publicly about where this stuff is made, since you work at self edge, and self edge sells this stuff. obviously part of the confusion stems from the fact that you previously implied that, despite saying "made in the u.s.a.," the sc repro models were not made in the u.s.a.

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  akka225 said:
obviously part of the confusion stems from the fact that you previously implied that, despite saying "made in the u.s.a.," the sc repro models were not made in the u.s.a.

he never said that. he said that the denim is made in japan and the jeans are put together in the USA.

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^which kind of makes me feel like an ass for buying a pair of jeans with denim made in Japan, assembled in the US, purchased from a shop in Japan to be shipped back to the US. Talk about a waste of resources. But what the hell... I love them jeans.

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And even worse is if you buy them from a shop in the states, you pay another mark up. The folks that got in on that SC sale sure made off good though.

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So Kiya,

From your post above you say that anything from Toyo marked Made in Japan is Made in Japan. Is there the case where the garment may be marked made in China? At least from what you know? Totally not trying to be a dick here, just wondering if Toyo manufactures anything in China (garment-wise),

On another note:

I was wondering if on fine china (porcelain dishes) that they may say made in china, even though they are made in the states. (10)

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