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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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i didn't have a panda head like selectivebeef so i had to utilize my amazing photoshop skills. please disregard the white spots. they don't exist.


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cheers for the welcome greetings dino....cutoffs look great. and nice pink shirt, fruit :D

realmyth - i cant be sure, but it looks like you arent wearing a t under that vest. minor quibble i know, but aside from that, that fit is 9.9/10. good stuff!

cottonduck - great look....cheers for including the colour pics too, gives us a little bit more of an idea of how everything fits together.

tang/dd/bizzy - nice series of pics....good to see you holding down the fort in the first one tangerine.

hommehomme - your second last post with the beanie and leopard print shoes was dope.

crillz - second last post with the grey trousers and bag was also fucking nice.

designersheep, solistik, hewmiri all looking fresh.

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imo it'd be a better fit without the tie (i had an urge to quote this pic for the worst WAYWT thread but then it aint that bad

it might work if u had a different shirt/tie color combo

Was in NYC for a few days, took a WAYWT pic before going out one night.





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