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Charlie Delta

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310169 if only we could all be as popular as this person

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  1. While reading a post on Fullcount on the excellent Denim news blog: I got curious about this brand Rodeo.So basicly it was what Yamane and Tsujita did before they each started their own brands. It sounds like it was a very small, as the quote says "homebrewed" brand, and only existed for about 3 years. That is exactly what interests me about it. Has anyone got any more info on it? Would like to know any- and everything... (This was originally part of this thread but I didn't want to derail it and thought that this deserved a thread of it's own so I called Tweeds in for some mod action, thanks!)
  2. Seeing that since the relaunch(?) of Levis RED there have been atleast 3 different threads on it I figured we might aswell get one definite thread about it. These are the threads I found quickly, maybe Tweeds would be so kind to merge them into this thread? Levis RED bow jeans Levis RED + Oki Ni CCP vs Levis RED While the RED range has always been very "out there" and it's not for everyone I feel that they've played quite an important part in where non japanese denim has been going the last couple of years. Let this be the place to discuss all things RED, both present and past.
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