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Absolutely Nemo; it's workwear after all.


Plus, and this is just me, but I think if we start 'babying' our jeans, to use your term in the way I think you mean, we are living inauthentically, treating our jeans in an artificial way, and that defeats what I take to be the real purpose of buying this kind of clothing: over time it reflects an aspect of you. If you baby it, it becomes an external thing, almost a 'fashion' object that you've designed, instead of a lived expression.


Finally, even in the experiments detailed above there are a bunch of what we call 'black boxes' in science and tech studies. For example we talk of 'water' as a stable, taken-for-granted object, but you've got all kinds of variations of water, e.g. hard vs soft, which may have an impact upon the denim.


Then you get into kinds of cotton, weaving, environmental wear etc etc... My head spins.

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Exactly, "designing" something and going out of your way, doing something you wouldn't otherwise have done in order to achieve some sort of effect, is completely lame to me.


On the other hand about the water, I like that if you have the same person and the same washing regimen (say even throwing them in at the same wash every time) you pretty much control for everything realistically that could make a difference... anything weird would be subjected to both jeans at equal rates.

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Of course,there are various ways of fabric shrinkage.I apologize for the inaccuracy, I meant examples of "severe" shrinkage (factory,we will call it so).
For example SDA and PBJ.I couldn't get the fabric more than the factory (in addition to maximum length 1 centimeter).How they achieved this ?

The second point-please correct me if the meaning of the message incomprehensible.It is possible to communicate on SuFu is a bad idea,I don't know the language...though I try to make as simple as possible.Might just be better for me to end it,because you can be misunderstood or offend someone.

Last..I can't experiment with these firms.
Just not so young,to have time to try what I have now. ;)


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I did this for the first couple of weeks. Again and again. Right now I am doing it with the TFH flannels....


Btw we set up an online shop in November. Pretty busy right now doing that and I am happy about that as it is another step in the right direction.

We ordered the 103 and 106. Its a test, no venture no gain, if it works out we will add more, tops too.

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  On 8/23/2015 at 1:50 AM, vgadjo said:

Type: Sda-103

Worn for: Since 2011/1/1, probably 20-21 months of actual wear

Washes: 9-10, first one around 8 months

Still going strong, my favourite pair when it comes to the fades. It's really true they take 2-3 times longer to fade but the result is equaly rewarding.


Mine are probably past their "contrat peak" now. They tend to look more worn out with the pockets, creases, threads shredding a bit everywhere.

I usually wear them 1-2 times a week

Shredding in the combs




Such awesome denim evolution!!!

Keep them alive for ever

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New jeans over on their web shop, anyone have more knowledge as to what needlework refers to? Heading out the door, so no time for googling



"This is the jeans that were assembled using is one of the traditional fabric of Japan "needlework". 

By performing sewing stab fine on one surface of the cotton cloth was overlaid, the fabric is made ​​of knowledge of Japanese enhanced strength of the fabric, have also been used, such as judo and fire clothing because durable Japan It is a traditional realistic work material. 
Condition stained by Aizen a wonderfully delicate, the fall colors are denim and is a little bit different texture enjoy. 
Easy to wear tight straight, it is the pants of a beautiful silhouette. "


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Can always expect hog to come through, needlework being sashiko makes complete sense, I didn't look at a blown up photo till now and can totally see it now. Seriously cool looking, and that lamb wool type III is super cool.

I would like to see a work shirt in that fabric.

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Got my my revised size W34 for the new OKI-815 yesterday.

Already soaked and stretched overnight - breaking it in a little now...maybe some pictures to follow over the course of the weekend, who knows?

Naoki gave me some details for the upcoming X's 36 jeans: it will be a special denim with black and blue threads at a standard weight, cut looks like a 103. Naoki will be doing a SDA version with 2cm higher rise. Hitting sometime in December...

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