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Conners Sewing Factory


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Not claiming any expert status I'd put it down to the usual boring answer of wartime production.  While I couldn't find an example to the extreme of my conners there are plenty of examples of the panels being sewn with the twill running in different directions 


did Yoshiaki take some liberties in this detail ?? Havent got a clue . Tried looking through his old Instagram pics put got back as far as 2018 and the ipad wouldnt load any more up . I don't think its outside the realm of possibility that the pair he based these off had this same detail but who knows 

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I'll just chime in that I have loved very much the updates, explanations and moar on all the csf thru the years... sorry to see anyone priced out of markets... I am a #basicbitch in purchasing in general so always happy to see others cool shit vicariously, your [those who have bought, enthused, shared] passions duly noted, cherished even [#blush...]; sorry to see roy go as well as more access to csf... them denim close ups are noice...

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Putting this out there, and not saying it is the thinking, but I don’t think it would be awful if it is. 

When Yoshiaki started out CSF/One Piece he set his price, factoring in materials, time, overheads, etc. He probably had no idea he was going to be as successful as he would become. Over time there have been marginal price increases to accommodate rising costs & growth; all very reasonable. A few years later he heads a successful business that is well respected across the world (big up Flash & OO) within its niche field. Demand far outstrips his supply and he’s become a master of his craft. The margin he makes on the jeans (before the price hike) is broadly similar to what he made when he set-up shop because he’s a one-man show with finite output; economies of scale difficult for a single maker (although he will obviously skim some margin from the 2nd generation jeans). But he sits back, looks at what he’s built, considers his reputation, sees the inbox filling with enquiries, and just fancies a bit more reward now he’s made it. Most of us seek promotions & better pay, and personal circumstances change that mean a pay rise is necessary (more mouths to feed for instance).

If he did it because he considers his time & labour is worth more now than it was a few years back, that’s not unreasonable. 

But yeah, they’re expensive. 

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The sun was briefly out so some quick shots of my M-41's. Washed once at 40 on low spin. Worn infrequently and l treat them like best/like a pair of 350 quid pair of jeans. I love them (no hype) and feel that my photos can't capture the spirit of the garment. Anyway, think this is the first time l've taken any (??) so here's an overload :blush2:

Edit ... part 1














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Late to the party... enjoyed the comments above

Ouch to the price increases... 

That's c60% increase on S406xxx M-46 in 2 years

Was thinking similar to Unders... wouldn't most people increase their income for doing the same job if they could?  I can't see the delta being eaten up completely by increased operating costs

That said, it's still an ouch for sure... and a big shame it's pricing many people out 

It'll be interesting to see if the demand drops off now - is this sustainable?  We'll see

Hopefully, there are enough CSF on Sufu already to keep this thread bumped for a few years yet...

Because... the guy makes awesome jeans and jackets!!

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  On 3/6/2021 at 5:09 PM, Flash said:

Love how the v stitch is pretty much completely hidden 



  On 3/6/2021 at 6:08 PM, Double 0 Soul said:

Looks like a legit red tab too



Thanks lads. There are so many little hidden treasures within each model isn't there? One of the gems about this pair of (almost) early-war repros is the combo of copper orange stitch one side, lemon yellow the other pretty much throughout. Even the hem has a rainbow chain-stitch!

Will try and get some pics up of the WW2 specials tomorrow fingers crossed. 

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So as promised, here's my M-44's. These are based on an actual pair made during WW2 (pair #24 in the 501XX book) and were custom made for @beautiful_FrEaK. He sold them to me when they became too big for him, after l thought l'd finally solved the mystery that is CSF sizing (l hadn't) so they are a looser fitting jean than my 41's in the same size (hence the beef jerky patch which helps tighten the waist). They are all yellow stiched (different grades and stitch counts sewn on different vintage machines obviously) apart from the coin pocket top stitch, which is peach. The pockets are made of a lighter weight denim and the crotch has a rivet in it where Levis actually removed this back in 1942. They are a perfect clone of a unique pair of Levis imo. Will let the pics do the talking..























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What’s with the frayed? Thread inside the jacket pocket? 
I don’t know jack about the vintage pieces these are based on so sorry if it’s a dumb question. 

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  On 3/7/2021 at 6:40 PM, shredwin_206 said:

What’s with the frayed? Thread inside the jacket pocket? 
I don’t know jack about the vintage pieces these are based on so sorry if it’s a dumb question. 


The collaborations with stores like 2 face/3 face are vintage 'inspired' pieces given the artistic licence once over, hence the lack of patch but size stamped on denim/loose thread in weird places/colored thread used on t back etc etc.

Think of them as the Levis Red of the CSF world.

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Third and final set of Conners photo bombs then..

My s406xxx M-WW2 from July 2016, worn infrequently and machine washed properly on low spin once. Decided to take some pics as l'm off work next week, but have a walling job lined up and have decided to wear this, as l want to accelerate the fades a bit and turn these tiny crocks into something worthwhile. Probably wear it under another older, tattier jacket so it shouldn't get trashed  :unsure:


Edit - part 1











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Yeah @MJF9 mine is snug enough before a wash but because of the walling work this week, l had to wash it. So l gave it another 40 with uber low spin.  It's not quite the masterpiece yours has become, but l've always been in it for the slow burn and l know that the next few years of gradual wear will bring out the best in it. The jacket came off quite early on in the daily working day, but at the end of the week when l was washing all of the dusty clothes, the smell of wet aggregate permeated the kitchen and l thought 'eff it', that jacket is getting a wash. 

Will try it on damp later, fingers crossed. 

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@Dr_Heech good luck mate... let us know how you get on

I’ve only ever washed mine at 30 so just sticking to that to avoid issues

Never moderated the spin - my denim all gets done the same at 1,000 without much forethought... have you noticed a difference with an uber low spin?

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  On 3/20/2021 at 6:29 PM, MJF9 said:

@Dr_Heech good luck mate... let us know how you get on

I’ve only ever washed mine at 30 so just sticking to that to avoid issues

Never moderated the spin - my denim all gets done the same at 1,000 without much forethought... have you noticed a difference with an uber low spin?


I have washed it a couple of times(??) maybe before on 40 (30 isn't worth the bother with denim imo, you may as well do a hot soak) may have been only once - l just can't remember. 

But l can turn the spin down on my old Bosch from 1600 down to 700 so l can avoid any white lines/creasing, which l've had on one or two items in the past (usually Lvc). It's been a crease free formula so far.

Tried it on damp just now and it's doable. Just gotta get some more wear in to stretch the chest out slightly.

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