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Sugar Cane Denim


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  derdankhund said:
this was spurred by the other guys posting of the edo ai's. This is about three months ago, so they've softened up a bit more, and have faded slightly...this was a cool picture of the back creases though, so I thought I'd post it...

the greenish hue of the natural indigo fits in well with the greenery in the background ;)

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  derdankhund said:
this was spurred by the other guys posting of the edo ai's. This is about three months ago, so they've softened up a bit more, and have faded slightly...this was a cool picture of the back creases though, so I thought I'd post it...


Nice to see another pair out there. The Edo Ai's are my fav pair of jeans in terms of sheer quality. Good on ya Derdankhund.

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  diamonds said:

Anyone want to tell me what's up with these? It doesn't look overdyed and I can't distinguish weft and weave.

I believe that those jeans are not denim twill? I think it is a canvas weave, ie. 1x1. Someone smart can confirm... but they're definitely not 3x1 twill.

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I received my 1947 Sugarcanes from toggs.com last week. These were raw and size 30. They were extremely baggy when I first tried them on. I therefore soaked them for about 30 minutes in hot water, then hung out to dry. I tried them on once dry and they were still a bit large in the thigh and butt. I then soaked them AGAIN in hot water, this time for about 5 hours. I then put them in the dryer for about 10 minutes. There was a lot of indigo in the water after both soakings, probably due to the hot water. I think they fit a bit better now. I'm still not sure about the anti-fit diaper ass thing going on. Coming from my APC NSs and PBJ 005's, they'll take some getting used to.

What do you think of the fit? Will the diaper ass thing look better after a few months wear?




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^ co-sign with ddml on the anti-fit thing... the ass will settle down a bit, but you also have to realize that it's never gonna quite hug your butt (because it's not really supposed to). I didn't really like it at first either, but in time you appreciate it a lot more (especially when you try on other jeans). I like how they make my stick legs appear more muscular and bulky.

Edit: Also, I think the cheapest way to get SC's right now is ordering straight from a site in Japan (mil-mil.net ships internationally, from what I hear) there's a bit of a markup stateside and for some reason it's higher on SC than it is on other brands like John Bull and Samurai.

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Thanks everyone for your replies. I've been so tempted to sell these, but I'll stick it out in hopes I'll get used to them. I just got a pair of PBJ 005's and absolutely love how they fit.

BTW, for those of you looking for a pair, I would highly suggest contacting 2000dB. I ordered a couple things through him and received my items within a week to the states. I believe Sugarcanes in Japan still have the back pocket stitching but dont quote me on that.

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I'm trying to decided between the standard 1947 SugarCanes which seem quite popular and these Okinawa SC40302A-312s I like the details on these and how they are still only about $150s They are One washed.




Here is a link to their page:


and a link to the 1947s I'm considering:


any opionions on how those Okinawas will fit/break in?

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  syzygy said:
I'm trying to decided between the standard 1947 SugarCanes which seem quite popular and these Okinawa SC40302A-312s I like the details on these and how they are still only about $150s They are One washed.




Here is a link to their page:


and a link to the 1947s I'm considering:


any opionions on how those Okinawas will fit/break in?

i have those exact ones, breaking in is...strange...no major wear, but then again, i rarely wear these, but any other questions in terms of fit/etc, ask away.

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  poly800rock said:
i have those exact ones, breaking in is...strange...no major wear, but then again, i rarely wear these, but any other questions in terms of fit/etc, ask away.

have any pictures?

I'm not sure what size to get, my hips are 32inch where I wear my current 5year old Diesel Rabox jeans, they are a size 30 so I was planning to get a 30 again, but I read the entire SugarCane thread and I'm really confused now


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After wearing my 47's for a few days I realised that they were a touch loose so I soaked them in a warm bath for a few hours. To be honest I think the fit was worst after this with not much shrinkage and the anti-fit arse thing being really bad. I've now given them a machine wash at 40C and half an hour in the a low heat dryer and I've gotta say the fit is a lot lot better. More fitted in the seat and legs but the leg length is still the same and also the waist. I know a lot of purists don't like this sort of thing but to me its all about the fit and the good thing is my job lets me wear them 8 hours a day, 6 days a week HARD so I'd say I'll probably get a half decent fade on them anyway.

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