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Samurai Jeans


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5000 24oz / 710 x T5 21oz / 710 19oz / 5000 17oz



Wow, what a hardcore faded collection seen here!

I can't stop watching them and can't wait to see other side pic as well

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Had an amazing time going all over Ueno yesterday.  Got a pair of S710xx and s0510xx from Americaya.  I really wanted to pick up a denim jacket, but I struck out on that.


We'll be back over there today at the Tokyo National Museum and I'll prob stop back in the shops and pick up a sweatshirt from Hinoya or something like that.


Also, the price on IH is so good here that I might have to get a pair of 634s.

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Those 0500xx's are looking real good. Really one of my favorite jeans that I've ever owned. Had to retire mine; I'm just not as small as I once was and the waist just doesn't fit as comfortably anymore... but that denim! Didn't know that they came with the black arcs either!

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Oh, I see! My pair were lot 10s, and I had bought them from BiG at that time and they took off all the arches entirely :/... which was sad but I don't blame them because that Levi's lawsuit was in full force.  What does that N in the 13N stand for?

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Those 0500xx's are looking real good. Really one of my favorite jeans that I've ever owned. Had to retire mine; I'm just not as small as I once was and the waist just doesn't fit as comfortably anymore... but that denim! Didn't know that they came with the black arcs either!


Denim jeans has the tendency to shrink further when stored for a long spell.

Most instances it's the waist__ can't button up.

If they used to fit right before retiring them & u dint really gain much @waist in the interim__ chances are, U can stretch them back out to fit ;)

What I do is, 1) get them warm soaked to refresh the fabric; 2) carefully tug to stretch @the waistband [by section to prevent from ripping them apart :)]__ just enough so U can => 3) button up & chuck a stick/hanger against the waist as they dry ... w/c was exactly what we used to do when downsizing on RAWs, right ?!

Edited by BrownMetallic
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Im throwing in the towel and selling through my stacks of 34" jeans that will never fit again to put the money towards things that will fit my new robust physique.


Anyone have experience with the stretch on the 24oz 710s they can share? From looking at BIG it seems these shrink from tagged size. Do these stretch back a bit?


 I had a pair of the anniv 25 oz 710s and sized them anticipating them to stretch back out and they kind of never did so I don't want to make that mistake again... but this isn't the same material.

Edited by ColdStorage
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@CS - I have a pair of anniv 25oz 510's (like pudaspriest's above) and I found they stretched a lot, nearly back to original size. Even after some hot washes and hot dryer cycles in an attempt to shrink them. Not sure if that's useful info or not... I have no experience w/ the 24oz, but am curious to hear opinions about it. 

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They have these releasing over the year:



And as I know Samurai they will reveal some more over the course of the year.

There will also be some kind of official Samurai contest this year but I dunno how it should work

Edited by beautiful_FrEaK
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They have these releasing over the year:



And as I know Samurai they will reveal some more over the course of the year.

There will also be some kind of official Samurai contest this year but I dunno how it should work

Is the 511 a new cut? And I have been seeing a lot of the twisted wefts going around. I think Japan Blue just came out with one.

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Yep, the 511 is a new cut. By the look of the silhouette and from what I understood probably a regular cut with stronger taper.

Looks like I will be purchasing a new pair of jeans in the near future. I hope Denimio gets this in Stock. If not I'm looking to travel to Japan this summer so maybe I will try to get them from the source.

I would order them right now but it doesn't look like they have any measurements.

Edited by Babyson
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I remember seeing that link awhile back and thinking the denim on that WWII pair looked really nice.

I should try out the Samurai 15 oz. denim at some point.

Edited by Broark
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Hey everyone,


Just an update on my S710's since I've received them back. Prior to the alterations, I felt like they weren't getting as much wear as they should, due to the length as well as the fit. While scouring the forums, someone had mentioned that Railcar Fine Goods does great alteration work so therefore I decided it was necessary to send these in and have them adjusted to my liking. 


I essentially have a new pair of denim now! These were purchased in 2011, being worn for 1.5 years straight then finally being worn periodically. With these being my first pair of "premium" denim, I don't think I will ever part with them.




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